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Finally picked it up on Friday. Absolutely loving it! Always wanted a Impreza STi and the Blobeye is my favourite of the newage models so had to be the one to get. Managed to find a really nice condition one with only 63500 on it from 2003 :) . Had to be blue too ;)

Better pics will follow, these were quick ones with my Phone.

Not had a proper blast in it yet. Went straight to see my bro's for the weekend after picking it up (my nephew now thinks its the coolest car ever :) ). But done some 'point and squirt' driving in it and the acceleration is something else! Cant wait to see how it handles in the dry when pushing on. Its had a fast road geo setup already done, the old owner said he'd had it set to be quite neutral with the ability to slide the back end out a bit. Need a big open space to test. Surprised just how comfy it is too, although it has got coilovers fitted.

Current spec:

Boost Solenoid

BC coilovers with Fast Road geo setup

2 point strut brace

Full exhaust system with down pipe cat delete

K&N Filter

Remap to 332bhp and 330ftlb

Ugraded discs and EBC pads all round.

As for my future plans, im going to get a front splitter (seen a couple with them and finishes the front off nicely).

I'm going to change the alloys I think, not keen on these really. Not looked into them a great deal yet but from my small amount of browsing I'm loving the Rota's I'm seeing. Some of the Revolution ones I've seen are very nice too.

Also seen a few with de-ambered and black headlamps which I really like so looking to source some of those at some point.

Going to look into upgrading the rest of the braking system too as they feel pretty spongy and don't really slow the car until you push on the pedal pretty hard - although I am getting used to this.

Might get a proper induction kit too. Will get it mapped with this just to eek that tiny bit more power out and get some overrun pops and crackles mapped in too.

Apart from that all my money will be spent keeping it in as good condition as possible, keeping it well maintained and to continue to increase its handling capabilities.




  • Like 3

Beautiful looking car mate I think a fantastic buy and a great first Scoob to own. :)


And I agree I think front spliters do make the car look better 

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Thanks man!

Im hoping its dry tomorrow, going to go for a proper drive if it is now that I'm back home and see how it handles some of my favourite roads. Then give it a good wash, polish and wax ready for JAE this weekend. :)

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Nice remember get some pictures to share we like our picture's of the weekend I don't mind if there not all Subaru's but helps with any future brown nosing. Other wise I don't mind sexual favours or beer  :lol: But hope the wether is good for you I take it you will be camping. Had nothing but thunder storms here today on the east coast, and I washed my car yesterday :( 


while I was waiting for a remap I found your shape Scooby with Rota Grids on ill get it off my phone and post so you can see.


Do like the Rotas and that car certainly makes a statement - full on, I like it!


yeah it is a crazy car tbh, the problem I found when looking for Rotas is that just about every scoob has them and in the end this is what put me off buying them, but im just weird like that :)


Nah, I agree. The more common something is the more I go off it. Plus it's made the price skyrocket. But those Rota's are something else. Especially in black.


But I'm also not keen on rolling my arches so I'm probably not going to go with that style since they're are normally 9" wide from the ones I've seen. I've not got the cash yet anyway so will worry about that closer to the time.

& Gambit, don't worry mate, Ill be taking plenty of pics ;) Are any of you lot going? Will pop over and say hello if you are.


must admit that probably will put me off the Rotas in the long run - popularity


unfortunately cant make it this time :(


I will see closer to the time I want to go but I work silly hour's I can have parts of a day off and be called out at 7pm like the past two night and fuel penny's plays a factor :D 


lovely blue blob you have there and some healthy power to go with the fats road geo setup


only thing i don't like is the wheels it currently sits on


have you read up about the brake stopper mod?? suppose to make the car feel much better under braking


I keep toying with the idea of doing what the vag boys do, most run Porsche, merc, even Bentley rims on their vw's, it's as easy for us to do as the stud patterns are the same between us and vag motors all we would need is the adapters to change pcd


Thanks for the advice on the brake stopper mod. Just been reading up on it and does sound very promising. Will get one of those before spending a fortune on lines, discs, pads etc.

I have got used to them now but definitely don't feel as confident in them as Id like.

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Right, I'm thinking of upping the power a bit. 332 is all well and good but I've just got it in my head its has to be 350+. And after a ride in my mates 380bhp Evo 9 I'm wanting just that little bit more of a kick. :)

First of all is it safe to have these running 350 and over on stock internals? From the research I've done there's a lot of conflicting info, what's your guys experience? And any parts I should uprate or change for new as a precaution when chasing that bit more power? Like the oil pump?

Ill be getting some gauges I think to monitor boost, oil temp and pressure so I can quickly and easily see if anything isn't working quite right at that level.

And lastly what's the best way of going about getting some more powwweeeerrr? As mentioned it has a 3 port boost solenoid, K&N drop in panel filter, exhaust system with down pipe de cat and ecutek ecu remap. With my civic it was as simple as bolting on some breathing mods and getting it mapped. I'm not 100% sure how to go about it on this, upping the power on turbo engines seems to be quite a different job.

It'll be a while before I actually do this since I've only just got it, got some things to pay off and need to save up. But I want to start planning it, looking for and pricing parts, find out just how much it'll cost etc.

Thanks in advance! :D

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As a stock engine with no mods I wouldn't go past 330 myself to be safe. You would need to upgrade a few parts 1st is my advice.

I just want to ask was you driving the Evo 9 or a passenger. It will always feel fast if you are not driving it.

And if you are meeting with Ash and his mate at the garage for that meeting I would have words with them about any upgrades and pushing that BHP up :) 

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Yeah that's fair enough, but which parts would you recommend upgrading?

And I drove it :) I know what you're saying about being a passenger but that felt quite a bit more brutal even driving it.

Haha I need that meet with Ash to happen sooner!


haha whys that nick, can pop down anytime. infact if you need a visit to the garage I can go down with you as mine it turns out has no gaskets on the heads, or sump :) and as such is leaking oil :) .


Just a bit of weee advice if your planning on running big power and im not trying to put you off its just ive looked into it , STI internals and closed block are good for over 450bhp if it has Forged internals, standard cooler is good for 300 maybe more, STI intercooler is good for over 350 but by this stage most start to Run front mount intercoolers but beware of the lag,  turbo again is down to preference but steer well away from the over priced billet turbos from Scooby clinic ( which arnt even made by them they are imported and have there names added) id be looking at Either an Andy forrest turbo hybrid or get in touch with turbo Dynamics ( good company ) built my current stage 3 hybrid for fez RS, Bigger injectors and Fuel pump will be needed as well.


I would and this is purely down to my preference get a multi stage boost controller and have 3 maps put on it, Race obviously most power, Town some boost, and eco next to no boost.


I think the power that you have now is bang on what I would want any more and you risk taking it past daily driver and lets face it more power/less reliable, but I too have the power bug :) hope this helps. :)

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the guy that runs Cams performance in Blackburn got this from standard internals


Brian Coward (STi Type UK) 490.6 bhp 407.8 lb/ft


this was my first rolling road day with a group of subarus, i owned golf at the time, didn't take long for me to bin it for a scooby :lol:


Just to let you know for future miggs the STI type Uk come with forged internals and as such can take more power.


Wow braver man then me but I guess he can rebuild if he blow's it :)

this is a guy that spends thousands on building some awesome track cars then after a few races sells the parts for peanuts, he's not to bothered if he blows something as he's got an abundance of parts to rebuild it, also i think this was more a f**k you to some other forum goers on the main forum he's on as everyone said it couldn't be done and it would explode if he tried running it hard



Just to let you know for future miggs the STI type Uk come with forged internals and as such can take more power.

i didn't know that pal, cheers, i love learning new stuff, makes it easy for me to win future arguments with people who "know better" lol

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and Ash, that wasn't meant to sound condescending, so sorry if that's the way it came across, it was meant genuinely ;)

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