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Anyone go to the Autosport show?

Impreza abuser

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Have been a couple of times but too many things on this year - didn't even manage to make the charity run on Sunday as I was under my lads colt sorting brakes and wheels out 😞

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7 hours ago, Jay762 said:

Have been a couple of times but too many things on this year - didn't even manage to make the charity run on Sunday as I was under my lads colt sorting brakes and wheels out 😞

What a good dad. Hope he took notes from your wisdom.

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Yeah you would like to think but on this occasion no - He is an aspiring Tom Cruise - Cocktail not Top Gun, he got back in at 04:00 in the morning from his shift and was back at work 12 hours later so he was well asleep, one of the challenges, he works strange shifts and I work away. He has spent some time with me twirling spanners so servicing etc he is now doing on his own but troubleshooting not so much 😊 

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