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hey guys,


So today I took my car back to the garage that serviced the car (last Friday). They to lift the engine up to change the plugs, however for some reason my steering wheel is now leaning to the left a little when driving straight. I've had the tracking checked (which was fine) and all four wheel rebalanced. But still the steering wheel is to the left a few notches? edit - but the car isnt pulling to the left, it will drive straight, just the wheel is of centre.


I called the garage up the other day, he said to pop it in on Friday, went today, spoke to a different guy, who just moaned and said to come back next saturday. He was whinging about the engine being a VVT and how awkward it is or something?


So, firstly, whats a VVT engine? and secondly, does anyone have any idea of what the mechanics could have done thats LED to the steering wheel leaning to the left? Someone said that when they have lifted the engine up, they aint put the steering wheel straight when they have sat it back down again?


Any ideas chaps?


thanks in advance


Oh and yes, A different garage next time. lol


Vvt variable valve timing which adjust the timing during certain rev ranges to get the most out of the cams .

can't see that making it more awkward as it's just different cam pulleys and a few extra wires/ sensors.

As far as the car pulling to the left because the wheels weren't straight when refitting the engine I doubt that very much .

if the trackings ok I'd start by checking that all droplinks ,balljoints and bushes are tight around the front wishbones , just in case they've not tightened something up . also I wouldn't drive it to far untill it's been resolved as if something is loose it might cause a accident .

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hi thanks for the reply,


sorry, i dont think i explained the problem very well. The car isn't pulling the left, its just that the steering wheel isn't straight and is leaning to the left when driving.


Oh that makes a bit more sence about the steering wheel not being in the correct position when they reconnected the track rod ends , as that might cause it to be of centered , but i think only if they completely removed or loosened one of the track rod ends .

I'd ask them to put it right as they obviously did something to cause the problem in the first place .

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Oh that seems to make sense.


Well I called them up earlier in the week and explained the issue, one of the decent mechanics told me to to pop in today. i spoke to some other guy (who was a bit of a knob) he wants me to take it back next Saturday. 


So, they may have removed/loosened the track rod ends and the wheel wasn't straight when they connected the rod ends back up? 


That's ridiculous, I would go in tomorrow mid morning when they are bussiest and start kicking up a fuss in front of customers. And then if they don't want to take any notice or try and tell you to come back later tell them to expect a letter from your Lawyer as they are in breach of section 13 of The Supply of Goods and Services act 1982 which states 'In a contract for the supply of a service where the supplier is acting in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill.' Obviously they either didn't carry out the service with the reasonable skill or care. And then gently remind them they could be liable to pay losses if you need your vehicle for work as you don't think its safe to drive.


I would then start naming and shaming over the internet, assuming they are a independent or small chain this will directly affect their business and they will take notice of it. All of this has worked for me in the past. But it depends on how aggressive you want to be. Saved me £100 on my computer when I got that repaired, agreed to £25 to find problem, went to talk to them and they tried to charge me £125 because they had fixed it, tried to bully me into paying and said they would sell my computer. Started quoting the act and they gave in quickly (different section of the act but covers payment), still tried to charge me £50 but I refused and they agreed to £25.


As soon as they realize you know your stuff and aren't the average punter they normally give in as they realize you know whats what. You do have to be able to hold your own if you employ this tactic and not scared of them. It generally works though.


As for what is causing the steering wheel to be to one side I am not sure.

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Does sound sloppy, I would want give it a good look at & on a ramp to make sure no signs of things being damaged from jacking things up ...

Steering wheel can only be out if wheel taken off & put back on a few splines out or if track rods adjusted & wheel not centred prior to adjustment, also possible steering rack pushed out of position slightly ...

Deffo needs looking at & I would suggest looking yourself while on a ramp or getting someone with some knowledge have a look too as not sounding the most trustworthy of shops ...

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Awful service that mate shocking. And if they had a ramp free at the time it wouldn't have hurt for them to take a quick look while you was there :( 

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Don't blame you mate touch would every mechanic I've met I've ended up friends with so. Well 3 of them one does my MOT's 

another will do small jobs that I can't do without tools and Martin in Sheffield will do any others for me hopefully anyway :) 


I wouldn't be going there again, I'm sure people would appreciate if you named the garage so other members in your area don't make the mistake of going there. Although I will leave that up to your judgement. Hope it all gets sorted quickly


The fact they had to lift the engine to change the plugs show they know little about Scoobs.

Any competent professional mechanic who knows scoobs would know, all you need to do is remove the washer tank and the air box to get access to the plugs.

Ok it's a bit fiddliy but it's a lot less work than lifting the engine.

In Future I'd steer :) well clear of them if were you.


The garage is called PATS, in horden,Peterlee. Generally they are pretty good, priced well and don't rip people off. Although they seem to know very little about scoobs.


Pete most garages I know even specialists will sometimes lift the engine a bit to get to the rears ones a little easier. I don't mean by lots just enough to get at them. 


I never actually got this issue sorted, as I don't really wanna leave it with the garage that caused it in the first place. 


But the steering wheel not being straight is doing my head in.


Tempted to take it down to the Scooby guys in Sheffield.

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