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Siluro last won the day on August 14 2022

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    2007 WRX

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  1. Thanks I had a cobra Sport cat fitted last year as the original cats rotted, i was told beyond repair. That past MOT 12 months ago. So probably stupidly I never thought to keep the old pipes. No it was not hot. I tried to arrange that but some where between the receptionist and the tester that information did not get relayed. I took it in after a good thrash expecting them to do the emissions test fairly quickly but he took 50 mins while it idled. I been told what have said and you another that has confirmed it. I will try and get it organised better and see if it passes as I have till this monday, it is a daily driver and only car. I kinda annoyed they did not listen or think about what I was actually asking. Out of interest I got a quote from Subaru for the cat sections and they want £1700 and it special order, none in the country. The guy said the same get it hot. Will the 2.0 litre WRX version fit 2.5, anyone know?
  2. Hi, I am looking for anyone that can fabricate the catalytic convertors. Subaru have quoted me £1700 for a new one and it is special order and could take 2 months to be delivered. I currently have Cobra Sports cat on it and it has failed the emissions test. Not that keen on 2nd hand ones that are 17 years old, if I could find one. Anyone know of a place that could fabricate one for me or add a cat to my cobra? Thanks Siluro
  3. I have them on my WRX and they make a minor clicking noise which has to be the J hooks. I be interested if yours does the same.
  4. My Hawk the aerial is included with the rear window heater elements, that what I thought anyway. I know there is not external aerial. http://opposedforces.com/parts/impreza/en_g11/type_39/electronic/audio_parts_antenna/illustration_2/ Not sure what this is telling me
  5. Not sure if this helps but my 2007 WRX allows the water to get to 97C before the fans kick in while idling. Temp drops to 86C and this repeats. Some numbers for you to compare. I monitored this with OBD reader as I just replaced my radiator. Good luck
  6. Good luck I do know that Scooby's can be a pain to bleed. Fill slowly and bleed from highest point, if EJ turbo that not from the radiator cap. Even the dealerships do not know this basic procedure. Always bleed from highest point.
  7. I put a Cobra one on my Hawk as the stock one broke. It just passed the MOT they had to get it warm before they did the analyser part. If you can run it with lots of boost to get CAT hot it will do better. A lot of sports CATs need this. Got 2nd MOT soon so I will find out. As Tidgy says they seem to be hit and miss as others have no issues. Cobra do state it will pass an MOT.
  8. https://akppro.ru/en/magazine/article/tr-580.html If it is a CVT then I guess as many as it wants. Continuously Variable Transmission
  9. https://www.westwayoils.co.uk/collections/engine-oils Anyone heard or used these before.
  10. It is just a WRX, nice one at that. High tax, high MPG etc. I cannot see it being worth loads as Tidgy says, so many STI and special editions to compete with.
  11. He did not road test mine and that something I never thought about until speaking to you. I agree that should be done.
  12. Wheels falling of is super strange and not being able to solve it is even stranger. I know off topic but still to do with car sales. My father signed up for a new seat that was supposed to be delivered last august, then this april and now he been told it is this month. In the mean time Seat have said for the 1st year the car will be registered with them. Ur WTF. This is to stop my dad selling it at a profit and still undercutting the current dealers price as the price has rose that much. Some insurance companies will not insure the car in his name due to this. Now the insurance ombudsman is involved so he may be waiting longer. At every point they have tried to get my dad to cancel. Of course they want him to cancel so they can sell the car at current price to someone else.
  13. Could it be eddy currents off the big electric motors. Skimmping on shielding.
  14. Is it worth replacing the water pump while your at it too, if you throwing money at your new toy. Pictures????
  15. Never miss an opportunity to plug Duncan. What did he do out of interest? Is there a thread somewhere. Fingers crossed 25000K later still doing fine but you keep putting the wind up me. BTW my reasoning for using Duncan was based on the fact he did it RCM which was also fairly local. I expected RCM to at least have some standards. I guess they just rent him the road.
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