Just looked at that online,, sounds awesome,, prob need a few drums of v power in the boot though lol dunno how many shell garages be away up there lol
Karts are !Removed! at knockhill,, av heard raceland in Stirling is good though, but would defo be gd to go a wee run with a gd few of us in our scoobys., through wee villages etc 😂
That’s where I got my 60 k service done from Andy at r,a ,, knows his stuff eh, av never been to crail, no interested in taking it up strip but still fancy going sometime anyway
If u have there names then get them on Facebook and ask them about the car, can’t do any harm ,, if your getting it serviced at a tuning shop they’ll prob have a gd idea what’s been done,, I think most folk map hatch’s straight away Cos seemingly can get the map help to prevent ringland, am no car expert though lol I just drive mine fast and take it to motorsport shop when it needs summing lol
Does Anyone know where I can get blue sti seat belt pads ,, blue pads with pink sti stitched in it,, already have a set but my the one on my drives side is well work ,, av looked averywhere abs can only find black with pink sti
Hi mate ,, u should probably start saving so u can forge the engine lol., think hatches are are meant to be bad for ringland failure ,, looks smart though,, I was gonna buy a 330s hatch but the whole ringland thing put me off