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Everything posted by BlackBosh

  1. Brakes are still pretty stuffed so could be, I've only noticed left but as I say i started being a bit easier on her as soon as I heard it there is every possibility it does it when turning right as well
  2. Whats this pill you refer to never checked the boost on mine but would be awesome if a few standard psi were to be had from her
  3. So I get a knocking/grinding noise on full lock when i boot it. I dont do it anymore so no longer hear it what could it be as I say its under load and near full lock when it does it
  4. Saw a lad on camp with a scooby hes going down with his club. See him every night doing last little bits so jealous
  5. I find you get waves off people who must be in their second cars as i do it in mine without realising and usually get one back haha
  6. Want mine :) not exactly scooby but just got back from wales on the bike nice 5 hour ride in perfect weather. As usual only time i nearly came off was doing 10mph through some lights with a gravel patch
  7. I wave to everyone and am yet to be blanked by another Scooby driver. All over the country in a scooby? Madness
  8. And we can all stop obsessing over something as unimportant in life as this.
  9. Probably should. I shall pull apart today and see if theres a potential blown bulb
  10. Usual story for me if I'm home I'll go
  11. Haha thats why then i know their car parks like the back of my hand now. Ye stants came down in scooby £20 gone but was a good drive :)
  12. Maybe I was dreaming, I get a light in the dash not behind the button
  13. Picked up too late man was too far away wouldve turned around but had gf with me and thought it would be a bit unfair. Next time ey?
  14. If I can get there it will be after 8 still worth coming down
  15. If I can get there it will be after 8 still worth coming down
  16. What is this bung you speak of?? Sounds like a tampon for your car! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Hit and miss if I'll make it, may not be in the scoob if I do Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. I don't have a front one but back one lights up
  19. Helps when your best mate is the painter at the scooby garage down the road :D
  20. Sweet now i just need the funds to buy one
  21. What do i need to fit a single or double din head unit im sick of radio need my phone for music. I'm not a cd person
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