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Everything posted by BlackBosh

  1. Probably aim to get there for about 7 off to go do my brakes now
  2. gaulson you mean 'll The apostrophe replaces the u as its more of a grunt from what I've heard
  3. Think I will tbf i didnt really look on the map as to where it was so was just guessing, I've used £90 of fuel since I got back from kenya sunday morning though tomorrow's mission is replacing the brakes as i killed them tonight. Luckily scoobies have grip otherwise I would have left this forum sideways through a drystone wall on fire. It wasn't the best time for my brakes to tell me they'd had enough
  4. 5s? I just picked one up on sunday massive improvement over the 4s already in the habit of the fingerprint id
  5. I maybe able to come to this one. Will be from north leeds area
  6. Weird one and not my usual listening but i stumbled across it and have a soft spot for it Give it a chance about 30 seconds in the beat drops and it just gets me in such a driving mood i usually end up sticking it on repeat 3 or 4 times Other wise its anything by muse for the changes in tempo and music style that i never get bored of
  7. Set fire to my brakes! Guess I've missed her a little bit :)
  8. I'm dreading how cold its gonna be when I get back its nearly always 30'C just lovely
  9. No light on mine I must have a super cat in the up pipe lol I have a scan gauge that can clear codes but it will just come on again, my friend has a classic and doesn't get the light unless he cruises for a long time don't worry about it unless you're gonna have an mot before remapping
  10. Looked longingly at a picture of her, as still in kenya. So glad I decided to drive it down to camp so I can play as soon as I'm back home. Seem to remember having a fair bit of fuel left in as well WINNING
  11. I must have been lucky then my down pipe has 2 holes and a blanking nut for both types and ye you're right the 2nd o2 sensor is under the car near the gearbox
  12. Thats a before and after shot im guessing shopped to show the difference, not getting the brakes haha
  13. Hi gambit have you missed me? Ah well **** happens I still hope to make it down shame its probably not gonna be till the next one when I'm on the stand
  14. I do like the look of that but the largest one I have its really obvious and sort of shoves in your face. Size doesn't bother me its all about how it sits in the bumper. So some progress from the equatorw whats peoples opinions of these going on my blob, they are a light shade of gold which will probably change soon. no points for guessing which model they are off btw
  15. and classic to sewage as long as you go complete system so I found out. Brownie points to subaru
  16. I remember on my old french forum (serious) that you had to sign up for something else and other stuff before this rating system worked. I am not a fan of more passwords and usernames so would have to be something built into this website but I do agree it is a good idea. On a side note a sticky with peoples eBay usernames and uksoc usernames linked together as a way of registering for more established members? Just chucking ideas out
  17. I am one unhappy mother chuffer. The night I said I'd pay you I broke my phone trying to jailbreak it so no internet, then I flew out to Kenya which isn't exactly the centre of the universe regarding internet connectivity. I really want to go still so will leave this here Anyone no longer able to attend PM me I will buy your ticket off you It's a long shot I know but I had committed to this and then the universe turned on me. If not I will come and find you guys on the day and park in the car park, peace.
  18. You won't be disappointed. Oh and the smell, I'm jealous of cars that get to smell me as I pull away lol Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. I like it even more so as it's all facing the same way, when I did this a couple of years ago the amount of times I had to redo pieces cause the light caught it wrong and made random bits stick out like a sore thumb. May do mine though what colour/style I'm not sure Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. I will pay tonight G x
  21. Please do, im not a fan of the way if goes narrow before the silencer
  22. I didn't, don't think it suits the car as it is, and the bottom one looks really stealthy goes with the rest of the car wth it being so standard Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Today had a play with my choice of backboxes bottom one is fitted middle is my old ninja 2, this lost a lot of the character and just made it a bit droney and the top one was similar to the bottom one so decided i preferred the look of the bottom one
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