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Everything posted by hilli182

  1. ah sorry just re read your comment lol, both on same day
  2. whens the thorsby show, i went a few year ago with my mx5, was quite good
  3. Ok thanks for that everyone :-)
  4. Just wondering which spark plugs are best for a 2000 turbo? Going to look at mine one evening this week to see if they are the cause of my juddering at low revs, usually I would go straight for NGK iridium ones but wondered if anybody else has had experience with any others like denso etc or the NGK platinum's?
  5. hilli182

    Mx5 banter

    Fair point. I loved mine and like you say handle like a kart
  6. hilli182

    Mx5 banter

    I had one for 2 years. Which one they got. I had a mk1 and loved it. People who say it's a girls car have no idea what it's like to drive :-)
  7. Must use different ones up near me then lol Picking my car back up from Manchester airport in few hours :-)
  8. That's a very good point. Mines literally 2 minutes away
  9. there a tenner each from ebay so extra 3 quid to have it there an then is worth it in my opinion
  10. http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/categorydisplay_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_categoryId_165505_langId_-1 6.50/7.50 for standard cans, i think it may be the same for mixing but dont quote em on that ight be a tenner or so. The last on i had had the same nozzle as the ebay ad and they show you the mix before the can it so if your not happy they can change it etc. As i say i've found them really good but i'm abit impatient about waiting for things lol so they are just easier too
  11. Halfrauds are actually quite good with paints. Or at least the branch near me is. The nozzles are the same as the ones on that eBay listing and can get them there and then. I'm never 100% convinced buying paint on ebay personally you never know if it is a real pain manufacturer or a bloke in his shed haha Think I'm going to tackle my small rust bubbles at some point :-) not sure where I'll get paint from yet
  12. The new viper looks !Removed! amazing on the bill board here
  13. Not really a fan of that particular viper lol. Love the original 1996/97
  14. if you give halfords your reg they will mix the paint to exact colour in either a touch up or spray can, I've done this a few times now
  15. viper is probably my all time dream car, the original gts blue with white stripes, got gran turismo 1 to blame for that. In fact because of gt1 when i was quite young my 3 top cars to own are viper, supra and impreza, one down 2 to go :) Theres a massive advertising board that goes over the highway here for the new viper, its sooooo damn nice
  16. PM me your PayPal details I'll have a set posted please. Then can start prepping for shows :-) never been on a club stand before :-)
  17. Think I'm going to have to get rust bubbles removed from arches before going. Not sure whether to tackle it my self or not. I did it on my 100nx but that was only a few hundred quid car so no risk to ruining it. So 10.52 all in then?
  18. Put my name down. It's my daughters 3rd birthday the 18th and going to alton towers so going to tie the 2 together :-)
  19. The integras sounded awesome. Love the looks of them too
  20. How much are they with pnp then. I'll have some for northern big one and donny japfest :-)
  21. I'm all over this. Looks epic. How do we go about going on the club stand then?
  22. couple of dc5's, one of my other favorite cars on the road :)
  23. so i went to the autodrome as there was free entry into the ngk series, was much lower key than i expected, only a hand full of cars inside a clio race spec an independent team
  24. I've only seen 3 scoobs here. A white hatch and 2 saloon versions of the hatch. I have some of the touring cars to put on later. Not great tho as it was a lot quieter than I thought it would be
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