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Everything posted by hilli182

  1. its only really the same as saying wrx / sti / uk spec etc etc But just for you Dave ;) I had a 97 civic hatchback, a 2003 civic coupe, Mrs has a 2003 civic hatchback and the brother has a 2003 civic type r Like you say its just what you get used t calling them I guess
  2. I'm going to have to stick up for the honda here lol, I've owned 2 civics, an (1997) EK and (2003) EM2, my mrs has a (2003) EP hatch and my brother has a (2002) EP3 type r pushing 250bhp, which annoyingly is faster than my scoob but thats another story. As far as N/A goes I agree with nick, They are the best and most fun engines you can get plus they are bullet proof on reliability. For what you get they are pretty cheap to buy and run which in turn attracts some of the muppets to buy them but what can you do. They don't have the punch of a turbo like the Impreza but they don't half sound good screaming its nuts off at 8k rpm :) They handle like a !Removed! go-kart too. All in all a very good car in my opinion. Obviously I saw the light and upgraded to the Subaru world though and I am much happier with it,
  3. Took mine for a country road blast last night. As some of you know I've been having minor problems with possible maf sensor trouble etc. When I took it yesterday it pulled like an impreza should do and never missed a beat. Same today too. !Removed! good fun owing it but it's frustrating at times too lol. See how long it lasts before it throws another tantrum at me
  4. It does seem like a massive amount to be spending on a car which you won't get much gain from. £580 seems a lot for an exhaust but that's just me. Might as well keep your £1k in your pocket and put it towards a turbo model.... Or as gambit said spend on the styling instead I'd just do back box and induction kit if you want it to sound better but you won't get much else from adding the other stuff All just personal opinions end if the day though :-)
  5. I think all the cars should have their own characteristics. Some will be more powerful. Some will handle better but across the board isn't that what makes good racing if some are better in certain areas? Should all even out through a race :-)
  6. Maybe I've missed a point. The form just has address and car info etc on. Where / who do we pay there doesn't seem to be payment details on other than price. (Unless it sends you to another page once filled in)
  7. Depending on the timing of races I have later I might be able to join in
  8. I've got exactly same problems. Annoying as hell isn't it Some good replies and more things for me to check
  9. I'm still in but will pay on payday. But short at the minute as usual
  10. I guess it doesn't have to be from that exact part just needs to be a perm feed and switched feed which can be from the !Removed! lighter or stereo... any suggestions where's the easiest place to connect to then Just thinking out loud. could i take both from back of stereo?
  11. I haven't been on since last race so haven't used any new ones. If you could send me new tunes that would be great thanks
  12. That's another colour combination I've read then lol. This is what's frustrating why don't the just do it a universal way rather than by the looks of it using what ever cable they could find at the time.
  13. Is it just me or was 22b lacking in power a bit? Just seems like it had less guts but might just be me...
  14. Yep that's the one. Go faster stripes with signatures must add ££££ s
  15. If its on at 6 it will be a re run. Think I've seen it if it is a re run. They get a bug eye in silver
  16. Why are they so awkward making these things lol. I assumed the red is 12v but could be wrong. If I cut it can always be connected back together I guess I'll leave this bit till last and carry on with the rest, see if anyone else has any idea
  17. Google searches are annoying me now as every page gives a different answer I'm fitting my apxei timer and need to know which wires on this harness are 12v constant power source and which goes off to a 12v ignition switched power source (it is the plug from left hand side of steering column) I did think I knew the answer but Google searches are throwing me now so help would be appreciated.
  18. Saturday this weekend would be better for me or ill have to miss a week and start with a deficit My own fault though so just let me know when it's arranged
  19. Are we still doing Sundays? Just realised I'll be missing out this Sunday damit
  20. Are we on to start Sunday then?
  21. hilli182

    Ace video

    I wondered how the hell he did it until I saw the cart. Still some good skills
  22. hilli182

    Ace video

    This is just plain brilliant and also funny. Well I had a slight chuckle anyways
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