tried to order 4 all season tyres for the missus astra from
My bank blocked the payment (as the seller is in Germany). So I contacted the bank and confirmed it was me then waited an hour before trying again. Turns out !Removed! tyreleader has put the price up each tyre by 10 quid!. Cheeky !Removed!, they can sod right off.
Check out sheffield subaru service mate,
for the exhaust, you could check out longlife dealers in your area. I'm sure there will be plenty of exhaust places in Sheffield.
Shame the Police didnt think of using the money on a few extra bobbies rather than a BMW with all the gubbins. What was wrong with the old unmarked police cars?
I'm so glad I've got a dash cam. I must get cut up almost two to three times a week and I only have a short 4-5mile commute to work. Most of the time it's idiots pulling out on roundabouts or not looking over their left/right shoulders and cutting me up.
could always go for a 1.5Impreza mate, would be less on the insurance. (but probably still expensive).
I'd imagine that you are going to pay through the nose for insurance on a 2ltr impreza mate.