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Everything posted by tom_gr7

  1. hi mate welcome, looking forward to seeing some pictures. A Subaru for your first car, not bad mate :)
  2. welcome to the club mate. Pictures are mandatory btw mate :)
  3. I'm no car guru, so i'll advise the best as i can mate. 2006 I've got a 2.0R legacy and completely love it. Really nice to drive and the AWD is great in the winter and gives the car a nice solid/planted feeling when driving. If i was to get another legacy, I'd almost certainly get a 3.0ltr rather than a 2.0 or a 2.5ltr. The 3ltr is a 6clyinder engine and yes it is chain driven. Both the 2ltr and 2.5ltr's are not chain driven. I believe the 3ltrs are about 240bhp compared to about 165ish in the 2.0R's. Certainly worth checking out the service history. Oh and the 3ltr post 2006 versions are £480 per year in tax. The pre 2006 versions are £285 afaik. I cant comment on the mpg of the 3ltr's but it will run best on shell vpower or tesco momentum. in my 2.0 I tend to get around 35mpg the majority of the time. With the legacy's you have to watch the rear wheel arches(there's a lip that tends to collect **** and rusts). Also if the exhaust is a twin exit, you will need to check the Y piece, as these tend to rot/rust - easiest solution is to have a stainless steel exhaust fitted cost ya about 400-500 quid. - Unless its been done already that is. oh and I find legacy parts easily available, importcarparts and Ebay tend to sell everything required. There's a seller on ebay called Impartsb46 who sells genuine subaru parts brand new and cheap. Hope this helps. We have a couple of 3ltr members that I'm sure will be able to advise :)
  4. lol get it on twitter and facebook too :)
  5. Camping again this weekend, theres a few scoobs here, 3ltr outback, 2ltr diesel xv and a 2ltr foz xt... planning to pop along m say hello :)
  6. Hi mate, Check ebay, plenty of breakers on there, im sure someone will have one.
  7. I'd take it to a specialist first, get the suspension looked at and checked over first. You could take it to these guys in Buxton, up harpur hill way i think. - http://www.autotecnica-subaru.co.uk/ I've not used them, but i've heard good things about them. Ps, im from your neck of the woods :)
  8. lol, Where on earth is Brid?
  9. yeah mate, lovely. Needs some nicer alloys and a spoiler though :) Unfortunately, i dont think i'll be upgrading anytime soon. I've got a holiday in Cyprus to pay off and a wedding to pay for, then buy a house n have kids... lol she's got it all planned out haha
  10. Yea, found a lovely red mk4 b4 blitzen. Will try and edit the link in (on my phone atm) http://www.goodmayesmotors.co.uk/used-car-subaru-legacy-saloon-1529
  11. Ive been lookinh at legacy imports again. :(
  12. hahah brilliant. You changed the cabin filter? that's worth doing, its only a few quid and easy to do.
  13. which camera have you got mate?
  14. yeah what a load of EU !Removed!, discontinued because of !Removed! emissions! (and no i dont read the daily mail) You can however, import yourself a 3.6ltr legacy or outback from Japan. (the recent models too i believe). - Although I'm not sure what the tax would be.
  15. thats a lovely looking legacy mate :)
  16. sounds good mate, get some braided lines on too :)
  17. ah i see, I went for pagid's myself. Seem to do the job nicely.
  18. which discs and pads did you get mate?
  19. well, I finally found time to report back. I've used the mitt on three cars so far and I have to say I'm very impressed. It makes "claying" really easy, Certainly worth a tenner.
  20. I bought an SOC mug from mufflebox last night, got an email saying there was a sale on... only cost me a fiver...
  21. Wash, clayed (with the mitt), then gloss protected, then waxed with my new meguiars ultimate paste wax. - Which is pretty good tbh chaps. My mitt is looking a bit worse for wear though, i've only used it three times and it looks buggered.
  22. I've got a mate that used tony banks in Leeds one of tony's fitters left some loose bolts in the engine bay after changing the cat to a sports cat. Those loose bolts completely destroyed his radiator.Tony Banks then denied it was anything to do with him... I'd avoid.
  23. I've got a legacy saloon and i love it :) If i was going to get another one it would be a 3ltr saloon or estate model.
  24. Got my new dashcam yesterday :)
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