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Everything posted by Gaulson

  1. Here you go, first footage of the BlackVue DR650. I think this cam is awesome!! It saves the files for both front and rear on the same SD card. What impresses me the most is the software because it shows location, speed, and G-force! Here is a pic...
  2. I've got my eye on game as well, surely they will sneak the ultimate edition on there ;). Love the console but not sure I can justify getting it.... even if it does have engine noises for the power button!
  3. Had a BBQ last night, lots of drinks so hungover today. Managed to wash my car and install my new dashcam, very impressed! (With both ;))
  4. It's the wiring that gets me for that though, I would have to have the rear one hard wired in. If i get a cam that does both front and rear then nothing changes in the car.
  5. After my drive home today I want to change dashcams to one that does front and rear. Any decents cams you guys no of? Don't mind nudging past the £100 mark. I had a guy check out the paint on my bumper but no footage due to him being behind, he annoyed me so much I put my foot down and left him. Only to have him come back when I slowed down again, in the end I just indicated and let him pass. Only to end up following him all the way home... turns out he lives down my road :o EDIT: Okay I've done some research and gone for the Blackvue DR650GW-2CH.... basically a full HD front and rear camera with built in GPS. Pretty price though!
  6. It's payday for me as well, money doesn't help matters ;)
  7. I've been avoiding listening to the inevitable noise coming from the car.... when the car is warm after a good blast I get a whine from the diff :(. Fine when cold though, can't hear it over the exhaust note. Going to do a gear oil change to see if it helps. Plan A - Replace Diff Plan B - Replace Diff and get gearbox reconditioned Plan C - 6 speed, bigger intercooler, injectors, fuel pump and remap! Plan D - Replace Diff, sell car, upgrade Obviously each option goes up in price!
  8. Been doing missions, didn't notice the command centre until last night. Reached a new height of 200km.... burnt up re-entry. haven't hit that height again but solved the re-entry problem by attaching two boosters pointing forward that activate to slow me down. This game is just sapping my time! Two solid nights of playing now :O
  9. No I haven't done that yet, suppose that's on my list tonight as well ;). Haven't actually got out of the ship either, only figured out how to do that when I was about to go to bed. Took all my will to switch off and sleep!
  10. I kind of managed an orbit, got to 170k then broke up on re-entry. I spent an hour setting my rocket off and not understanding how to get science point. Then after a quick google realised I need to do crew reports and so on. Will hopefully get out into space tonight :).
  11. Kerbal Space Program, great game. I played until after 1am last night!
  12. Glad you got it back Gambit and you can't put a price on love ;)
  13. I had some good footage yesterday, car going in a ditch, bird trying to commit suicide but the subaru brakes stopped it happening, some people cutting corners and an impatient person overtaking before a canal bridge! Then last night i broke the SD card.... in half :O. Using my Gopro one now, got another on it's way tomorrow for the Gopro :). Shame really because that was some awesome stuff! Liking that bmw driver, just couldn't wait that extra bit longer ;)
  14. Going to get Kerbal tonight, it looks like loads of fun and is top rated on Steam with 98% positive! :D. I didn't know about the trial, that could be interesting will download it now ready for when I get home later.
  15. Been playing Dying Light, trying to get it finished because gets are stacking up! Still not played much of ESO. Also noticed a couple of games are on my "want to play" list that are PS4 exclusives :(. Might have to get one now. As for a couple of games out now, Kerbal space program on Steam, looks pretty funny. Spending my dinner watching failed launches lol. The other is "Elite Dangerous" on the xbox one, my mate says it's really good but looking at the price it better be!
  16. Before this happened I was having some fun with bikes.... Then this guy came along and wasn't really considerate towards the other biker.
  17. I decided to get a clip of the exhaust... see what you mean about the safety line. Took me 30 minutes to find it!
  18. I just checked now, my thing is: 500k and 9 cars. Not sure I want a load of bonuses though, in a way I think it takes away the fun of earning cash to buy things.
  19. Where is it you are at Stants? Looks awesome! I've been dragged down with helping family this weekend, especially today with it being fathers day. The Subaru didn't move since thursday, finally managed to take it out for a spin tonight and raced some bikes :). Attached the Gopro to the car, lost it.... found it again 30 minutes later lol.
  20. The last one was realllllyyyyy good and needless to say this one just looks outstanding! Can't wait for this :D.
  21. I bet you had a right smug look on your face when the copper told him to get in the back of the car ;). Glad it's not the Subaru! You okay?
  22. I take it you can have it in any colour? not just their livery. If so I will have one ;)
  23. You mean you can take your gopro for a walk?? :D
  24. I have a suction mount, stuck it to the outside of my previous car and it didn't fall off but like you say... string is a good idea otherwise you have to go hunting ;)
  25. Is one a dashcam and the other the gopro? Love the pops, I need to attach my gopro to the rear of my car to see if I can capture the proper sound.
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