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Everything posted by Gaulson

  1. Three episodes to watch on my dinner, YES! :D
  2. To be fair, most of the controller is polished steel and very hard wearing. I've already worn out the analogue stick on my day one controller, keeps "up" pressed all the time now unless I apply downward pressure. So I can see the benefit, may get it as there are sticks and a d-pad that are branded with "Forza" symbols. The price is steel though I agree :). That steering wheel Gambit, does it work on xbox one?
  3. Take your time, don't force anything. Start with grill and lights then you will be able to see more of it :). Careful with the clips on the grill they can break easily!
  4. Your car has made a mess on the floor Stants...
  5. I've not had any problems with my preview but might depend on how long you have been in, if you are quite high level in the program you might get access to a more "beta" version.
  6. Been offered £4k for the Subaru now. Ah why do people do this to me :(. I wouldn't get any other car though, there's just something about them. Possibly get a Forester if there is a nice one around, I wouldn't sell unless I had one lined up either.
  7. He asked what I want, I said I wasn't sure then he offered £3,500 for it. I'd still have a fair few parts to either sell or keep for the new car as well. Tough choice really, I've been saving to move out for a while now so have quite a bit of extra cash laying around... Oh and your blob is lovely, surprised it's not a show car already ;)
  8. Always nice when you forget you have ordered some goodies ;). I got offered money for my Subaru today, I didn't accept but it got me thinking. I'm after a show worthy car and I think to get that out of my current one it will require a lot of money and work. So perhaps selling and getting a good base model is a good idea?
  9. Armpit to armpit I'm 20.5", could you send me a link to the black hoodie with "subaru owners club" on the back please :D EDIT: Didn't realise it had STI on the front... do you do a plain one but with the logo on the back? (or a logo in the top left corner on the front and one on the back as shown)
  10. Fallout is a game I love and hate... most likely will get it though lol. I'm so excited about forza, it's the only game on the XB1 that i have had from the start and still play! Not many games have been that good for playability.
  11. Everything Project Cars should have been ;).
  12. Drivers side as in that window or all windows from that switch? If it's the latter then might be worth spraying a bit of electrical cleaner on it and working the switch a bit to clean the contacts. With the car off of course and wait for the cleaner to evaporate before trying the switch.
  13. Whack a picture up of your car (side on view preferred) and I will do a colour change on the wheels for you. (Won't be great but gives you an idea)
  14. Okay I have some news, I can do a pvc banner for us... not a huge one but say 5 foot by 1.5 foot? As long as I put "donated by Display Wizard" on it and I do all the printing then it's all good :P. What you think? We would need something to attach it to? Three wooden stakes and some cable ties would do the job.
  15. Best line... ever! Perhaps I need to get witcher 3, I struggle in real life ;) haha. I've been playing ESO, good game, not a game I think "I need to get back on it!" but when I do I can't put it down lol.
  16. Going to have to think what I want to do, keep mine forever and ever. Store it in a barn or something lol. Get a cheaper one to thrash about in or something. Other option is use this one to thrash about in, mint up a different one and store that? Got quite a bond with the bug now so don't really want to move on. Which is what has happened with you Gambit?
  17. Anyone else noticed Subaru's are going up in price? Looking around to see if I could perhaps swap to a different one, sell both of my cars and get a lovely newer shape. Not a chance at the moment :P haha.
  18. Getting it cleaned and fueled up ready for the weekend... although I might have a play so will need cleaning again before we head down :).
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