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Everything posted by Gaulson

  1. Still unsure what to do about the diff, little bit worried because it whines like a banshee when warm, knocks in reverse. Also it sounds like the rear diff is knocking when I change gear... Might just have to bite the bullet and give the car to my bro to dimantle and send off for reconditioning :(.
  2. Nice work Dog, liking the assassins creed one ;). I completed Sniper Elite 3, tuned a couple of cars on Forza and hit level 31 on Destiny. Not bad seeing as I'm a solo player :). Might try my hand at Prison of Elders later...
  3. Sorry guys, right I've set them both to unlisted... Here is my badly timed moment to stop and take a pic, pulled up and was about to get out and snap a pic then this happened... Also here is me playing with the KA, like I said.... I was behaving ;)
  4. Yeah the game was good fun but once the story is done and you have maxed a car or two the game just fades away :(.
  5. If enough people view that video surely he will end up seeing it as well and then he would hopefully be really embarrassed that his face is allllll over the internet for driving like that!
  6. Think i've sussed it... (should be a video below this) Keep in my I had my sister and my 8 year old niece in the car so had to behave to a certain degree ;)
  7. Most of you will remember this.... Well here we go, the 2nd time this KA has overtaken me and in the same spot! I have a video to share of after it but don't really want it in public vue... how do I make it visible to you guys? I've set it to private but if I share the link will you be able to vue it?
  8. I'm not able to get them shipped abroad, it would cost too much now weve switched back to TNT :(. UPS didn't matter... they would send anywhere in the EU for cheap!
  9. Sorry to hear you are still in pain, hope the physio helps. My dad had some for his shoulder when he hurt that and it sorted it out, took a little while though. What's the next step now with the claim? After he's denied and you've submitted your stuff.
  10. I will put the footage up tomorrow for you guys to see. Will also do another vid for the other bit, you can see the difference in the car handling... Mine is smooth and planted his is all over the place.
  11. Guess who has just over taken me again... strangely enough in the same place as last time! This time however he overtook fast AND my new camera shows my speed. Do I report him or not? I've got two lots of footage showing him driving like that. However, a bit further on I overtake him in the national speedlimit....
  12. Just because you have sorted the alarm doesn't mean you have to stop your routine of bursting out the front door waving a bat around... ;) haha. I love takeaway runs, doing one tonight :D.
  13. I don't know if you can view that but those cows were too cose for comfort!
  14. My friend has already got this and he says it's really fast and awesome! Can't wait to get it tbh :).
  15. Think we know what my problem is now, not gearbox but differential, which I suppose isn't much better? Spent most of the afternoon cleaning my car. Washed it, clayed then polished :). Drove around the village looking for a good place to take a picture but in the end just stopped at the side of the road! lol.
  16. From your description only thing I can think of it the brake line anchor. Like Stants said, a picture would make things clearer.
  17. My brother in law said he would prefer to keep this car up and running for as long as possible. So he wants to recon the box unless I find a 6 speed :).
  18. Well as tempting as it is, straight cut will probably be avoided. I'd like to go 6 speed but only one i've found has the DCCD kit, I imagine that could be a pain to fit. A recon box would probably be the choice I go for, need to have a word with my brother in law about it see if he knows anyone. Thanks for the reply Savage :)
  19. Top work Dog, it does look awesome ;). Haha like the comment about Gambit... makes you curious if it does bring anything up... :O
  20. Over the past couple of weeks I have noticed the dreaded whine from the gearbox, It isn't really loud but I notice it. Also when under load in 3rd gear it rattles/grinds. Also last night on the way home I noticed a knock from the rear on the odd occasion when I put power down or let off which I'm going to assume is the rear diff. If it turns out to be this problem then I'm stuck on what to do.... Not seen many 6 speed gearboxes around so swapping to one of them might not be an option. Is it possible to get the gearbox reconditioned and made stronger? Any other ideas?
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