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Rick 2014

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Everything posted by Rick 2014

  1. I think most scoobys judder unless you have the anti judder clutch kit fitted
  2. As above ive upgraded to 4 pot calipers.My 2 pot calipers I have for sale were brand new last year about August time I also bought new discs and pads to go with it and the carriers that come with it are fine.These are off a 2000 forester turbo and will fit the impreza models as well.Im looking for £70 for the lot
  3. Fitted the 4 pots today just before it started pis*ing down.Ive got 18 inch OZ wheels with a 7j width and an ET48 rim.This is a bare minimum to get these 4 pots on with out spacers you wont get 4 pots on other wise.Braking now is miles better and brake pedal travel is reduced with just tapping the brakes stops you.Here is a few pics and please excuse my dirty rim in the picture.
  4. Fitted 4 pot calipers to the Forester and they make a huge difference!
  5. Make a 3 door lol
  6. Just to add there is nothing wrong with a paddle clutch.Mine behaves well.The good side of this paddle clutch is if im gonna launch it the clutch will last.Ours is a daily driver as well.I think is a lot of bullsh*t about paddle clutches on the internet
  7. Now that I do like
  8. That's a cracking build mate.The Holset turbos are cracking units and are bullet proof.I can get Holset turbos from scanias for £200 in different sizes.In a daily car 300bhp is more than enough for the roads,yours is gonna be mental.Whats the weight of your car
  9. I was gonna paint them first Clive but with all the extra power I don't feel confident on the 2 pots.So im gonna fit the 4 pots in the morning and might paint them later if not the weekend end after
  10. This is a pic of my caliper that im fitting tomorrow.
  11. Ive got my standard size discs that im using now for the 2 pots and ive also the the right size discs for the 4 pots as well
  12. Ive got the discs to suit the 4 pots I got im not sure if the 2 pots and 4 pots share the same size discs ive not looked yet.I will no better sunday
  13. Grab a pair Adam you will feel safer when coming to a stop lol
  14. Mine are the newage ones with the raised logo
  15. I got Subaru ones.Thinking of paiting them lime green or Kawasaki green
  16. My 4 pots came today im excited about fitting them.Im not sure weather to paint the calipers first or not lol
  17. Ive got a bearing press at work.Trouble is I work 6 days a week so finding it hard to get done
  18. It may just be a dry bearing may try packing it out with grease.If there was play I would replace it.I carnt spin the wheel either lol with it being 4wd
  19. Ive never need to look
  20. Ive just checked both rear wheel bearings and I have no play in them lol its possible I have a dry wheel bearing
  21. where did you find the code
  22. Ive never looked at my gearbox code.
  23. Im on the look out for a complete wheel bearing that's built into a hub brand new but all I ever see is leggy bearings.Your gearbox is an easy swap by the way
  24. Me and the wife Emma.Black UK Forester Turbo
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