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Everything posted by HawkeyeLawrence

  1. Wow fair enough! The insurance price difference between the blob and hawk for me is over £2500! Only thing changed on the quote is the car Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I'm afraid I read it on the dreaded NASIOC: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98852 - I have also just found a vid on youtube from a german 2.0R owner who is claiming he had his mapped to 190bhp- trying to get hold of him to ask about it! Hopefully will be getting a blob wrx sometime next year, as I now have a whole 2 years no claims so insurance should be bearable! Actually, on a side note, why is the hawk so much steeper on the insurance than the older newages? I know it has the 2.5 instead of the 2.0 but isn't really any faster? Anyways, with regards to erasing the code, surely it'd just keep coming back as it's still not getting the signal it wants from the sensors? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Actually Aucky that isn't a bad shout, could be handy down the road too! The main reason for wanting the remap was to get rid of the CEL, but of course as soon as I heard that the JDM twin cam 2.0 puts out 190bhp I was hungry for that power! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Powerstation seem to be the only place around here that does scoobies unfortunately... If you could buddy that'd be brill! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Both really- initially asking for the ecu to stop showing the code, and then got on to how in Japan the same engine runs 30hp more and that I wanted the same... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi guys, I popped down to powerstation in Tewksbury earlier to ask about them remapping my car to eliminate the CEL caused by the installation of a sports cat, and they said they can't remap N/A scoobies! I was just wondering if any N/A owners on here have ever had theirs mapped, or whether it is impossible? Part of me thinks they can't be bothered to waste time on a non turbo as surely the ECU's aren't too dissimilar from the turbos... Thanks in advance for any input guys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah that was the plan but there is literally no room for the heat wrap because the manifold is touching the filter! Taking it to an exhaust place soon so they can just make it fit properly- then remap time to get rid of the CEL! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. They fitted! Not without problems though... First of all, the port holes on the manifold were out (my guess is as it's a cheap manifold they didn't bother checking), so after a little bit of persuasion with a crowbar it went on! Also, the manifold rubs up against the oil filter again probably due to the lack of !Removed! given at the manufacturer. You do have to cut a small chunk out of the engine and gearbox under trays as the pipes are routed slightly differently but apart from that, if you spent a bit more on a decent brand, it'd be an effortless install! Here's a vid of the result: http://youtu.be/6yX0jJMJHVM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. When I say fitting it's more of an attempt- I have bought the headers and sports cat pipe for the 2001-05 non turbos, as the last 2 sections are identical to the previous years- just hoping they'll fit tbh! Just uploaded 2 vids for you bud: http://youtu.be/e3bWqhmWZCs http://youtu.be/gi70TCtMrPA Also, does anyone know how I can upload vids directly to the forum in the future? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Green and oily screams air con refrigerant to me... One of your pipes may have a small crack...? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. It's a straight fit pal! I have a prodrive backbox on my hawkeye 2.0r sport currently- paired with a de res cobra centre pipe (about £120) it sounds good! Am upgrading to UEL headers and sports cat in a few weeks though ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. UK Headline: Black man nearly drowns in local river. US Headline: Black man caught stealing water. Shot 4 times. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. If you ever feel useless, just remember it's someone's job to fit indicators to BMW's Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Might be a stupid point, but does it squeak at all? Could be as simple as the aux belt isn't tight enough and is slipping? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Not as bad as me- I saw just the wing in a corner of one of the shots and my family thought I was crazy when I shouted 'SCOOOOBYYYY!' Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I had the same thought when I saw mine- Japanese brands seem to have a love of tapes though- I work at Lexus and most of them came with tape decks up until 2009! Speakers couldn't be easier to install- door cards come off with a few screws and clips (in pic), old speakers out, solder wires to new speakers, put all back together and you're good to go! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Headunit was a good choice for the first mod in my opinion- turn the standard one up above 10 and prepare for your ears to bleed! When you get round to speakers I recommend anything made by vibe (edge and fli are also made by vibe)- personally I have vibe blackairs (require amp), but if you're on a budget fli or edge offer fantastic value for money! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Sorry to drag up an old post but if you're still struggling I may be of some help... I too have a 2.0R sport and have been searching for UEL headers for AGES! I'm hoping I may have found a solution- as stated in the other thread, the mid pipe and rear silencer sections of the R sport are the exact same size and shape as the earlier newage N/A's. Therefore I have purchased a set of headers AND cat pipe designed for <05 models, knowing the cat pipe will come out exactly where the R sport cat pipe comes out to join the mid section. As long as the exhaust ports are located in the same places (don't see why they wouldn't be), and the header pipes clear the sump and filter (which after a rough sketch look like they will) then all should be well! I'll be fitting them in a few weeks so i'll post an update to let you know if it works or not :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Yeah discs are grooved buddy- didn't have this problem with my old grooved discs though... Do you know where to pick up the anti squeel bits? Can't seem to find any! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Hi guys and gals, As you may know I installed wrx callipers on the front of my 2.0R last weekend- they were brill until a few days ago, when I started to hear some noises. Firstly, at speeds up to about 60, under braking and not under braking I get a sort of buzzing sound- noise slows as the car slows. Secondly, I get a fairly quiet squeaking noise- sounds like I have a bloomin' cricket living in my callipers! Again, this noise slows with the car (as if a certain point in the revolution of the disc is making the noise). As I had the wheels of yesterday anyway, i decided to grease up the back of the pads, the pins that the pads slide on, and the bottom of the springs that contact the pads- the noises remain! I bought brand new discs and pads when installing the callipers however the brembo pads I bought came with no shims- could lack of shims really be responsible for all this noise?! I want to try shims but can't seem to find any... Any help will be massively appreciated- losing the will with this one! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Update: went for a set of Prodrive GT1's- vibration completely gone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I hope so- i've ordered some as a temporary fix just for my peace of mind- still need new wheels though due to the damage to them :/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Hi all, Was upgrading my callipers to the 4-pot rexxy ones at work earlier today and as I had the wheels off I decided to balance them (have had shaky steering wheel at certain speeds for a while now)- got the wheels on the balancer and they are so misshaped they may aswell be square- the N/S wheel wanted 185g of weight! Co workers reckon they are a softer metal so are more prone to deforming :( What's more, when I went to put them back on I was faced with this: -wheels barely clear the calipers! Bit annoyed as i bought the wheels brand new only last November! Anyway, to the point of the thread: what wheels/tyres would you guys recommend? Looking for a strong wheel with offset no lower than about 48... Oh, and ideally need to clear wrx callipers with a bit of room to spare! ;) Cheers in advance everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Absolutely- i'll never skimp on things that can cause accidents if they snap! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I know this goes against everything us enthusiasts stand for, but I picked up a chinese set from eBay for £30- been fitted to my hawkeye for over a year now with no problems! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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