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Everything posted by Xander

  1. Lovely car, on my list as one I would love to own. Might just need to work abit harder haha. -- I make Films and Website for people
  2. Yer I voted for the scooby last month though I would take a shot this month and will be back voting for other Scoobys next month as well :-D -- I make Films and Website for people
  3. Thank you guys appreciate it :-D got to beat them ford boys haha -- I make Films and Website for people
  4. Put my car on the clay cloth company car of the month thing as only washed it the other week so I could enter :-D Feel free to vote guys would be appreciated. https://foto-app.appspot.com/get81/516078255190610/K_5075091618529280/ -- I make Films and Website for people
  5. It was about £1500 and take 4-5 days to do so a lot cheaper to do it yourself. Which is what I will be doing. -- I make Films and Website for people
  6. Had a quote from subaru for the wrx prodrive treatment taking the power up to 265bhp without changing the turbo. -- I make Films and Website for people
  7. The cobra one is cat back so you keep both cats. They also do a second cat decat so you only remove one of the 2 cats so should still be mot safe. -- I make Films and Website for people
  8. There are a few out there for the wrx, cobra sport make a nice system for around £400. The sti kits will fit but you will need to modify the bumper as the sti is a twin exit and the wrx is only on one side. Take a look on scooby world. -- I make Films and Website for people
  9. Oh that dosnt sound like much fun :-( -- I make Films and Website for people
  10. Don't think it's always done it and I haven't changed any wires just looked at so not sure why it would start doing that. How would I check for an earth fault on the clocks? Btw everything else works fine car drives fine as far as I can tell. -- I make Films and Website for people
  11. As far as I can tell its just the needle and not the revs themselves. -- I make Films and Website for people
  12. Hi guys, I have a 2008 WRX and noticed today if I drop it from high revs (over 4k) and let it hit 0 e.g costing up to a stop, the Rev needle will hit 0 and bounce up to about 1-2k and then drop back to 0. Not sure if this is a problem or not or what it means but thought I would ask. Thanks for any help Alex
  13. That would be ok then I know what was happening going to call the dealer and see if they can find out from the former owner. Just double checked the paper work and nothing for a tracker, something for the number on the windows and other security bits but nothing that says "Your car might randomly call someone" -- I make Films and Website for people
  14. Would it not have a button to call them somewhere? -- I make Films and Website for people
  15. No paper work for one. But I guessed it might be one. Need to find out really as if it's ringing is that someone looking for it? -- I make Films and Website for people
  16. Yer I am in to minds on just having my repainted darker or getting something else. Might get a quote to paint mine and see as I have my eye on some 18s but at over £1000 I might have to leave it for now. -- I make Films and Website for people
  17. Hi guys, Driving home tonight I hit my hazard switch for a second when stopped at lights by accident it flashed once and that was it. A minute or 2 later when driving the car started ringing like a phone was under the dash after a few rings it stopped and bleeped like the line was cut off. Not sure what this was. I looked under the dash and have found a random cable with inline fuse that dosnt look factory and an earth cable going to a random bolt next to the accelerator pedal. I also found what I think is a speaker next to the fuse box. Don't know what happened or how to make it happen again. The misses was sat next to me so I know it's not just me going crazy. Thanks for any help Alex -- I make Films and Website for people
  18. Thank you its just a wrx will be making a few mods for a little extra power and the sti spoiler at some point. Only thing I don't like is the stock alloys so will be changing for something darker when I have the money. -- I make Films and Website for people
  19. Welcome looks like a nice set of cars. I have a wrx hatch myself as a new owner and love it after a few weeks. Alex -- I make Films and Website for people
  20. If we doing a club thing I might be up for seeing it again haha -- I make Films and Website for people
  21. This is for the hatch back all models and show the power of the wrx and wrx-s dosnt mention a change or other wrx model. http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/reviews/facts-and-figures/subaru/impreza/hatchback-2007/ -- I make Films and Website for people
  22. Yer I have seen that on wiki as well but looking online at 2010 and other wrxs I have yet to see a stock one claiming 265bhp. I wonder if they are talking about the wrx-s as that came out in 2009 and has about that power at 250ish but I think it was a td04 turbo and just a prodrive tune up. I also don't see subaru selling a wrx with 265bhp when the sti only has 295bhp the 0-60s and real would power is going to be about the same. -- I make Films and Website for people
  23. I haven't looked into the STI much due to only just picking up my wrx and doing some basic internet tuning math the power difference after a few simple mods to the wrx will be about the same performance as the wrx is also lighter. But it's not all about power and I could not at the moment afford an STI and more so could not afford a car with problems. If you seam to hear bad things about Sti it could be an easy safe choice to go for the wrx and look at the 2015 sti in a few years once the price comes down and we see if it has any problems. That's my current plan anyway. But I enjoy driving my wrx everyday. I think the sti is a different animal and not something I need right now. Also just a thought look at the wrx-s if you can spot one. Has a little more power than standard I think 250bhp plus sti spoiler and a prodrive backbox with 18 inch alloys. It's the car I would have got over the wrx if I had seen one in my price range. -- I make Films and Website for people
  24. Me and the misses are going on the Friday night to Cleethorpes I think be cool to see some better cars parked outside. Normally the Saxo drivers and the 1.3 club. -- I make Films and Website for people
  25. I have a hatch WRX not STI and do lots of miles in it. First week I owned it I did 1500 miles. Its a nice ride on the motorway not to stiff suspension wise and a nice car to do miles in. A little bit of wind noise but not a lot. Cruise control makes it super easy to do miles in. I really like it, I do fancy an upgrade to an STI one day for more power but with my thinking head on I do love it for being a nice place to be when traveling. Its not as nice as my friends TDI Golf on a long run but I know what I would rather drive. Also I guess you could change the seats if you want something softer. Alex
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