Hi all!
After owning a 1995 Legacy GX wagon for a few months last year, I was definitely bitten by the Subaru bug. However, it wasn't in the best condition and was becoming a bit of a money pit, so I sold it and had a cheap run around for a while in order to save up for something a bit nicer.
So after cutting back on the Saturday nights out and running the cheaper car, I've finally scraped together enough to go and pick up a 1997 BG5 GTB on Sunday. I've got it at a really good price, despite it needing 4 new tyres, and really cant wait to pick it up.
I'm already a member on the UKLegacy site (which seems to have crashed?) but I am interested in all Subarus and I look forward to seeing everyone else fanaticism with these cars as well as sharing my adventures with my own.
I'll attach some pictures of my soon to be.