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Everything posted by WideSam

  1. Today I will hopefully be undoing the last few bolts and getting my engine out, ready to put the new one in tomorrow. I've also just put my new engine hoist together... It looks quite good sat in the front room.
  2. Can't be having that! Best of luck
  3. Seemed easier to take the pipe straight off the AC pump, rather than try and take it all out with the engine... I'm sure somebody will tell me there was a much simpler way of doing that now!
  4. Welcome! My legacy has bad clutch judder when it's cold. Also I've heard uprated clutches can cause judder...
  5. I've been disconnecting and photographing a few more bits, ready for my new engine! De-gassing my own air conditioning was possibly the most stupid thing I've ever done. (Probably should've looked it up before doing it)
  6. Oh I see, thanks. Always like to pick up little nuggets of info here and there!
  7. Why is it you use mineral for the running in period?
  8. http://www.uklegacy.com/forums/index.php/topic/138533-free-bh5-legacy/#entry728132
  9. If you're still looking for a BH to try the front end swap, there's a bloke giving one away on UKLegacy... And when I say giving away, it really is free!
  10. http://www.uklegacy.com/forums/index.php/topic/7383-gt-b-cat-1-alarm-central-locking-problem/ Have a read through that... Not sure if it'll help or not, but something in there might be of use
  11. With the mention of Rotheram Scoobies I can't think of anything else but the chuckle brothers working on an impreza...
  12. I will do. Plus there's such a wealth of knowledge on here I'm sure I won't be stuck for very long when my ability runs out.
  13. A second car certainly sounds better than the bus! Yeah, I'm definitely more clued up on the coatings of it now after spending ridiculous amounts of time researching it over the past week. However, the actual process seems really nice and methodical- which is a way I love working, pretty sure I'm quite high in the autism scale. Hopefully, if it's just a spun bearing it'll only be a few hundred to replace what's necessary and get everything checked. I've got all the time I need to do it, as I'll have my car running again. Everyone starts somewhere right?! Arguably most don't start with a flat four...
  14. Cheers Stants, Luckily for you lot, it means I'll still be supplying the devon cream teas for all at JapShow
  15. Engine paid for, van hired, all set to collect next Sunday. So I should be back on the road in just over a fortnight :D Then it'll be time to see what can be done with the bag of spanners that's in the car at the moment... How hard can engine rebuilding be anyway?
  16. I adore the colour of those wheels! You don't happen to still have the original engine sat about do you? I'm really starting to miss my car :(
  17. Welcome, you don't happen to be dismantling a BG GTB do you? Ideally that the bottom end hasn't gone on!
  18. Welcome! Nice to have another member reasonably local. Have you tried Rowley's garge in collumpton?
  19. I'm slowly picking things up and my stepdad is pretty good. Luckily as it's a project, I can take it nice and slowly!
  20. Might be biting off a bit more than I can chew, as I've never built an engine before. But how hard can it be? It's a nice idea, would be interesting to see if it can be done. Although, in my opinion, the BG's have a nicer front end
  21. I've found a reasonably priced direct replacement that I can put in, just to get me back on the road... In the mean time the other bag of spanners is going to be pulled apart and tinkered with. I did say I wanted a project... I just didn't expect it so soon. Or to be an engine rebuild! How's your car going anyway? Did you get that other legacy in the end?
  22. Aside from my engine making the most hideous sound and trying to buy a new (to me) one, not too bad really!
  23. Somebody sent me a link to that the other day when I was arguing with my IC http://www.viperperformance.co.uk/productsearch_hoses.php?xscId=9934 Kit 058
  24. I finally remembered to pay! Was planning on putting a bit more in but every penny counts as I've got a replacement engine on the way soon...
  25. My gtb engine needs some tlc... I'm planning on doing the work myself, it's the top end that's gone, but I might add a few nice extras while its out. However, I need a running car and have nowhere to store mine in the mean time. Am I right in thinking I can just get any ej20 turbo engine and bolt everything from my car on to it, getting extra oil line holes drilled etc?
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