Hi RichieT
Already got one though I don't know if there's any more room in the back than the XV, I'll have to check sometime.
I got the XV March 2015 for 'Mrs Mole'. She really likes it and so do I, great for the trips from Suffolk to Yorkshire we do.
I had a freelander td4 commercial with the intention of upgrading it over time, but spent all the money, and more, I would have spent on upgrades just keeping it on the roadthis year I finally had enough and, as I like the XV, started looking at used Subaru outbacks etc, in September a 2007 Forester 2.0 XC came up for sale privately, not to far from me, one owner, full Subaru service history, just under 100,000 miles, new genuine Subaru clutch fitted & 12 months MOT, decided it was to good to miss so got it. Been really happy with it so far, couple of things I'd like to upgrade. Might even be able to afford to do them with this car!