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Everything posted by muziqaz

  1. Also I noticed your rear and front side windows are similar tint. Did you have your front ones done, or am I tripping? Mine has tint at the back from factory. I would love to do front ones, but have no clue about legal side of things and how the tint vinyl is being applied, from inside or outside. If outside, that is no go for me, as it would be scratched in not time due to dusty conditions at work parking lot.
  2. I am looking for some good weather to film stock exhaust acceleration as did with Scirocco(worked out really well). I will have a video comparing two together. The only thing I am worried about is my neighbors, but maybe they won't notice :D By the way among plethora of WRX videos with ETS exhaust(with mufflers) there are couple of videos with STIs ;)
  3. Looks awesome. I haven't ordered mine yet, ran out of money, but will order next week for sure. Though mine will be a bit customized with certain bits and pieces from my own imagination ;) I was just wondering, how easy is it to put it on? is there any drilling needed? I heard at least for the front lip there is no drilling needed ;) Also different rims than mine :) looks strange :) Still epic by the way :)
  4. Here is the story :D The order has been refused by my nanny bank. Since I tried paying with paypal, bank refusals did not go through to me. So I tried several times. 1st time it showed it went through, thus my screenshot in this thread. Good thing I was checking something else in Subispeed website in my account and noticed that all my items which I thought I already ordered are still in the frikkin basket. So I checked everything and there was no evidence that order went through: Subispeed did not list the order at all, paypal did not have anything in their history, bank did not have anything, no email confirmation. So I tried directly through debit card and I was told off. I asked Subispeed, if they have some sort of policy against cards which have 2 months left till expiry, and they said no, and by that time I ordered items with my credit card( I wanted the stuff very much :D :D ). They said no. And then I noticed lovely SMSs from my bank saying that my recent order needs confirmation and was refused and bank card has been blocked for some reason. So today I confirmed to them idiots that it was me who tried to spend money, and they unlocked the card, and I so hope that the orders which got refused won't show up in subispeed and I won't end up with 3-4 exhausts :D :D In the end, I have to say: subispeed customer service is top notch, guys answer everything you ask them. And to top that, today I booked full access to festival of speed this summer. hey, if I go !Removed!, I go full !Removed! :D Hopefully my boss will let me go for holiday during that week :D
  5. You can use that oil even now, as dealers have no right to void the warranty for usage of oil which is in Subaru's manuals ;) They might refuse (probably more expensive) 5W40 oil, but if you bring your own, doubt they would mind. Also, most dealers don't stock premium 5w40 oils ;) I brought my own oil to the dealer for change, and they did not even say a word(well, secretary did, but mechanics did not). I used 5W40 Castrol Titanium
  6. Thanks for the break down, Daz. I wouldn't mind paying £140/year instead of £450 (is it?) right now :)
  7. What?0W20, what is this? water? :D Anyways, Subaru manual gives you 2 suggestions 5w30 or 5w40. 5W30 is better at cold temps which don't apply to most of UK and 5w40 is great for hot summers or in UKs case all year around ;)
  8. Sorry, have no full bay photo. But its stock 2017 STI. Nothing special, though I might be looking into swapping some covers to red ones. Will see :)
  9. Happy new year everyone ;) Also will be getting HT Autos diffuser with bottom line body kit. Also tried contacting certain people in regards to some carbon fiber "I" badges for front and back, without success. They do look awesome. Trying to talk to billetworkz about some custom SI Drive knob and shift knob. Found out that shifter stops are only for WRXs. So does it mean that STIs have shift stops already? I'll need to rip some stuff apart. Oh, and subispeed confirmed to me that their tail lights are not compatible with UK STIs :( Some additional wiring would need to be done. And LEDs in those lights are integrated, so if one goes off the whole light needs changing I think, they do offer 1 years warranty, but LEDs usually go out beyond that period. Talking about integrated LEDs, guys with 2015+ STI, how are you going to change brake lights? :D Those are LED based as well and are integrated. Internet is awfully quiet about it :) Reverse, blinker bulbs are usual bulbs, but night lights and brake lights are LEDs, same as brake light in the rare window. Also still love various reactions to my car from others :D :D Yesterday saw one guy behind me showing to his wife that my rare wing is for downforce. His hand gestures gave his thoughts away very quickly :D :D
  10. Nice one. Good Santa :)
  11. I didn't get anything for myself (yet) but my brother got me this small but warm Xmas present:
  12. Ok, seems I left out some photos before I left for holiday ;) This one is to shut everyone around me asking how much it drinks :D This is from short trip to Battersea Park. Ready for the trip to airport ;) And this is how it looks all covered. Super fitment ;) coveryourcar done an amazing job :) Am very confident it will protect my car for 3 weeks from any angry birds or any tree crap. So for this year I'm signing off guys and girls. Have a wonderful holidays and see you next year. A lot coming ;)
  13. My situation is a bit different since when I start the car in early morning I leave my road in 2ng gear then highest I get is 4th all trip long and most of the time traffic lights and idiot drivers are in the way, so it takes 10-15minutes for engine to get into normal temp. And it takes another 10 minutes to reach my work. So I always drive in I mode to work. But when I have longer journeys I just flip the switch and it's on ;)
  14. Yes, but the thing these days is that versatile cars are the key. If you produce a car which is always at peak boost or something similar, noone will buy it. Clicking the button to switch the mode is extremely easy in Subaru, and many of us are daily driving them beasts, and in London for example I would shoot myself in traffic in S# mode with traction off. ;) At least STI is not like some other cars where you need to hack it in order to switch it to sports mode ;)
  15. Ok, done the oil change. My own oil was not an issue with mechanic. Told him where it is in the car when giving away the keys and no questions asked. Took them an hour or so to change oil and filter. They also swapped gasket sump and done full documented vehicle health check. And washed the car inside out, which made no difference since afterwards I done couple park runs, drove in some muddy roads, so car is filthy again :D Either way, done few runs to see how is boost doing. Seems the car now boosts to 1.13bars instead of 1.10 with previous oil. Traction control was still on, as weather is not pleasing here. Had a little encounter with Evo 7 which by the sound of it fully built motor, and was pushing some insane numbers, so neither my rumbling nor performance was any match to it. He even slowed down at certain stretch to show off his beast :D Joys everywhere. Talked to owner of the dealership, he still looking for anyone to buy brand new 2017 STI in blue. Its not test driving car. Several miles on the clock. He was also mentioning prices going up from next year. So if anyone wants brand spanking new unmolested blue STI, give a call to Kingsham Subaru, as for Keith and tell them Tomas sent you :P :D Now a short question: I am looking into getting HKS/Perrin air intake panel filter. Do I need to fiddle with tunes for it, or it shouldn't matter? I remember when I got panel filter for scirocco, nothing was needed, car ran great without anything extra. Is it the same with Subarus? I know that if you put more aggressive filter (cone/mushroom shape) car needs specific tune to adjust for more airflow. So these types of filters are out of the question as they need tune, and tunes void warranty :) So I'm just looking into simple panel filter and hoping I don't need to do anything more serious.
  16. Yeah, as mentioned before its just the way different regions/countries treat BHP/PS/kW ;)
  17. It comes up as 221 kW for type UK.
  18. No, you are correct it is indeed 300PS/HP for Type UK.
  19. 305hp here as far as I know
  20. No we don't ;) We can select color, wheels, satnav, camera and couple of accessories. Nothing else. But to be honest Type UK comes with a lot of things which US market has to mod for ;) or pay extra. Like indicators on side mirrors, front light domes blacked out with HID bulbs as standard. JDM front grill. Fog light housings. Back fog light (F1 type, not flickering, mind), etc ;)
  21. This is not my car's boost reading, but it is stock 2015 STI. Traction control off, S# and all that other jazz.
  22. Thanks. Next year MUCH more coming. Just need to get those pesky holidays out of the way :D
  23. Today and yesterday done few things. Not much, but still worth reporting ;) Got brighter LED installed inside the boot (LED is one of the subispeed licence plate ones): The picture was taken in complete darkness, no flash nothing, just illumination of the LED. Never had my trunk so lit up :D Also tested car cover: Even without the all harnesses at the bottom the cover is snug as a glove. Real bespoke. It felt even a bit too tight in some places. I did not put mirrors into the pockets as they were folded. But if starting to cover from the back I will be able to get mirrors into the pockets easy. This time I started from the front, so there was no chance to pull them in. Real happy with it. Quality product. If anyone interested its on www.coveryourcar.co.uk . Cover name is bespoke Impreza Cielo Outdoors. Just shoot them an email about your model of the car and they will make it exactly for your car. Production period is 4 weeks though and price obviously is not cheap ;) I will snap few photos next weekend in airport when I will cover it properly and thoroughly for it to stay for 3 weeks ;) Obviously as is always an issue with tents and covers :D What comes out of the back folded never comes back in same folded or doesn't fit :D And some blue LEDs for licence plate illumination: I think this will not last long, as police will not be very happy about it :) Looks awesome, but numbers are not as brightly visible as normally :) And finally got ready for oil change on tuesday: I really do hope dealer won't make any fuss about me bringing my oil to the battle :D And again I'd like to add, that since I bought an STI people around me drive like complete ret**ds and lunatics :/ Just today had someone cut me off at roundabout, no indicator, and he sped up on purpose just to cut me off, I beeped, he stopped in the middle of the roundabout, opened the doors shouted something at me and drove off. My car had something to say when he was turning to his driveway :D and he was driving nissan SUV, so no chance for any Japanese related hate which I get from BMWs. Human kind, eh, I want next ticket to mars :D
  24. Boost gauge is in by default on 2015+ STIs. And in "I" mode it peaks at 0.96, while in S# at 1.10 with traction control on. I suppose 1.20 would be possible with traction control off and not interfering ;)
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