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Everything posted by Rps

  1. Tidgy the fountain of knowledge lol Whats saturdays lottery numbers bro lol
  2. It will deffo have 6 speed gear box and brembo brakes mate Its yours a 6 speed?
  3. Im toying with the idea of a sub but my headunit has got everything but pre outs so il need a new one and i dont even have it turned on so im not going to bother atm
  4. Sound system.is still sh**e not that you can.hear it over the exhaust lol
  5. Found these behind door card already lol
  6. Haha id look to see the look you got asking that question lol
  7. The horse wouldnt no if hes coming or going lol
  8. Rps

    Other vehicles

    Tbh mate if i was holding a mini id assume it wud feel heavy 😆
  9. Thank you matthew
  10. Nope nowhere at all lol just pondering
  11. No genetic defect and perfectly healthy just walks backwards / looks backwards
  12. What would win in a race a horse with its head on backwards or a snail down hill on ice?
  13. Yea its ur auntie susan wi a saved head because she used a belt sander once and loved it but the sad society we used to live in wouldnt allow women to work with power tools so she had to make lifestyle changes Ps i can swim for ages underwater
  14. Cuddling your uncle and not telling anyone like he told u not too
  15. And that little di ck head fat kid on the street would always get one so u would make the steepest ramp on earth together for your bikes with some shi tty wood you found but purposely rig it so he fell off Fat little cu nt wi constant red cheeks
  16. I like the above And men didnt kiss men in public And going into your sisters room too look at spice girls posters And the ice cream man jingle was enough to cause heart palputations but when you shout your mum for a quid she would say "No theres some choc ices in freezer"
  17. Dont u have white as fu k teeth n when you meet your mates for a drink your name appears below u and you give mixed signals like telling people to shut up wen really u mean no way?
  18. I no but i deleted my account lol
  19. Haha he did my old one i need mine doing lol u no him enuf to do mine lol
  20. Just guna go for a sausage trip up....
  21. Or did u mean get bacon in ur pockets n roll down a hill
  22. You roll down a hill
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