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Everything posted by Rps

  1. 😁😁😁
  2. Adulthood
  3. Kidulthood
  4. Teenage mutant ninja turtles 1 2 and 3
  5. Grandad....
  6. Only wen u make stay in to set the tone 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
  7. 😚😚😚 busted
  8. Because it would be too easy to make things simple mate thats why
  9. I had a classic sport wen i was 17 and it was 4k lol
  10. Dumb and dumber
  11. Goonies !!
  12. Hahahah black cars are over done black on black on black U hipocrit 😋😋😋
  13. Scooby clinic Itll give u sumit to do for half a day And u can see what else takes ur fancy while ur there lol
  14. Sorry nightrider 😲 Batman 😲 Every fbi car in every film 😲 All info correct as of 10.36am 19/03/2017
  15. Lol tried that but end up with a sore throat
  16. Ive tried everything the clip on the sun visor ones the parrot ones and the headunit with speaker ones and i always get the same reply ... I can hardley hear you ..... My van has abit if cabin noise as do they all so could anybody reccomend anything? My factory one in my range rover worked perfect...
  17. This was a while ago before i had a fmic or coilovers Blacks !Removed! 🖒
  18. 😢😢😢😂😂😂
  19. Im 28 mate but ive only had a van for about 5 years so lost my ncb on cars im up for renewal in june so il have 1 year then
  20. It was you who showed my the boobie pages in the first place 😆
  21. Ahh my bad i just assume everybodys gt an sti now lol
  22. Welcome to the club mate Feel free to look around car looks good shame its not blue tho but nobodys perfect i suppose Apart from me 👋🖒
  23. 2.5 engines are the ones to avoid if modding without engine work lol
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