finally allowed to get on my wheels this weekend, so Saturday I finished off rubbing the last three alloys down and today I taped up and sprayed them in the white matt finish ready to apply the top coats of florescent orange..... next weekend ;)
used some paint tins to keep the ally off the gravel drive :)
coverage of this stuff is excellent, I've got it to cover in one go. The beauty of this graffiti paint is it's ability to cover.
We'll have to see how it dries before I put the finish coats of Matt Florescent Orange on.
My though is this graffiti artist paint will go on any surface, is fast drying and should come off and you always hear the council and train companies saying how hard it is to remove
I won't put putting as much on the inside part of the rim as opposed to the main face of the alloy.
At £3.30 a can I'm not going to worry if I need another rattle can though ;)