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Everything posted by HawkSTI

  1. @mattiekane I was laughing and gagging at the same time you wrong un πŸ˜‚
  2. @david1972 I think "the wrong side of bad taste" is an understatement.
  3. @Ash_453 the 2.0 rx will no doubt be a very good car. For me though, I just think the hatches look a lot nicer in wrx form with the bodykit and bonnet scoop and all the extras.
  4. There's a few wrx diesels around for less than Β£5k. This 59 plate with 93k miles is Β£4495 Ono
  5. @Jamie_uk @Ash_453 i think you can get a hatch wrx with a 150bhp boxer diesel engine. That must be a very good option if you don't want a full fat wrx?
  6. @Jamie_uk no doubt a good reliable car for sure. But imagine the same car with a turbo, and it's just better. And I don't think there is a great deal of difference in running costs?
  7. It is awesome like, I can't wait to get my centre section on now. Been posted today so should have it before the weekend 😝
  8. @Ash_453 "a non turbo one might be better for me" said no man ever.
  9. @Tidgy I experienced @mattiekane's sti with a nur spec tonight and it's ridiculously loud. Will **** the neighbours off no end and will drone like hell on a motorway run. I want one!
  10. Not done anything to mine, but went out in @mattiekane 's and decided I need a louder exhaust and a dump valve 😍
  11. You should be able to get a nice 2001-2004ish wrx for that money, either saloon or estate. I've never owned an n/a impreza personally, but I don't think there is much of a saving in terms of running costs over a turbo'd one. Mpg and tax etc is about the same. Not really answered your question, but maybe something to think about πŸ‘
  12. @Sandals cheers for your reply. When I switched my backbox over from the stock sti one too the prodrive one, I started the car with no backbox on at all expecting all hell to break loose and it too be deafening, but it wasn't actually that loud with no backbox at all. Just shows how much noise the centre silencer takes out.
  13. Prodrive back box and de-resonated centre should give it a nice rumble hopefully 🌚
  14. Keeping the cat in the down pipe and keeping the prodrive backbox, but the mid section will be all business, milltek stainless straight through job. Not sure how loud it's going to be, but no doubt a touch louder at least 😎
  15. @mattiekane just bought a straight through centre pipe 🏎πŸ’₯πŸ’¨
  16. @Owian04WRX im not 100% clued up on this sort of stuff, but I think white smoke means your burning water and blue means your burning oil. I'm lead to believe a small plume of white smoke on a cold start is normal as condensation is left in the exhaust from when it cools down. If this is happening when the cars already warm, my first thought would be that it could be head gasket related; but as I said I'm far from an expert.
  17. @mattiekane you'll need some normal polish aswell for afterwards and some good wax to seal them πŸ‘
  18. @mattiekane autoglym metal polish makes light work of it πŸ‘
  19. Restored my headlights 😎 And topped up the oil 🌚
  20. Well, this afternoon I set about restoring my yellowing headlights. I used autoglym metal polish as I've done it with this on a previous car and it works wonders. No need to wet sand, just 20 minutes each side with the metal polish and then super resin polish to get them spotless. Took about an hour all in but they've come out really well and has made such a difference 😎
  21. @Sandals thanks, good to hearπŸ‘ How much louder does does it make the car removing the centre silencer and cat?
  22. @savage bulldogs yeah it's very quiet. It sounds as though the cars cut out when you come to a junction it's that quiet, and it's not a great deal louder once you put the toe down. Thing is though, I like the way the prodrive one looks on the car. I thought a straight through centre would wake it up a bit but I don't want any problems. I suppose a subtle but louder back box would do the trick. What do people normally go for?
  23. @savage bulldogs I did think of that, but with the centre resonator still in place, the backbox alone wouldn't make s great deal of difference would it?
  24. @mattiekane which cat are you taking out?
  25. @mattiekane my plan is to make it a bit louder, but keep it legal (I.e so it can pass an mot) and not to **** the neighbors off too much when I start the car at 5:30am and leave it 5 minutes to warm up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i guess that pretty much rules out a nur spec lol
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