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Right thought I would start a thread for us Victor Meldrews. So we can have a place to just rant


I'm going to start off with people who drive around with either no lights or just sidelights on when it's !Removed! thick fog. I mean you can't see about 3 cars length in front of you this morning and had people coming towards me from out of nowhere without even light's on, and the sidelights was just as bad. :angry: You can almost guarantee these idiots probably answered on their test when asked 


"When driving through thick fog, what should you use?"...... "A car."  :angry: Or think others driving around with fogs on are doing it to look more festive. Rant over! 


I'll add idiots who drive round with their fog light on when there is no fog.


I once pulled up long side a car with their fog light on and called out Dave! Dave! is that you?


He said "Sorry mate I'm not Dave"


"Oh it was hard to tell with this fog" I say



"its not Foggy" He said


"Then why do you have your fog lights on?" I asked



Luckily he had a sense of humour and we both laughed as he turned them off.



I was taught that if you can't see 3 street lamps ahead in fog then you need the fog light on, otherwise you don't need it.

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I know it annoys me when I see people with them on when their isn't the need too. But when it's that foggy it's just irresponsible and dangerous as hell, especially when mister Audi man wants to still risk everyones life and over take :D 

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Yepp. Fully agree.

My question is:

In England seems many people don`t even know what the zipper method is. Why are they queuing in one lane for miles where they could use the other one? It is not unpolite or forbidden to use the second lane. Also this method reduce traffic jams at busy junctions/rondabouts instead of blocking the traffic behind them.


Yepp. Fully agree.

My question is:

In England seems many people don`t even know what the zipper method is. Why are they queuing in one lane for miles where they could use the other one? It is not unpolite or forbidden to use the second lane. Also this method reduce traffic jams at busy junctions/rondabouts instead of blocking the traffic behind them.



because nobody wants to give up their 8 feet of road.


because nobody wants to give up their 8 feet of road.

I don`t mind this until they let me go :D

Don`t get me wrong I am also a very polite driver but we use this method very effectively in Europe. I just don`t get it why they prefer to sit in the traffic B)


I think it's because when we learn to drive we're always told to stay to the left when possible. But I use both lanes if one has less traffic in it I will use it :D 


Plus it's illegal to undertake, I do it out of principle if I'm sat behind someone for miles doing under the national speed limit in the right hand lane, undertake draw level then look at the with a shrug of shoulders sit in empty left lane doing the limit, look in rear view and they are still sat in the right one [emoji35] knobbers I see the new powers introduced to fine lane hoggers has worked a treat

  • 2 weeks later...

lol haha, I see loads of fog light wankers every single day. Also loads of knobs on the A1 south (of Durham) sat in the right hand lane doing 60/65 when the left hand lane is empty....


oh what about the knobbers that block you from merging into a lane (say where two lanes go into one)


or when you pulling onto a motorway/dual cartridge way, some knob doesn't bother his !Removed! to move from the left hand lane into empty right hand lane, forcing you to slow down and pull in behind him.


People paying with card at a busy bar

For !Removed! sake use cash so the rest of us can het a drink while you put your !Removed! pin number up your !Removed!


Old people and little wheelie suitcases

Today a group boarding a easy jet flight took half !Removed! hour as they had to wheel it then pick it up then wheel it 4ft and pick it up again

Pick it up with the handle extended you silly women


Kids ! Yeah we got em and they are all fuckers in their own special way

But why do some folk let theirs run riot ?? Slap the !Removed! !! Then if that don't work slap him harder

Not my fault Timmy fell over and I just watched while your too busy on facebook


Pear cider !! Its not !Removed! cider you moron no matter how many berries and summer fruits you add its a !Removed! Perry !!!!

Learn what you drink

Men should be ashamed of drinking a nixed berry magners and castrated


Starbucks why you need my name ?? When I give a false one why look st me weird !! You upset Rupert who was 3 customers behind

You silly !Removed!


Doo gooders ! Everyone going on about dapper laughs on itv and he should be ashamed ; no one said anything for the last 3 years of facebook vines

It's a character its not !Removed! real

Now !Removed! off back to Narnia you ugly wench and do something useful like cook my tea


Facebook Subaru pages

Full of idiots !! Oh if you put a turbo badge on your sport and remap it you will be running sti power ! Oh I put a different ecu in and now wont start or run right

!Removed! hell wake up you spanner

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Wow and I thought I was a grumpy old sod. I feel like Mary !Removed! Poppins after reading your rants :D 


But I have to agree and with the one with idiots not moving over as you join the motorway  :angry:


Towie and made in Chelsea ; what is the point ?? Really ??

I'm waiting for the sunshine bus to come take joey Essex away as they realised he got out :-)

Made in Chelsea ..... They live in Shoreditch !!

Now its comic relief or some ****** soon isn't it ?? Everyone put 50p in the bucket like non uniform day st school and you get to kick them in the nuts or mark wright licks a 9v Battery for 24 hours now that will raise money

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Trevor McDonald !! Be annoys the !Removed! out of me !! Seriously smile your on tv looking at jenny McCarthys **** !!

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Bluetooth headsets !! If your not driving you don't need it while doing your shop round aldi do you ??? Your wearing s tracksuit ... Socks and sandles .... !Removed! off if you have a job


Tabbards really what is the point ?? You don't do anything apart from tell victims your collecting for charity

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Cats !! They serve no purpose apart from eating oaps when they die

Why have it in the house ?? You buy one it !Removed! off ; you feed it ; it !Removed! off

Then it won't protect you !! It will !Removed! off

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