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Mapping problem still not sorted :( !!!


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So for those who have been following this problem i am still let to have it fixed , basically when the engine gets hot and i get up to around 60-70 mph or use a lot of boost then it misfires and everytime i try and reach these speeds when the engine is hot. It also uses an insane amount of fuel like 100 miles a tank motorway driving so there is something very wrong here. The car also idles for an extra second or 2 everytime you rev it.


I have had the coil packs replaced with 4 brand new genuine subaru. I have replaced all 4 spark plugs and checked there fitment. I have had several mechanics look over the car and it has baffled them ( these guys know a fair amount about scoobys). This has lead me to think that the mapper may not have had much of an idea about what he was doing.Firstly he only got 300bhp out of my classic when I've seen others with the same mods having 315-330. I am taking the car to see a gentlemen called Steve Simpson who owns the simtek ECU i have fitted so I'm hoping it was just the mapper was crap and Steve can sort me out.


Just to put my mind at ease does it sound possible that the misfiring when hot and massive fuel consumption along with the bad idling could be a result of a bad map? The car was completely fine before it was mapped,


Cheers for reading through this any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Cornish. These are the exact symptoms you'd expect if mixture wasn't leaning off after the car warmed up. Could be a temperature sensor or ECU.

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk

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100% yes.  Mine ran terrible when I bought it due to the map.  Idled really badly and ran really rich.  I had a few hours of rolling road time to get it sorted.

See how you get on with Steve and if not you'll have to find another mapper.  

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