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I like McRae for that reason and Burns for his more calculated style also how they both came from the bottom to work the way up. And agreed Burns fell ill and  lost his life far to soon. I couldn't say I like one more then the other hence why I have both names on my car ;)


amen brother.


well i have picked her up, things arent looking good, the misses hates her, she says she is scared of the way it goes and she feels abit like a giant in it lol.


on the plus side i love her and have named her Kelly, as she is one kinky ****** who loves to be spanked, i have had 200+bhp cars before but this is insane, it just grips and goes once the turbo is spooled up and i hit about 3.5k, i took her and washed her but she needs doing properly and there is still marks where the muck has been so i wont be putting pics up until i have washed and polished her, also the rush is abit more than i thought but she is a 20yr old !Removed! thats done 212k and the engine is still as sweet as a nut with no smoke.


i am currently 1 very very happy scooby owner.


Nice one finally :D and your Mrs sound's like a keeper :) .... Oh you was on about the car ;)

And I can see another project thread here in the making :D


its going to be a rolling project until my lass gets her licence and then i will have to buy her a small car which we will share and i will use this when i get the need for a buzz lol.


something like a 4 door hatchback, leccie windows air con, get the shopping in big mirrors for good all round visibility...


this one is ideal






mmmmmmmmmmm !Removed!, cosworth and boxer.


well today i got to starting on sorting things out and the first on my list was bin the re-circ and fit a nice DV, re-did some of the piping and all is looking ok, its just temp as i want to replace it all over time with slightly smaller bore pipe, maybe 68mm instead of the 76mm it has now, anyway here are a couple of pics i have done.









And the much needed boost gauge.









Looks loads better. See you managed time to do some gardening too and removed the tree from the windscreen ;) 

And I agree nothing beats the boost gauge as 1st mod :D


funny thing is, it sounds like it has two DV's, when i let off at the full 13psi it makes two seperate pssshhhtttttssss, is one just feed back due to the cone filter???


also if i let off at around 5psi if i'm cruising i get turbo flutter, almost like the boost is coming back through the turbo, is this down to a **** DV????



Might need to set the DV spring thing < technical term ;) If it has an adjuster shouldn't be getting a turbo flutter in low boost at all Which DV did you get ?


I may be mistaken but from the photo's it looks like you have disconnected the recirc valve but not removed it just added the additional DV so now it will be venting to atmosphere as well...


its a one i have had lying around for about 3 years, think its an eBay special, i want a forge one but funds wont allow at the mo.


whats the best DV for these early closed deck engines????


I may be mistaken but from the photo's it looks like you have disconnected the recirc valve but not removed it just added the additional DV so now it will be venting to atmosphere as well...

yeah the Re-Circ is still connected to the pipe Before the turbo so its only acting as a blank until i find a proper blank.


oh dear, just been out and had a dig around the ECU for this "Piggy Back" and to my dismay i have found it is fitted with a Superchips ABC unit, turns out this is just a FCD, what do you guys recon??? should i rip it out and go back to stock ecu and boost and  get it tuned proffesionally or is it ok to run it like this??? i mean really its spent the last 4 years having its neck rung and never missed a beat, i was sooooo hoping it was a piggy-back and not just a stupid fcd.


i really need some advice on this from guys in the know.


For me go back to stock I would always go for professional guidance with remaps as I don't know enough about that side of it. And for an engine that's in it's prime ;) she might be happy of the break :) I would never risk my pride


i am going to take it to some guys in the know and see what they say. the reviews on this perticular are mixed but all the Negative point of view are from people that have not used them, every opinion i have read from people with them say that they have done tens of thousands of miles with no issues and they even get better MPG which i can believe as i really think this is better than my old Volvo S60 on fuel and that was returning 25-30mpg.


I had a superchips mod done on my nissan 200sx years ago - never had any problems with it however that was before they could remap the standard ECU, see what the chaps say understand what would be involved with remapping the standard ECU and make the decision then.


What you dont want to end up with is compensating for other worn components ie partially blocked injectors.


Start with a known baseline of good then look to improve on it


yeah already looking to get some spare injectors and sending them off for a clean and the swapping them out, just had timing belt and plugs done along with oil and filters so injectors are the last thing i think.


i was wondering, is there any difference between cams from these early engines and more modern 2.0's??? ie would a version3 2.0 turbo have better cams or are they the same for the full range???


well I have been taking it steady over the last couple of days but the two times I really opened it up it has blown boost pipes off, the first one yesterday was my own fault for not securing it tight enough but todays was a bung out of a blanked off DV take off, the sooner I get some proper boost piping the better.


If you need to drive her mate take it steady for now don't want to do any damage while you wait


yeah I am just truing to keep off the boost as it only seems to be an issue if I really give it a beasting, abit upset really.


My partner very kindly cleaned and hovered the inside of the scoob today, looks rather nice now.



looking sweet mate

Mind you after what you just said, the car is the only thing I wont let my Mrs clean haha :D


I knew it was going to be a **** to do as its never been cleaned out for years lol, it was either let her do it or pay someone, she is free so I went with that option lol.


I knew it was going to be a **** to do as its never been cleaned out for years lol, it was either let her do it or pay someone, she is free so I went with that option lol.

Good call :D

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