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Put some body kits on the cars no aerodynamic ones just ones to make some of the cars look a bit better but does change the weight and aero a small bit tested the 22b and the Sharkeye still seemed balanced didn't get chance to test the others 


You'll need to tell me what body kit you put on each car so I can check the designs still work, different kits line up differently

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I had checked them already mate I didn't go with any that changed it to much and moved a few things to help fit. But if you wanted to make more thats fine :D I will buy some more cars 


When are we starting then?

Like the kit idea makes them look a bit different in your replays


I was hoping we might be able to get a mini test run at the weekend with the 10 lap pitstop see how that goes. I also noticed we don't have Mugello on the track calendar so will add that   and make it easier to chat with the mics what we want or changes than in text 


I'm all up for having the week break to get it all ready to fully start next weekend :) But would like to get one test run in of at least the long lap race on if a few of us can get on and need a 2nd person to host the games and set them up incase Stants isn't available after the last !Removed! up  ;)


I'll be on most weeks so I could set up the game if no one else is up for it. I'm on tomorrow and up for a test run.

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I'll be on later if anyone else is. Going to car show round the corner at 7 so will be back for normal start time


I'll be on but to be honest it might be a bit later than 9pm, just got back from walking the dog and doing some tea now. Might be a but ad hoc tonight. If I'm on I'll try set up a race for everyone else do we can test cars

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I was about to say not everyone has access to the cars so be pointless a few coming on tonight if not in the club until I know everyone is happy with the car's I don't want to send them out in case I need to make changes. Can leave it for tonight and set it up mid week i can test them some more and get them sent yo everyone else


Testing car sat the minute,I still reckon the 1990 & 2010 legacies are down on power, they seem to run about 1.5src a lap off the pace, probably just need an extra couple of horses.

Will also send over the 1990 legacy design again, the one in the garage is for the headlight pods, unless you get time to remove the blue circles off the bonnet

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Im sure I can do that mate. I will have a look at the two legacies too I'm sure I did one of them legacies but will have to check which one iy was. And nice job on the testing all being well I can get them sent out and get the 3rd season running next weekend.


Did a load of testing last night on the ring and silverstone.

All cars were within 1.5 seconds of each other on silverstone I think the legacies lost out on acceleration though they had the speed, the 22B is a tad loose which left it just off the pace all 4 of these cars were about 1.5 secs adrift. The others were all within .5 secs

On the ring all cars were within 6 seconds of each other which on a 9min lap is nothing. All except the 2008 Impreza which was some 5 seconds off, yet was fine on silverstone so I think it's top speed it was lacking as the ring has a lot if straights. The legacies however ran well here. The S204 whilst as fast as the others was horrible on the ring poor handling but accel and top end seem to compensate.

I think that's about it, they're not far off I reckon

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Others I can look at s204 not sure how far I can take that might need some fine tuning with the handling I will have a look later mate and top job on the testing nive and viguress.


I think so, I've run a full comparison test on the the cars and they're a lot closer I reckon than they were last season. There's a couple that are a tad off the pace but think Gambits sorted those out so they're nearly all within a second around silverstone should be close racing

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I'm going to sort them today mate rains holding me up today so should have some time :)

And I can't see why shouldnt be good to go this weekend :D


Are we still doing Sundays?

Just realised I'll be missing out this Sunday damit


Sundays are best but I could do Saturdays and the odd weekday isn't impossible. Anyway, Hilli needs to give us a head start [emoji4]

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I don't mind swapping the day now again if it can mean we get maximum amount on that night :) 

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