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Yellow scooby imprezza (picture) kent il be all ober country if you see epp on the end its me gimmie a wave :)

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I find you get waves off people who must be in their second cars as i do it in mine without realising and usually get one back haha


I see a green classic sport today as I was driving home in the Scoob I flashed the lights and stook my hand up, you should have seen his face it was like I had spat in his face ;) I think he's a new owner :) 

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I haven't waved to anyone yet.....is that bad  :o  lol


I did mouth 'nice car' to a 54 plate decal'd impreza turbo that parked next to me at Tesco though  :P


Not sure if it's an impreza thing But I will wave to Legacies and Foresters but get little return from most :( 


I wave to Imprezas, but don't get many waves back, mainly gormless looks. but that's the thing with the price of them now, people buy them cos they're cheap, not cos they've always wanted one and saved up to buy one. a lot are through swapz too :(


I don't usually wave to foresters or legacy's, sorry :blink:


I wave at random people when I borrow my mates car

We live in a small town so everyone says " who is the weird guy who beeps his horn and waves driving a red Mazda "

  • 5 weeks later...

I wave to other Imprezas and so far 99 percent of thee time get one back. Gotta show Scooby love !!


i wave at virtually EVERY subaru i see and only ever had 2 maybe 3 people wave back and there's loads around here


Have a few that will wave I just need to convince them to turn up to a local meet when we start :D 


I usually clock who the owner is before waving. Gormless, twatty looking chav? Blank that ******!

Anyone else will get a smiley wave from me and usually get them back. :)

Have to admit its pretty new to me too. But it actually started with the CTR. I found other Type R owners (any model) waving at me and was very confused at first - had never had it before. Used to it now though :D

And soz David1972 but im like that Boozy lad and don't usually wave at any apart from Impreza's. I'll wave back if I get one though lol.

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Then I'll ignore you. Simples.

Unless you wave first, I'm not a total arsehole ;)


I only wave at other legacies if it's a turbo version. The uk ones are generally driven by folk who own it as a just another car.

Impreza drivers tend to wave back though.


Had quite a few different types of motors in the past and never had so many other people wave at me .to be honest it freek'd me out a bit at first.:-D

Now I wave at any impreza in eye contact 9 out of 10 wave back round here.

Will admit I only tend to wave at anything else subaru if I see something aftermarket on it.


I've seen a few that look at me like I've just shat in my hand and thrown it in their face when I've waved think it was a silver Legacy with tinted windows the last one but like Savage said 9 out of the 10 wave back, I've even started to give a old chap that drives around my area in evo 10 around the wave of mutual respect just because he warned me of a speed camera :D 


G you need to move house then lol. I had one recently with 2 young lads in one i waved and they both excitedly waved back i must have been there first. It shows that people still dream to own one for years like i did :D


I've thought about moving this year when everything sells, only thing that I don't want to move to far away is kids with school. My oldest brother has just got the managers job at heathrow terminal 5 and have 2 cousins that live that way so did think about moving down there. But will stay around here for the time being. :)  


Thats a step in the wrong direction! I've spent the past few years constantly based down south and love it every time i come home, a true Yorkshireman, even if it is reliably a good few degrees colder

  • 4 weeks later...

I always nod my head normally gets a good one back.


Most men ( no offence ) are really shocked that it's a girl TBH!

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