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Hi guys, first off to the mods if this is in wrong section then apologies and please move it.

Now then, I've owned a few 2.0 engined cars over years and circumstances now let me look for a more fun than economical car. I fancy an early model impreza and looking at a 2.0 sport. Might be tempted to go for a wrx (2.0 turbo are they?) if I can talk my wife into it! What should I look for other than rust and history if possible? Also is there anyone near Shrewsbury to show me around an impreza and what's what on a boxer engine?

Thanks for any and all help.

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hi mate

welcome to the club


if you want a fun car, don't bother with a sport :D

a blob wrx can be picked up for £2,500 upwards, and with £1k spent on mods (buy bit's when you can afford them), you can get over 330bhp. I get 22mpg just running around and 35mpg on a run ;)


Done -


fifth gear this week just said to look out for rust on rear wheel arches - we do have a buyers guide pinned also




feel free to browse the forum - stacks of info and ideas - we are fortunate that a couple of members have shared some great builds (savage, fonzey, rollomite on a budget plus others )


also there is a peach of a wrx in the for sale section which I would gladly have on my drive should funds allow




what's your budget?

That depends. I will pay more if they have a brazilian....... :unsure: Opps thought you was talkin to me ;)  

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Cheers guys, startling to find my way around now! Thanks for links, should keep me busy! Budget is about 1500 at moment. Don't mind doing work although never tried using a welder so rust would need finding someone to do it for me.

Why aren't sports fun cars? Too low powered? Not tunable?

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They can be fun in the snow. But if you want the thrill factor WRX or the STI is the only real way to go but like everything that is fun the price goes up :( 

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the sport is 2.0 and only 130bhp. not tuneable and mpg is no better than a wrx


just imagine, you sat at the traffic lights in your fun car (sport) and a diesel focus is in the next lane. how much fun will it be when he pull's away from you????


if you want a fun car, it's got to be turbo


there are plenty around for £1,500. but a lot are dog's. if you could afford £2,500 you will get a lot better car. good car's that are looked after usually get broken for spares rather than sold

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Any members near me?

Will have a look and see what's around! What's difference between wrx and sti on a gen1?

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There's always the UK turbo rather than wrx or sti. That's what I've got purely because it's first decent one I saw in my budget. Think its cheaper on insurance than wrx and sti but I could be wrong on that


hi mate welcome to the site hope you find yourself a decent motor for the budget you have ;) also try checking at local used car sales i picked mine up for £200+ my 1.4 civic (R/98 plate) from a local sales place (discount auto services)


Ah do the turbo doesn't necessarily mean wrx or sti then! Thanks. Been looking round and think I should be able to get a decent one. I can always put in elbow grease to make it a minter.

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no you can have a wrx or an sti and both have turbo's - best bet have a look about and then post questions on here about the particular vehicle you have found


welcome pal, im relativly new aswell and keep asking questions most of which are probably stupid and obvious to answer but these guys a good lot and always give good advice ( i wont give u any as im not clued up haha ) only advice i can give is get one coz they are ace fun.


Depending how my new job goes I might keep my Mazda 6 and get a project wrx as a weekend toy!

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Hi and welcome

Quick guide/spec for turbo'd classics

turbo 2000 made for the uk market about 220hp (depending on what year ) longer ratio gearbox (better on the motorway) and early ones have no aircon ,cheapest to insure

wrx about 240 hp (depending on the year) imported from japan, shorter ratio gearboxes , all have aircon ,different trim slightly more expensive to insure

You'd spend about £800 to get a standard one of either of these to 300 hp

sti 280 hp better brakes , lower suspension, better trim , intercooler , cams ,with shorter ratio gearbox intercooler water spray. cost the most to insure but if you throw £800 at one you'll probably see 340 hp .

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