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Everything posted by ROSSCOSM

  1. Hi guys just a question to see if anyone else has had this. My car is lurching foward occasionally on full chat is this possibly the Bailey bov? Im getting it removed shortly anyway just thought id ask though
  2. Aw damn its a bit fiddly eh. The layout is actually quite different on the 2.5 never noticed it til now
  3. Why didn't the spark plugs cone out mate? Nice tmic btw
  4. Hi mate, maybe try calling the garage that stamped it they might have records of what they have done. If its subaru dealer stamps then chances are everything has been done properly. Unfortunately im not sure what to look for on the newer models but subarus paint is know for being not the best. Has it been modified?
  5. Dont sweat it mate doesn't come across like your showing off at all. I get your point certainly isn't for everyone I let my mechanic worry about finding 10 mm sockets and shouting at my subaru for me 😂 furthest i go is basic servicing but even just that saves me a few quid. I was in school when the bug eye came out so it was a childhood dream when I finally owned one.
  6. Getting your hands dirty is definitely the way to do it mate. Yeah it's a cracker ive got a real soft spot for the bugs.
  7. Its not cheap i bet, but i bet you never think "is it worth it" lol two cracking examples there much respect for the effort you have put in.
  8. Yeah mate plan is to have it mapped by the end of February 🤞
  9. Went with this one orderedit yesterday afternoon and was here by 9 this morning 😁
  10. Welcome mate. Are they a special trim? If not you would maybe be better just swapping in seats from another wrx. Loads for sale on ebay ect.
  11. From the album: Rosscosms Wrx

    Run to the boat nice we test of handling.
  12. 270/280 mate have a sports cat with stainless custom cat back already fitted by previous owner along with fuel pump
  13. Ah i did see that mac one and the price was reasonable. Thanks for the reply will keep that in mind. Cant wait to have it mapped now 😁
  14. Looking for a bit of advice. My mechanic advised me to get a 3 port boost solenoid as im going to have my car mapped very soon. Wheres best to get one? Seen one for £65 new on a scooby parts site thats apparently based on the old prodrive one but a pointer in the right direction would be great. Cheers guys
  15. Didn't like the hatch when it came out but it has aged well yours is a cracker mate
  16. Anyone tried that aquasteel rust converter stuff from amazon? Seen a video on YouTube of a guy using it on an sti and he seamed to get a good result. Was thinking of trying it when the weather smarts up a bit.
  17. Hi and welcome mate. Im relatively new here and its a great forum. Dont worry to much about the wing though if you find a clean car without one theres a few good breakers where you will definitely find what you need to personalise the car. Happy hunting man 😁
  18. Welcome mate im in barrhead you might see me if your around the Ardrossan area i pass through there often 😁
  19. Awesome mate best of luck with it hope to see an update in the future when you get it back to its former glory will be a fairlady again 😁
  20. Im more happy to see its not sitting in a scrap yard top man for saving it
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