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Everything posted by mfnick

  1. Haha I do the exact same thing Dave! I also rev my car randomly at traffic lights - not to start races or anything like that. But just because I like the noise :)
  2. Another decent turnout and another good meet :) And I've got my car back!!!! :D Good lord I've missed her. Really enjoyed the drive back home! The gear change is even more joyous now too.
  3. Definitely!! Especially if you've got the new STi then too, be good to have a nosey ;) I've had a driving day around those areas in a group once before and it was one of best days out I've had. Some awesome roads, little to no speed cameras or traffic and great scenery. Count me in.
  4. No worries buddy. Lots going on! Yea, see how you get on after a good run, hopefully it's nothing and dies down.
  5. Scratch that, had a call off them not long ago. My car is ready so will be heading down between 6:30-7 :)
  6. Doesn't sound too bad to me compared to some I've heard. Maybe take it for a good drive and let it get properly warm before worrying about it? Are you at the meet tonight? Might be able to get Martin or Dave to have a quick listen for you and ease your fears. The journey will get it properly warmed up too.
  7. I won't be making this one, currently without my car. In fact it's in Martins garage, you'll be able to spot it as the one with its gearbox out lol. Will hopefully make it next month.
  8. !Removed! pigs! :( ;) haha congrats mate. Proper gutted we didn't beat Charleton. Would have been a great game against you lot.
  9. I always use V-Power mainly due to the extra cleaning properties they (claim) to put in compared to Tesco.
  10. I'm on FB but agree with most on here. It is for the greatest part, !Removed! ****! I'm on there for photos of nights out, car pages and things like that mainly.
  11. Yep had my discs and pads all round and the massive 60k service with him. Top job and bloke all round. Got it in to get some bearings in gearbox that are on their way out replaced next week too.
  12. Location: West London I think that's the problem mate ;) Unfortunately. My bro lived in London and I remember when visiting there I always got a LOT more attention for the rozzers. That wasn't even in a Scoob either. I've not been pulled local to me or around my driving roads for 6+ years, and even that time it was only due to me driving early in morning on a weekend with a car full of lads (I'd gone out with them but not drank so drove) I'd have pulled me too in that situation lol. Said he couldn't smell beer on me so told me to be careful and let me on my way. I've always found police to be reasonable when I've had to deal with them. It's !Removed! fixed and mobile cameras that are the problem!
  13. Colin McRae, Richard Burns, the classic iconic rally livery, the blue with gold alloys look, the burble, the scoop, the power and AWD to name a few reasons. It's just a unique and iconic car that's had my heart and attention since I first saw Colin McRae rallying in one (on tv) years ago. Only recently been able to get insured on one but definitely worth the wait. Every time I go out in it, it's an event. Love it. Even though it does cost a !Removed! fortune!!!
  14. Braided lines are on the list too. Along with a million others things I want to do.... Plans keep getting pushed back though since it keeps throwing other bills at me. Like a very expensive gearbox repair. Just as I was about to buy 4 new tyres and get my new alloys on it finally! Damn thing!
  15. I'd be interested in the mud flaps and/or engine bolt kit if enough other people are to get the discount.
  16. It just doesn't give me the confidence I'd like when really pushing on. Fits between the cylinder and bulkhead to stop it flexing as much.
  17. That's the problem though mine aren't stiff. They're spongy. Or at least they were - I've since had all pads and discs changed to Pagids and had the brake fluid replaced. It made a HUGE difference. They still aren't perfect, if you really push on it definitely feels like something's "bending" (best word to describe it) under the pressure. The stopper will be my next brake mod, I'm pretty sure it's to do master cylinder flexing - definitely what it feels like. I agree though, definitely been set up by a driving enthusiast. The way the accelerator pedal is set back just right to line up with the brake when it's really pushed, perfect for rolling over onto it. Shame I still can't master that skill though, I'm !Removed! useless at it. Most I can do is a nice little blip of throttle when slowing on down changes lol.
  18. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss!!!!! I'm back online! After chasing them up over the weekend a few times, I came home to see engineers on street doing some work today and now im back up and running! I'm quite worried how dependant I am in the internet these days now though. That week+ was horrible! Some people find it freeing, it just destroyed me though, didn't know what to do with myself and even paying stuff off was a huge pain in the !Removed! without the inter webs. Still !Removed! off with the service and how difficult it is to get in touch with anyone. But looking at the replies on how Virgin are, I don't think its worth moving. Might just complain and see if I can at least get a discount for a while.
  19. Gutted! Going to miss Nordschleife & finish last! I'm not out today but my broadband isn't working at all so can't join :(
  20. Screw it, keep it and turn it into a drift machine ;)
  21. Dammit! Looks like it's not worth going through effort of changing then. Why are they both so ****!? Need some more competition to come in and !Removed! them up!
  22. Wow, didn't last long! What's up with it? Or just need money for the engine build?
  23. I can get Fibre optic but not been that bothered to be honest. It's been fast enough for me as is so that's not a major thing for me. Thing with sky is I can't ring them because it's a 50p a minute line in mobile and the live chat doesn't work on my phone browser. So ive had to email them. It took 48hours for them to reply and then it was only to ask me a security question and now I could be waiting up to another 72 hours for another reply. Already waited 6 hours. Un-!Removed!-believable! Are Virgin at least easier to actually get in touch with? I've noticed they've got a 0800 number to ring them so that's already a massive bonus.
  24. Still not got my Brodband/phone line sorted and found during this time Sky's customer service is absolutely shocking. So now thinking of switching. Are any of you with Virgin? Are they any goo and would you recommend them? Have you had to deal with customer services and were they any good? Cheers :)
  25. Alright Dave. Was good meeting you on Monday mate, glad to see you on here. Keep meaning to pop onto yours, will do when my broadband is sorted :)
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