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Everything posted by BoozyDave

  1. we are all going down next year, the wife and 2 kids. 2 nights in the travelodge and then down to Yarmouth for 5 nights travelodge is cheap as anything when you book in advance. I've just booked 1 night in Manchester for all 4 of us, only £32 for the night :)
  2. That's a big increase in midrange, over 100 lb/ft B) I gained 50lb and thought that was a massive difference, 100 lb difference must be WOW :)
  3. lol, I'd rather pay £8 each and stay in a warm, comfy bed. and not get awoken by the rain, be honest, you know it's going to rain
  4. glad to see you're happy with the results brog :) scoobyclinic have done lost of research and testing different parts and did a full write up of outcomes (good and bad) the write up is here http://www.ukscoobies.com/t8560-2015-performance-pack-1-underway
  5. I know it's a bit soon, but I've just had confirmation of dates for the mod nats 2016, 28th and 29th May I have just looked at the travelodge Alwalton hotel, a family room for 2 adults and 2 kids, for 2 nights.... £64 :o Bargain or what!
  6. I should be there :) Rizmo, your dog will have to be fast to beat me to the biscuits :D
  7. I use a set of ramps with a wood ramp to get under the bumper, I call them roboramps I have also used a scissor jack to lift car enough to get a trolley jack underneath. my newest jack is from JTF and only cost £20, it goes under easily and can lift from anywhere. Bargain
  8. the WRX are normal, the STI are inverted. The STI can be repaired with a couple of hours work and a grease nipple. The KYB are a straight swap for the WRX, also they can be swapped without the need of spring clamps
  9. one of my nephews had a KA, he said he turned right at a local roundabout and was doing 120mph around it. I took him out in my scooby on a private road and he was sh1tting himself when I was taking a corner at 80mph
  10. very nice B)
  11. it looks in reasonable condition, if the engine sounds and pulls ok and the rear arches are ok, it's got to be worth it
  12. hi mate welcome to the club 3D is a work of art and very time consuming, but when it's done right it's wow. I have done programming on CNC machines and PLC programming. The PLC is like a work of art and some people just have the ability to read it easily. I was working in a factory (new machine install) and was looking through a program that wasn't performing correctly, me and their maintenance sparky had a couple of hours looking and couldn't sort it. They got a bloke in from down south and he charges £1k per day. He had a full day at it and couldn't sort it. so they had to pay a bloke to come over from Germany (paid traveling time/expenses) and he sorted it out within 4 hours. The cost of the bloke is.........£5k per day :o
  13. hi mate welcome to the club
  14. yeah, they are around the 300 mark. But there isn't much more to get out of the turbo. The clinic did a custom remap and gained 12bhp, then a remap with cat back and made another 8bhp. They then tried it with a sports cat and added another 10. making it 330bhp Mangoletsi subaru claim 350bhp from just a remap, but no graphs to prove. on the blob sti, the engine components/turbo were over engineered, so a remap could take it from 265bhp to 340bhp, a massive increase. some people expect the new model to be just as tuneable, but I don't think it is
  15. very nice, some great parts B)
  16. 619,000 views now I have had a letter from my insurance, his insurance company have accepted full liability :) Thought I'd just add this clip for everyone's amusement
  17. 350bhp, good luck the standard turbo is running nearly at max on the standard map at 290bhp. If one of the best mappers in the country (Pat Herborn) can't get those sort of figures, don't think anyone else can. Have a look through the UKscoobies thread, you will get better gains with a sports cat as well. Should get 330ish
  18. it's got to make bigger engined cars easier to sell and more popular. one reason I wouldn't buy a newer Impreza is the £500 road tax. £10 a week for road tax and it would sit on my drive 6 days a week and only go on the road for 2 or 3 hours on a sunday
  19. Just had a quick read, she certainly likes to get stuck in Didn't see her welding much though Years ago I worked in a fabrication shop as a maintenance sparky and when I didn't have much to do I used to help the welders get jobs done. The company said I was better than most of the 'proper' welders lol, they even paid for me to do my NVQ3's in 'fabrication and sheet metalwork' and 'structural steelwork', then ASME9 (coded welding) so I could work on pressurized lorry tankers.
  20. while out at the car earlier he explained to me how to change a shocker, jack up, wheel off, undo bolts, lift up 'hood' and undo bolts at top. I said 'why did you call it hood?' he said there's a game he wants for the laptop and he's been watching it on youtube and that's what the lad calls it. I asked what it was called - 'car mechanic simulator'
  21. He loves helping me with anything, he has helped me make some brackets to hold my intercooler water spray jets, and I took my wipers off, he rubbed them down and sprayed them too. he even noticed to washer bottle was a bit dirty inside and said I should wash it in the sink when he was 3, I knocked my kitchen through he was helping me with stuff, knocking bricks out, carrying them to the skip. When I was doing the plumbing he wanted to cut the copper pipe for me, so I showed him how to use a pipe slice, then he even put the flux on and used the blow torch to sweat some fittings up.
  22. very nice B) it's only when you see a pic like that you can understand why closed deck can run bigger power than open deck blocks
  23. my neighbor want's me to do the same to his roof, so today I got the timber joists. Guess who was helping me????
  24. last month I put a new roof on my house, guess who was up there helping me? http:// abc
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