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Gaulson last won the day on April 22 2016

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About Gaulson

  • Birthday 07/20/1988

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  • Location:
    Pilling / Lancashire
  • Interests
    Mountain Biking
  • Subaru Model
    Ex subaru Owner

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  1. You are right @Gambit i should have done this to mine. I miss the power!
  2. As the title says, anyone in this? My character is "Gaula Poat" Just got to level 50 and after trying to grind it out over a couple of years lol. Well worth playing once you hit 50, the end game raids are awesome!
  3. Played this loads, the only thing I have left to do is all the championships..... what a grind!
  4. I got myself a PS4 and currently playing; Bloodborne (up to the boss in the lake, it's a bug thing?) Farcry Primal (only really at the start) FF14 (Had a level 29 Archer when played on pc. Started as a Mage and loving it, level 26 and climbing fast) Not long until Horizon 3 comes out and it is looking awesome!
  5. If you unplug the MAF with the car still running it should stall, if it doesn't then you know the MAF is faulty. Good place to start :)
  6. Looks like all your hard work has paid off Savage and you are now breaking records!
  7. Sorry to hear about your accident man, hope you manage to get it back on the road as it was a really lovely car :).
  8. The gameplay demo showed them playing together on both pc and xbox. All games starting soon will be on both and cross platform, buy it on one and you can play on both. There is currently Forza 6 for free on pc but it doesn't like my graphics card atm :(. They are trying to fix the problem last I checked.
  9. Glad you like the car @david1972 and once you get the couple of niggles out the way it will be smooth sailing :). I've decided it is time to sell mine, although I'm not trying very hard to do so. Got it on ebay and put it for a high price in the hopes no one will be interested ;).
  10. Not a Subaru but DAMN that is an awesome car!
  11. Given the car a good clean inside and out :). Also been done for speeding (37 in a 30)... to be fair I had just come out a 50 and was slowing down. The speed van got me right next the limit change sign the bugger!
  12. Wow that is some expensive gas @Dogconker. I will inform my rents as they have a new Mazda which hopefully shouldn't need it doing for a while as they barely use the Air Con lol. I went to look at a Toyota Rav 4 last night, nice car and would suit my mountain biking and stuff but the thought of leaving my Subaru keeps putting me off. I get too much enjoyment out of it lol.
  13. Path of the Dragon, you pick that up in the area to the left after the dancer boss. What level and stuff are you now? I'm about 40 hours in and level 90... had a change of heart with my stats, spamming int so i can use crystal weapon on my sword :)
  14. Smouldering lake was one yes, done that last night the other area is after the dancer boss... go up the ladder then head left. It's something like 3 areas that way all optional. Also apparently I'm missing one where you do an Emote on a map or something.
  15. Completed DS3 yesterday, great game. I've missed 2 areas so going to do them before finding all the rings, spells and so on.
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