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Everything posted by Shifty

  1. Just flicking through the various forum sections and I sense a distinct lack of Levorg related posts and info? Or am I missing something?
  2. Howdy all. I'm back in the fold after working abroad. Picked up a 2015 Levorg GT with only 8k miles on the clock. Full dealer history. It was a second car that just never got used. Once I remember how to post pictures I'll get some on. Same metallic blue as the previous Outback. Not seen too many out and about on the roads and even less during this lock down ;)
  3. I tried the firefox extension and it don't seem to work
  4. Happy days mate. Enjoy.
  5. Cleaned the MAF as it looked very black. Fitted five new tyres. Now skint.
  6. A friendly tester might shove the probe up another vehicles exhaust for beer vouchers as long as the boss is not around. Well that's what they did with mine when I had all the aggro with my cats. Glad to say it's now sorted.
  7. Four new tyres just in time for winter. Now skint until the end of the month but that's life.
  8. Why not get the injectors serviced at a specialists? That way you get a warranty on any work and they can flow test and make sure the spray pattern is good. I'm not a fan of stuff you tip in the tank.
  9. Yes mate they were doing a short notice limited time promo deal just before Christmas (I think they were a bit slack). Normally it was going to be around £80 per wheel so I thought wtf and went for it. I had five 16" standard Outback alloys re-furbed and colour changed to gunmetal from silver. They even did the alloy centre caps to match for free which was nice. The previous lady owner of my car fitted snow chains (not very well) and they mullered every wheel which is why I got the car cheap. I've got to go back and get my new tyres fitted in a week or two as I don't trust Kwik-Twit not to scratch them or stick a shed load of balance weights everywhere except where they are needed. I think once you go above 16s the price goes up quite steeply. Get yourself on their faceache page and mailing lists as they often have short term deals on offer when they are quiet.
  10. Wiring issue? I can't see you killing a lambda sensor in 100 miles no matter how bad your engine was.
  11. I had all five wheels done on my Outback for £300 all in at "The Wheel Specialists" in Farnborough. Tyres off, acid dipped, any damage repaired, shot blasted, powder coated inside and out, diamond cut, clear coated, tyres refitted with new valves, wheels invisibly balanced, three year guarantee on the finish, and all done in a day. As good as new and a lot less effort.
  12. My mechanic simply leaves a warning flyer on the dash stating that new brake pads have been fitted along with advice on breaking them in. They never do a road test unless specifically asked to do so to diagnose an issue and always with the owners written consent. He also said that if he felt it necessary to begin bedding the brakes in he would use the rollers on the mot bay much like they do during the mot test. Arguably the driver is guilty of "taking without consent" as you only asked them to change the brakes which does not require a road test - let alone a speeding road test.
  13. Had my wheels done by these: https://www.thewheelspecialist.co.uk/?gclid=CJfrise7jdECFYoaGwodJKEKlQ Better than new and very reasonable. Got five done for the price of four as I have a full size alloy spare. Went for a colour change from diamond cut silver to satin gunmetal. Better than new and looks the dogs. My wheels were all trashed when the previous owner put snow chains on which I used to knock the price down knowing I'd get them refurbed. Not sure if they come to you but I borrowed a spare set of wheels from my mate and dropped my wheels off. They were done within 24 hours so I collected them next day. They even fitted them while I was there which was handy. I'll deffo use them again and they are a fraction of the price of new wheels.
  14. I think his pride got in the way. Nothing wrong with the workmanship it was just that the supplied cats were not fit for purpose. As you said it was a shame I had to resort to lodging a court claim.
  15. OK at last the saga is over. The exhaust man has contacted my solicitor with an "out of court" offer which I have now accepted. In effect he has refunded me the complete cost of the original stainless exhaust. It seems the notification of court action focused his mind. Thanks for all your input and support over the last year and I now have a motor that easily passes the MOT. I learnt a lot about how modern fuel injection systems work and also have a Subaru diagnostics report that confirms my engine is in tip top order. Now I can just enjoy driving it. Cheers
  16. Howdy peeps. Thought you might like to know the resolution to this issue. After the exhaust company changed out the cats for two new ones the emissions problem still persisted. The exhaust bloke said it must be engine related so as I was sure there was not an underlying engine problem I took a chance and sprung for some OEM Subaru cats. The exhaust bloke fitted the OEM cats and modified the exhaust as a cat back system and guess what? The emissions are now bang on the money proving both sets of cats he supplied were as much use as a chocolate teapot. He has refused point blank to refund the purchase price of the original cats stating that all the extra work he has done was not charged for so we are quits. He seems to forget the extra work and expense would not have been necessary if his cats had worked properly in the first place. Therefore I have now lodged a claim in the courts under the Sale of Goods act as the cats were not fit for purpose. I have all the evidence needed to support the claim and due to his hard nosed attitude I will be claiming for all out of pocket expenses, loss of earnings, and associated costs such as independent Subaru diagnostics etc. The case goes to court in Feb next year and I shall enjoy taking his pants down to the princely sum of some £3000 and counting which he could have resolved for £600. Sorry for the lack of updates until now but I have been a tad busy with work and domestic trivia.
  17. Exhaust company who made the full stainless system and cats are going to give me the cost of the cats back and them modify my exhaust to a cat back system. I have to spring for the OEM Subaru cats but its the best deal I could get out of them. Hopefully that will sort the problem.
  18. I am in the Woking Surrey area. How does a sports decat get through an mot? I'm thinking of going back to standard Subaru cats with a stainless cat back system if I can get the company that made the current exhaust to cough for some of the cost. Especially as Subaru reckon the current exhaust is causing the problem and not fit for purpose. Waiting to hear back from the exhaust company as we speak. The other alternative is to chop it in against another Scoob. The dealer had a lovely WRX on the forecourt for £18k but my old lady dont like the colour.
  19. I guess thats the last option I have but dont know anyone local that could do a proper dyno run and diagnostics. Starting to spend too much money now so its days may be numbered unless I get to the bottom of it quickly.
  20. So £120 lighter and still none the wiser. The Subaru techs had it for two hours and their findings are as follows: ECU map is standard and original to the vehicle as from new. Compression good on all cylinders and all within 4psi of each other. Leakdown test shows no problems. Fuel pressure and flow all within specs and ignition strong and healthy. No fuel pressure drop shown after 20mins with ignition off so no fuel system leaks or weeping injectors. All sensors responding as expected with no codes logged. All readiness codes correct at time of test. No vacuum or exhaust leaks. Vehicle fails on fast idle with HC 24ppm, lambda 0.979, and CO 0.78% (limit 0.2%). No trace of fuel in the oil and vehicle serviced with new plugs, filters, oil. Evap canister not contaminated and purge system working as expected but disconnected for the above tests. Tech suspects that the stainless exhaust system is not creating enough back pressure so the exhaust gasses are flowing through the cats to quickly and not allowing them to fully convert the CO into CO2? Confirms there is some cat activity as the HC readings are low. Not sure if this is possible? However I still suspect that the ECU is running the engine rich for some reason. Apparently the Subaru tech says the ECU does use the downstream O2 sensor to adjust fuel trims as well as the upstream one which may tie in with an exhaust flow problem? Geting a tad frustrated with this now. I have gone back to the exhaust manufacturer with the report findings to see what they come back with. Not expecting them to accept it is the exhaust at fault but lets wait and see.
  21. As far as I know its a standard map. Not had any work done on it so not likely the TPS has moved. It reads about 7% at idle and shows full 100% deflection (with no dead spots) when operating the the pedal with ignition on but engine not running. I have got it booked in for a full diagnostics tomorrow morning so hopefully they can get to the bottom of things. Watch this space and thanks for all the input.
  22. Air filter is new genuine Subaru item. Fuel purge line disconnected and vac line plugged to make sure it was not that or the charcoal canister feeding vapour into the mix. Would have expected negative trims if that was the case though. ECU reset to clear learned trims and readiness states just sends short term trims high until the learned trims stick and kick in. My understanding is that positive fuel trims (which I have) is the ECU trying to correct a perceived LEAN condition as signaled by the upstream O2 sensor? Upstream sensor shows classic toggling between rich/lean as expected but no indication of steady rich or lean condition. I get the same readings on both the new and old O2 sensors so pretty sure they are reading accurately. Lean as far as I know is either not enough fuel or too much air. MAF was replaced but reads virtually the same as the old one. However my downstream O2 indicates a mainly RICH condition, and my sooty exhaust tends to confirm this, as do the the high CO readings which I would have expected to see negative fuel trims to try and lean the mixture. I may just have to bite the bullet and get it plugged in at Subaru to find out whats wrong. Bummer. Thanks for the suggestions.
  23. Engine does not burn oil and I never have to top it up between changes at 4k miles. Plugs were new just under a year ago as were the leads. Sparks are good and healthy. No apparent vac leaks. The cats were also new just last year when I had the stainless exhaust made by longlife. I'm worried that the rich fuelling may have killed the new cats but I've not had any error codes logged. As best I can tell the O2 sensors are both working as expected as are the MAF MAP IAT and ECT sensors. If I unplug each sensor while the engine is ticking over I get instant response on each one so I am sure the wiring is ok and the ecu is reacting to each one when disconnected. Each sensor throws an error code when disconnected so I am pretty sure they are all within spec and working. Fuel pressure is 1psi at idle above what Haynes says but that may be my cheapo fuel pressure gauge. Pressure tops out at about 45psi at WOT but its hard to read the gauge whilst swerving round buses and pedestrians. System also holds 35psi pressure overnight so no dribbling injectors or other leaks. I blew compressed air through the fuel return and can hear it bubbling in the tank so it is not blocked. If I pinch the return line the pressure climbs to over 60 psi then drops to 35psi at idle when un-clamped. Is there a check valve in the return line as it needs about 10psi to blow bubbles in the tank? I was thinking it should be completely open? There must be something causing the black soot in my tailpipes and very high CO readings but all other emissions are within MOT levels so I'm sure the cats are doing their best. Cheers for the suggestions keep them coming. The only other alternative is to book it in for an hour diagnostic session to point me in the right direction but I hate spending money for somebody else to find something I could have. Of course if it needs specialist equipment to find the problem I dont get so upset.
  24. Howdy peeps. Got a bit of a problem in that my motor failed its MOT on very high CO levels but everything else was within limits. Managed to bribe the mot man to shove his probe up another tailpipe in order to get a ticket but I need to sort this out as he says it will kill eventually kill my cats. Have tested the fuel pressure regulator and pump are working as expected and there are no leaks via a dribbling injector (pressure steady after 20 mins standing) so the fuel system is sound. When using SSM to have a look at fuel trims I see a very high long term fuel trim 18+ and sometimes an even higher short term fuel trim. Strange thing is no error codes other than the odd (every two months or so) P0420 which is because of the high CO levels. I have no vac leaks and both O2 sensors have been tested and are working fine. Any ideas as to what I need to look at? I am struggling to understand why only the CO readings are high. All suggestions gratefully accepted. Cheers Shifty
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