You don't need a pic, it's easy. Front passenger foot well...pull back the carpet behind the glove box on the right hand side. Probably need a torch. The control unit is up there. Should be a black wire wrapped around the heater motor. Unwrap it and let it dangle free (ooh err missus) that should give you more distance. You can experiment more by lengthening the wire bit by bit.
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Not really, it just plugs into the OBD port which means it can be moved from one vehicle to another. I know they`re probably not easy to pinch but if it ever did happen I can even cut the engine from any web browser.
All for less than £50 B)
I`m fitting.....well, not exactly fitting as it just plugs OBD II vehicle tracker, track via mobile phone, text or Google maps... and t`internet. Got the phone bit sorted, just on with the web service part.
Ten mtrs is still not brill. If you Un wrap the wire under the n/s footwear you should improve on that. I'm one who wants it to work across the car park
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Now then.....what kind of distance are you getting from your key - fobs? And does Yor car have a rear bumper protector. Some do some don't. Mine don't.
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My last ON had them as standard but Subaru must have dropped them on the 05 for some reason. The electromagnetic ones work better and there's no drilling. Just have to take off the bumper.
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Reason for asking, I have an electromagnetic parking sensor kit. The sensor is a strip of tape which sticks to the inside of the bumper. Hence having to remove the bumper.
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