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Everything posted by majik_thighs

  1. No!.....you don`t get "let off". and the best thing you can do is purchase a GPS speed scamera detector, preferably one that talks to you and shows your correct speed, your speedo`s are calibrated approximately 4 MPH above what you are actually doing., the radar detectors are pretty useless, by the time it beeps your already caught. Join pepipoo forums: http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showforum=5 This is by far the most useful site for information on speeding/parking tickets. Don`t get fobbed of by thses crank websites that promise you "All you need to know about how to avoid tickets" for £20.00 its all rubbish info and little more than a scam. Its been a few years since I boned up on motoring law and some things may have changed so best thing would be pepipoo forums, its free to join. But i`ll give you a couple of tips. I`ll start at the beginning.......are we sitting comfortably? When the dreaded NIP (Notice of Intended Prosecution) drops on your mat 1st you check the postage, it has to be sent 1st class minimum by law, anything less.....and the NIP is unenforceable.(this does happen occasionally) It also has to be sent to the vehicles owner within 14 days of the alleged offence. If any of the above apply don`t throw away the envelope! You also have 28 days to reply so always always always use that time. Ok so like I said i`m not up to speed with any changes in the law so from here I would suggest pepipoo forums. About 7 years ago I was on chemo for hepatitis c and couldn't work for a good few years and seeing as I had about 9 points on my license I decided to fight back (it kept me sane!) I avoided 3 or 4 tickets and also helped a good few mates do the same, its not always avoidable but if you know a little of the law surrounding this sometimes devious practice it can be very useful. Sometimes you have to be ballsy enough to go to court and fight your corner.
  2. Welcome you jammy sod!
  3. I'll be back tomorrow and post
  4. And that's my first tapatalk
  5. Normal so far but I'm gonna give super a try and see what the difference is
  6. Ive been like this for 8 weeks now but funnily enough im comfy driving although my wife being a nurse says I shouldn't drive on these drugs :D
  7. They are uncannily comfortable for a car designed to go off-road, no idea how they do it but they do. Just wait for the snow if it comes and give it a go.........they can climb walls
  8. It should be whisper quiet on tick-over once warmed up and you realy only hear the engine when you gun it.
  9. I said that my next one would defo be a diesel until I saw this H6 and had a test-drive, 2005, 69 thou, sat-nav, full leather 4 & a half grand in black. My !Removed! rulled my head.
  10. Yes......The 1st time I went up to Edinburgh from Accrington I set the cruise at 68 MPH purposely and I got 30 MPG. Around town its around 22-25. I use mine as a work horse so I need the best MPG really but the 3 ltrs performance I think is well worth it. Just now and then I take the trainer-wheels off her and give her a boot full and it brings a warm glow inside and a big smile outside. The 2.5 will get you closer to 40 on a run and maybe 33-35 around town....they are a handy beast but they don`t come close to the 3 ltr.
  11. I live just outside Accrington lancs. Ive had 4 Outbacks from Bolton, Blackpool, Rotherham....and my last, the one I have now Came from Haslingden which is about 5 miles away....the last 3 I found on Ebay......they are worth the trip! You get a lot of car for you money you really do.
  12. All of the above except for timing belt applys to both 2.5 and 3ltr models!
  13. I already posted in your other thread but........service history is a must!.......timing belt changed? (If you go for a 2.5) give it a good test drive, listen for any noise from the drive train, wheel bearings etc...... check the oil/water...the usual, how clean is the engine compartment, have a right good nosey underneath with a torch if poss. They are pretty much indestructible as long as they`ve not been thrashed around off-road too much. Start her up and give it a minute or 2.....you should now not be able to hear or even feel that the engine is running....the 1st couple of days with my 3 ltr o5 when I stopped at the lights I thought the engine had stalled. And it should also feel as comfy as your couch! Hope you get a nice clean one matey. ;)
  14. You will love it!......and they are chain driven.....bomb proof, make sure they have the full service history and your good to go! Come back here and share your experience with the class please.
  15. At the moment I have a nice squeaky-clean licence with zero points. I have taken these feckers to the cleaners quite a few times over the last few years, they absolutely hate it. You have to be prepared to fight!
  16. Very welcome you are! :D
  17. They have the kits on Ebay, Quite inexpensive for what you get as the end result! I may have a go myself. :) Oh.....the link in post # 15 is not working, try this one: http://www.mydipkit.co.uk/gallery.html ;)
  18. Did they take out the chicken wire and logo or did they mask it up? Looks stunning by the way, pity you can`t drive around with the bonnet up
  19. I`m an Outback person myself but I actually like the look of the Tribeca! :) Theres one living not too far away from me.
  20. Lovely clean machine there Rick!
  21. Welcome and.........................nice! :)
  22. Welcome Sniper :)
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