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Everything posted by BrianP1

  1. Thanks for the prompt feedback. Hopefully it will stabilise soon and we can get some cards 🙂
  2. Morning all, Thought I'd post here as the membership forum appears quiet... I was a member a few years ago and had some great savings with Halfords discount... I am now back in a Subaru after a break and thought I would re-join as the old Halfords discount card stopped working some time back. Having received my membership, I was surprised to see a letter only with a slip of paper as the discount card! How is this durable and useable? It will get knackered pretty quick and isn't particularly convenient like having a card in the wallet! This is not a moan, so much as a "am I missing a card" question? Just seems a backward step to me? Thanks in advance Brian
  3. I'm in the area if theres enough interest...
  4. These are taken from my 2016 Outback. Being UK Spec it is the 2.5 engine so not sure if this will make any difference to the fuse box layout... anyway hope it helps...
  5. I have the Transcend DrivePro 220 installed in both the STI and the Outback. Never failed (touch wood) and the video is top quality and it has GPS for speed etc... The Outback has Eyesight like the Levorg - I have placed the camera to the left of the Eyesight Camera... Its slightly obstructive to the view of the passenger, but the wife doesn't seem to complain too much...
  6. No problems with mine, all be it I have only done 7500 miles... have you had the alloys checked for damage? If you've been unfortunate enough to hit a pot hole or two the inside of the alloy is normally the first place to get the damage and hence the psi drop...
  7. Spoke to my local Subaru dealer this morning and they sent me a picture from one they had in stock... Its correct! Phew, panic over!
  8. Are there any 2017 outback owners out there that could do me a huge favour? I picked up a stone chip in the windscreen that turned into a significant crack and thus needed a new windscreen. After waiting nearly 2 weeks for a replacement windscreen to come into stock through Subaru UK, it was replaced today... However, I had to be away with work in the STI, so left the Wife in charge of meeting and greeting etc... Now heres the thing, I've just come home and looked at the job, and if I didn't know better I would say there were rubbers missing from the two sides and top edge of the windscreen... but as I didn't look that closely beforehand I can't be sure... it just looks like all the edges are exposed? Now it may be absolutely normal and like that out of the factory, but I have no reference... Is there any owners out there that can take a close up picture of their own windscreens (side and top edge) and post it here for comparison??? If so I would be very grateful... Thanks in advance Bri
  9. I had Continental WinterContact TS850's, great tyre that I kept on all year round with no problems at all... high mileage driver and I got 55K miles out of them before they needed replacing!! I'd have them all day long! Never experienced any aquaplaning or anything... also had some light off roading in them also... A VERY Competent tyre!
  10. Ouch! Must admit to not being to my taste, but does make the front end a lot more aggressive! Interested to know what your running total of mods is now?
  11. Mines factory standard - nothing done, although I did manage this today!! Got the car booked in to the dealership on Tuesday just to inspect the brakes and see whats going on...
  12. Likewise, I'm more than happy with mine at the moment... Daily driving and 300 ponies is plenty! Quick question, have you experienced any squealing from the brakes? I'm getting it under what I'd describe as daily braking ie normal approach to a junction etc... if I bury the pedal a bit more it stops squealing but its very annoying. I've treated the brakes to some hard braking to try and clean them up a bit but to no avail. just clocked 4K this morning on the way into work and its started doing it in the last 300-500miles... Anyone else had this? Brian
  13. Hi AJ, I had a similar issue with my 2017 STI when the wife drive it for the first time!!!! I wasn't happy! I had a about 2 inches taken off... Looked into getting a refurb, but couldn't get a guarantee of colour match to the other alloys! Seems to be common across the industry as manufacturers don't share the paint codes! The alternative is a repair... for this they rub down the affected area then spray and blend in the affected area... about the same cost which ever route you go down - between £65-£90 depending on who you use... As a temporary measure, and due to a stroke of luck I had someone visit the family car to do a windscreen repair and chap that came out also does wheel repairs... he just did a touch up for me on the affected wheel to take the 'eye' off the damage and its worked really well. I'll probably get a proper repair done at some point in the future but for now it will do... I know what you mean about he depth of paint though!!!! It is incredibly thin!
  14. LOL - great offer - but I pick up my new STI tomorrow and think the wife would lose it if I came home with two!!!
  15. Good luck with the sale, would you consider selling the boot mat/liner separately? If so what would you want for it? Brian
  16. 28 - RB5 33 - RB5 (second one) 36 - Legacy 37 - P1 38 - Outback 40 - WRX STI 2017 (Delivery April 1st!) You're never too old!!!!
  17. Some interesting comments there Daz, and some good points. To be honest I thought about options as you did, but if I'm honest I won't have the funds available until February anyhow, so when it came down to 8 weeks or so I thought I may as well wait. The price going up is a risk I'm aware of but hey, you can't win them all!! some reassuring comments flowman ref mpg. I will be commuting in mine most days (approx 34 miles each way) so knowing you can get something half decent out of it is good!
  18. I see what you mean now, the extras... probably won't bother outside of the STI mats, I'd like the full splitter/sides etc, but can't justify the extra cost... i will be fitting mud flaps all round though... i do get what your saying about the uk market, Subaru have simplified their market for several years now and with good reason. On a positive note though, you don't see may new STI's on the road, in fact I think I've seen one in the last 6 months!
  19. There is no spec difference aside from the colour choice! I wish there was! I'll never understand why the UK doesn't get the choices of other countries such as seat upgrades etc... Main reason for the wait is the new tax rules... its a personal choice I guess, but I'd rather cough up the initial extra financial hit and then have a flat £140 a year tax rather than the £520 or what ever it is... Also, I didn't want one that had been sat around in a dealership with every Tom, !Removed! and Harry sitting in it and blipping the throttle etc... Mine is ordered for me - no one else! :-)
  20. Great read Flowman! Makes me all the more excited about mine! Only 120 Days to wait now!!!! Role on delivery!
  21. Hi Brian I had exactly the same problem on my 2.5 2009 Outback. Turned out to be a dodgy/dirty Oil pressure sensor. Apparently the Cruise control disables automatically when the Engine Management light comes on. Cleaned the sensor up and never seen the problem again. Like you I do a lot of cruise/motorway driving. I was advised to give it some welly from time to time to blow out the cobwebs... Might be worth a visit to the garage for a cleanup... Bri
  22. Glad to help - I consider Graham the oracle when it comes to diagnosing problems... nothing is too much trouble, and he is a VERY busy guy! Top customer service all round. I've just ordered myself a 2017 WRX STI and am re-assured it will be in good hands come the time! (Oh and BTW, I'm a bit excited!)
  23. Without hesitation take it to Proven Subaru in Haslemere. Not quite Bracknell area but not too far and I'm certain they will sort the problem. The service manager is Graham and theres nothing he doesn't know about the brand of the mechanics of cars... Top bloke and great customer service too... Yes they are main dealer so labour rates are a little higher, but you get what you pay for in my opinion! Proven - 01428 853014 Good Luck!
  24. Cheers guys, no plans for the moment, the car is my main work horse. The alloys were refurbed by the dealership where I bought it. I think the elderly lady that owned it before me must have had some issues with curbs!! Still, I like the darker look... I am also an Impreza owner too! But thats for the weekends! Bri
  25. Hi all I recently parted ways with my diesel 2008 legacy with 150k on the clock and am now the proud owner of a new toy!! 2010 Outback 2.5SE Auto with 42k on the clock and I'm loving it! Compared to the diesel it's like putting on a pair of silk gloves! It's so smooth I can't imagine why I didn't change earlier!! Already had the rear windows tinted and love the look!
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