a security company called my dad at his farm one night on the phone...../
caller... hello could i intrest you in home security?
dad...... no ive got that covered.
caller.,,,,, you can never have too much you know.
dad.... no everythings locked up
caller.... what if they get past the locks?
dad...... they would have had to get past the 3 BIG !Removed! off dogs first
caller... errr i see but if they did?... you would still be better with an alarm.
dad... no if they get past all that then they have me to contend with
caller.... i think you need better protection than just your self/
dad..... not when i have 3 twelve bore shot guns, a 222 rifle and a long range 247 with telescopic sights
caller... errrr................ ummmmm.... ahem........ i can see your well covered then
dad... told ya good bye
my dads very old school. :lol: :lol: :lol: