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Everything posted by ChrisD

  1. Mica Black yes :) (image below was before I sprayed my wheels ) Same as mine, beautiful car mate ! I have just had my interior dipped to match the black and gold look I like it :) .
  2. When I had my classic mini the only thing sealing up the underneath did was hold in all the water that came in from the windows .... god that was a **** car, wasted so much money I could have spent on a real car :') i.e my subaru :D
  3. Hello all, I am curious :0, what's your MPG? I have a 2003 Blobeye impreza, with fully decat plus remap and a high flow panel air filter. I get between 25 Mpg (20 at my worst) driving short runs and having a bit of fun with it up to 33 Mpg on a long run with only a bit of fast accelerating.
  4. I have the Blob 2003- 2005, speaker size for mine is... 5.25" in front 4" in back seems small i know, I have mounting pods in mine from ebay, looks like you could 6.5" in front and 5.25" in back without the pods if you are a good bodger
  5. From stock to this in 2 days, took my car apart at 06:00 in the morning on Wednesday, picked up the parts and had them fitted 02:00 last night The things you do for love it has been hydro-dipped (hydrographics) in gold and black carbon fiber :) Just clear coated Front Front and instrument surround Door
  6. Get something like this, first time i heard about this car was seeing him at a scooby garage with a blown up engine ... i wonder why :') !
  7. hmm, will give that a go. Talking about me and my toys i will plug in my OBD logger and get some graphs of speed vs RPM see if i can find some slip. also see my boost over a run see if i see any relations.
  8. I will check the connections and pipes, thank you. the clutch doesn't feel the problem to me but I'm no expert. Have my ultrasonic air leak detection gun at the ready !
  9. FYI if helpful Boost, Fuel BHP and Torque
  10. it has been remapped, i had a fully decat pipe put in and then had it re-mapped. I will try the water trick tonight, I also have access to an ultrasonic air leak detection piece of kit .... that in theory should do it but I will have to try it. is there any way of proving it's the clutch or not the clutch?
  11. Thanks man ... i wish i knew more than I do and was able to do all that :') I will try some bits and bobs and see if i can narrow down anything
  12. Hello all, The problem is, when i change gears my revs seem to jump up by a few hundreds before dropping down, as if i haven't fully taken my foot of the pedal. I make sure i fully take my foot off to ensure that isnt the problem and it still does it, as if there as a slight delay in the trottle being let of? or maybe my dump valve is effecting it as it seems to coincide with the "PSShh" Any help would be great thank you !! Kind regards Chris
  13. Anyone got opinions on pipping revs up before they shut down? Most say don't do it as it will spin the turbo without it having proper lubrication or something or nothing, but some say do. ?we got a definitive answer?
  14. Hello all, I have just had a Fully de-cat exhaust on my 03 Blob Impreza, I have also just had it re-mamped to make use of the new exhaust. my question is, if i put in the de-cat Up-pipe will i need to re-map again so that i don't have problems or should I be fine just "Whacking it in" Kind regards Chris Current re-map information FYI
  15. Re spray may cost a lot due to the black with gold fleck paint. also makes it hard to find a colour matched one. Thanks for the idea on price btw :)
  16. Thanks guys will ask around :)
  17. Does 5mm make any difference? Visually?
  18. Thanks man :) any idea on a price? Just thinking is it worth doing, I mean its no terrible thing but its just a shame when the rest of the car is in such good nick
  19. I swapped mine on my blob from standard to aftermarket and there was a lot of wire snipping and trying to figure out with a multimeter what went where. but i couldn't tell you about if those lights are the same. hope that helps a bit :)
  20. Just gone out, its smaller that i described. one main offender and then the rest just doesn't look straight as if its a bit rippled. Ripple look: Main dent (Hard to see, not that big ... just annoys me)
  21. Hello all, I have a few small dents in my rear bumper, as if someone has sat on it or the previous owner has reversed into something. I will get some pictures up but basically the back bumper needs some straightening. dents probably an inch wide and pushed in a few CM at max there is no damage to the paint work btw. anyone know anyone in the Doncaster Sheffield area who could help. also anyone have any guess at the cost to fix them? Kind regards Chris
  22. I cant get my fingers in to pull mine out so i glued a hook onto the back for future use. when it first got stuck i got the blade from a little coping saw, (i.e. the flat saw blade with a little metal peg in either end) and used it to hook the bottom of the plastic and wiggle it free, not easy but it did the job :) hope this helps. also it shouldn't run the battery down.
  23. awesome link.... Just noticed that on that marketing document it has Lance Armstrong's support with the slogan "you have to be driven by whats inside" ... anyone know where the steroids reservoir is on a 2003 impreza WRX ?
  24. Thanks Tidgy, is there any name for the color code? as its black with mica gold fleck, so not the ordinary paint.
  25. also help on Trim code : B20, Colour Code 18L Option Code EC and model GDACK8D Thank you :)
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