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Everything posted by Linx

  1. Ive had Thwaites Developments Racing warwick recommended and they are local to me. Has anyone on here used them? http://tdracing.co.uk/
  2. Hi Bikenite, My 2003 WRX is just the same. I've taken to checking the level when hot because it makes it easier to read the stick. When checking when cold though I go by the lower side of the stick. Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  3. Let us know what you think of it. I still haven't chosen a remapper. I should be able to afford it in a month or two. Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  4. Clutch shouldn't bite late. So what happened to the receipt for the tyres? Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  5. Nightmare. Try Quay Cars near Newport. That's where I bought my WRX. He prepares the car really well, knows what he's talking about and paid attention to me without being pushey. They have a website but I'm not sure of the address. Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  6. Are you sure they all went at once? A friend of mine recently had to replace 11 bulbs on his girlfriend's car for the MOT! Not because there was a fault, just that she hadn't noticed each time a bulb had gone since the last MOT 😖😱😏😭😂. Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  7. Are you thrashing it a lot? Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  8. Sorry to hear that. Could be worse though. Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  9. Hey Sandals. Does removing the 3rd cat make much difference to noise or emissions? Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  10. Are you sure it's not the power steering fluid making the noise? I've known this in the past. See if it's worse on full lock. Might be worth changing anyway.
  11. On avarage I get 300 miles a tank ~ 31 MPG on a run and 26 around town. Usually on V Power, occasionally Tesco, depending on where I am when the light comes on. Standard car except for Prodrive back box. I'm doing a comparason test at the moment between genuine Subaru airfilter and Pipercross foam panel filter.
  12. 5W30 Shell Ultra Helix Professional fully synthetic and Subaru Black oil filter.
  13. Some oil usage is fine. A bit of extra lubrication for the pistons. Your's does sound a bit much though Grease. So if it is the PCV valve, where does the oil go? Cheers Linx.
  14. I've used the pink OAT stuff Halfrauds recommend.
  15. Ahh great. Thanks Stants. Actually I would like cruise control. How easy is it to retrofit? Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  16. Under my hood. Just in case it is of any use to you . Serviceable items have yellow caps.
  17. So what's going on here then? I have a throttle attachment and a bracket for another throttle cable. Am I missing something? Cheers Linx
  18. Hi, Personally I use http://www.ngkpartfinder.co.uk/cars_commercial.php?type=SPARK%2520PLUGS for selecting spark plugs. and http://applications.castrol.com/oilselector/en_gb/c/search?vehicleType=cars for oils. You need to know the model of car your engine goes with. Use genuine a Subaru oil filter. Linx
  19. Welcome. Looks great!
  20. Hey Boz, was there any sign of water in the oil? Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  21. If you can't find a leak , buy a block tester. £25 on eBay. It tests for exhaust gas in the coolant. There's a video on YouTube of how to use it on a Scuby. Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  22. That's not a lot for a big end. Has it got full service history?
  23. Hi Boz, How many miles has the car done?
  24. I did some more investigating on the car at the weekend. There is no sign of oil in the water and no sign of water in the oil. All the spark plugs look fine. In actual fact it looks like the car is running lean because the insulators were all bright white (is there anything I can do about that?). Compression on all 4 cylinders is between 150 and 160 PSI cold with WOT. I also bought a block tested which indicated no exhaust gas in the coolant. So I'm pretty sure now, I don't have a leaking head gasket. I'll keep an eye on it for a few days. Maybe I'm only loosing water when the engine is cold! Maybe it's the heater matrix?? Any ideas greatfully received.
  25. Maybe big end bearings 😞. Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
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