I was assuming it had discs on the rear too but if it hasn't, it won't be that. Just strange how it has only just shown these symptoms. Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using Tapatalk
I have the same issue. Only happens in heavy rain. I just get a pool of water on the boot mat around the rear left corner of the boot. I can never find any thing wet around the boot lid or sides. I've tried re-masticing on the boot seal. I'll have a look at the light cluster next. Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using Tapatalk
It's just a case of waiting for o w too come up. Most have FSH as they tended be owned by people who care about their cars. Took me a couple of months to find the right one.
Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using Tapatalk
My insurance has gone up nearly £100 this year. I compared my renewal notice with a couple of comparison sites and it seems about right.
Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using Tapatalk
Hi John. What you describe is typical of worn CV joints. I'm not sure if you should be able to feel any free play when they start to knock.
Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using Tapatalk
Hi Matt, I can't remember which one won, but Auto Express magazine did a test on dash cams recently. Check out the product tests on their website.
Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using Tapatalk
I've been working on the car today. I knew I was going to have to get the radiator out to patch up the rot in the part of the body the aircon radiator sits on. It was worse than I thought though. Not much of it left! Is this normal behavior for a 2003 89K mile Scuby or does it mean my radiator has been leaking for ages?
I see this bit has a part number but it's welded in and I can only find American web sites listing it. For now I will repair it with aluminium mesh and GRP. I'm going to get a new rad as well. Only £75 from EuroCarParts at the moment.