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Everything posted by Brom

  2. HI GUYS, Not been on the site of late 😜 Sadly my 2007 3.0 Tribeca 5 SE appears to has developed a head gasket issue on the H6 engine recently, so have decided to offer for sale on the basis someone may have the experience and knowledge to maybe undertake repairs etc. Car had 4 owners inc myself, genuine 82k mls, full service history, mainly Subaru but also Farmers Subaru Independent garage in Matlock, Derbyshire. 4 x new tyres 2019, had a brand new s/steel exhaust in June at cost of £900, recent basic service Aug 2021 - oil, filter, and investigation for overheating issue. Had the sniff test at Farmers and hydro-carbons apparently detected from header tank and audible bubbling from header tank. No loss of coolant but temp gauge goes up to 3/4 on LED gauge after approx 5 mls, so not useable now for daily driver. Car still runs and drives spot on, but i'm only driving 3-4 mls locally on a couple of days a week to stop brake seizing up etc. I'm gutted to have to let the car go but i don't have the time or energy, knowledge etc to do repairs so will have to let the car go. I know a UK spec Tribeca is rare in Uk ,so car is ideal for some one to use as spare parts etc, possibly repair engine and sell (seen them for sale approx £2500-3000 ) on Ebay. If anyone is interested or knows of anyone drop me a message , not really got an idea on price, so negotiable if someone has an offer to make. Any questions answered honestly, and other photo's available if required. Located 5 min from jnc 29 M1, Chesterfield, Derbyshire if you want to view. 👍
  3. Hi, Does anyone know the diameter of the exhaust pipe from the centre of the exhaust to the 2 x rear boxes on a Tribeca? I want to buy 2 x new free flow back boxes but i'm not sure of the exhaust diameter. Any advice appreciated.😎
  4. Took delivery of another wheel centre for my tribeca,(just in case I lose another one). Came from Russia of all places, within a week,£20 all in so i'm not complaining.
  5. Jet washed the Tribeca again...and fitted a new wheel centre from the US,as one went AWOL after I had 4 new tyres fitted, and I obviously didn't fit it correctly, so £25.00 later !!!. Also fitted my new private number plates after taking them off my last Legacy 3.0R Spec B which i sold in Dec. Added some pics of the Spec B, I really loved that motor.😎
  6. Brom

    The Rant! Thread

    They're complete idiots, and deserve to have the suspension fall apart. They must think 'speed humps' is a phrase which means 'go as fast as you dare over that hump in the road' !! 'Oh no, my rear exhaust box has just been ripped off'.... with any luck.
  7. Brom

    The Rant! Thread

    Change of subject for a rant on my part!! Why oh why, do people drive over speed humps as if they are attempting to get airbourne? (ooh,what are those big humps in the road for dad)?, ohh my head hurts as it bounces off the car roof. I live on a little lane approx 500 mt long,which is a 'one way' street, with the said speed humps spaced approx every 80 mt apart. Some kamakasi pilots will insist on driving down the street like a f***ing bat out of hell (and with kids in the car headbanging to Led Zepllin through no choice of their own) due to their idiotic !Removed! parent !! M.O.T time again,'My suspensions knackered, how can that be' ??? 😡
  8. Washed and worshipped my Tribeca lol And tried to remove each of the exhaust tips, which don't want to co-operate even though I've sheared the little bolt underneath grrrrrrr. Big hammer next time !!
  9. No problem, it's a pleasure to help a new Subaru owner/member to the forum. I remember feeling a bit inadequate asking my first question, I found members will always give good advice on just about any problem you may have with your Subaru. I appreciate totally about the cost of servicing your Subaru,and I like to pass my cash to an independent garage if possible. One other suggestion, just ask any other Subbie owner you see parked up at the side of the road,or in the supermarket car park locally, and ask where they get their car serviced, or try posting under another post heading for replies. All the best Disco.
  10. Ok, the garage isn't really on your doorstep either then lol. Check out the 'Good Garage Scheme' website,put in your post code and choose your car make, just another option maybe to try. Hope you get sorted anyway👍
  11. Hi Subbie newbie, Welcome to owning your first Subaru , and glad you're impressed with your new motor. I had my first one ,a 2003 2.0 Forester X ,(and I still own one, i'm on my 9th vehicle). I love them, especially when there's 12" snow about on the roads lol. Having just sold my 2006 3.0R Spec B Leggy, i think you'll find the Haynes manuals are few and far between these days. I looked for one 3 yrs ago but couldn't find one, although you may find a CD disc with the manual burned on, or a download version available, maybe check out the US market on Ebay, as I needed a Tribeca wheel centre but couldn't find one in the UK, but there were numerous in the US available, and I used PayPal to pay and delivered within 4 days.. Depending on what you need to look at you could possibly find info on YouTube, or other members advice on completing a specific task. Give it time and someone else might have another solution. Good luck, Cheers
  12. Hi there, I was in touch with this guy recently when i was considering buying another 3.0R Spec B Legacy, and I spoke to him at length, although I didn't go to see the car he was selling, more down to distance away from me than anything. He seems like a really nice guy, and is really into Subaru's so give him a call and have a chat. I'm in Derbyshire, so not sure how far away he is from you but worth a chat i'm sure. Hope this helps, the guys name is; Keith Pittard Lavernock Road Service Station Lavernock Road Penarth South Wales CF64 5UP Tel - 029 2070 1571 Check out their website,but he seems really into Subaru's and was also into rallying.
  13. Love the pics of your 3.0RN. I've had 2 myself and they are a superb vehicle, especially when driven in 14" of snow in 2010, when you live on a hill lol, (and nobody else can drive up even in 2" snow). Great vehicles and I might plump for another when I sell my Tribeca. Enjoy !!
  14. Hi all, Does anyone know of a Subaru Tribeca which is being broken up, for salvage etc anywhere? I need the drivers door, electric window switch console, as the illumination lights for 3 of the window switches have blown, and apparently the illumination is not a bulb, so therefore not changeable. Thanks for any advice.
  15. Hi guys, Thanks for the comments. When I got the Tribeca, there were 3 x G/Years with 5mm tread on,and 1 x Nankang SP-5 Surpax with 7mm tread, which made me feel really uneasy about 3 tyres of 1 type and an odd tyre,plus the different mm between them. As per my original thread,I had the suspension checked to rule out any issues, had it done at 'Farmers Subaru' in Matlock, which is an independent Subaru dealer, and found no issues. I can recommend them as a service centre, as I've previously had a 2006 3.0 Spec B and a Forester 2.5 XTEN serviced there, with reasonable costs, and a courtesy car available,(although the courtesy car is usually an older type Subaru, not a 1/2 yr old model,but it was a set of wheels and just had to replace the petrol used). Bearing in mind my original thread about the handling,after some thought I decided to go for 3 x more Nankang SP-5 Surpax, (which were fitted last week,bought from Roundtrip Tyres at £67.79 each inc delivery),couldn't beat that deal anywhere on the internet to be honest. Since the I've been running all 4 tyres of the same type, i have found the car feels and appears to ride better, although that may be in part due to the fact I've had the car about 3 months now,so possibly have just got used to the feel of the car, in comparison to my last Legacy 3.0r Spec B, which of course is a completely different animal. I love the Tribeca,it is my 2nd one anyhow,so for now I don't want to have the cost of buying a second set of wheels and tyres. I'm trying to find a suitable spare instead of the space saver with the car, which is a 165/80/17, but has a smaller rolling circumference (not ideal as we all know on a Subaru), and looking for a suitable alternate wheel with correct 114.3 stud PDC and 55 offset,if anyone has a suggestions? PS; The 3 x Goodyears I took off the Tribeca are in my garage,( 255/55/18 with 5mm tread ), only took off to have the other 3 Nankangs fitted. If anyone needs these tyres, or even just a couple of them if the tread mm is suitable, i'm happy to sell for reasonable price based on them being G/Years, £20 each bearing in mind you would need to collect, due to cost of sending through post or courier. PM me if anyone is interested anyhow.... Cheers
  16. Hi guys, Thanks for all the comments, they're appreciated. I take the point Andyscooby it may be the suspension being a possible cause of the ride issue, and I was wondering about the rolling circumference of the tyres if I dropped to a 45 profile, and issues with transmission winding up. I don't really want to go to the cost of buying 19" wheels and 4 x new tyres, so for the time being I think on reflection i'll stick with the standard 18" wheels,and get the suspension checked anyway for peace of mind. PS;If anyone knows of a Tribeca being scrapped I could do with the drivers side main power window console switch unit, or the drivers door card My Tribeca is the same colour as yours I think Chiffchaff, silver grey paint, with grey leather seats and door panels. Cheers guys.
  17. Hi there, Has anyone run their Tribeca on a different tyre size to the standard 255/55/18? I was considering running 255/45/18 on my Tribeca when I change all 4 tyres shortly, to achieve a more 'planted' ride, as the car seems to 'wallow' to a degree, but I guess that's due to the size and weight of the car, and the 55 profile tyres. PS; does anyone know what size the tyre is on the space saver wheel for the Tribeca? Any suggestions or useful comments are appreciated
  18. Thanks again Greenmamba, I'll get the cause of the leak checked out, and hopefully it won't be too expensive. I can't see any obvious leak, so it will be interesting to know the cause.
  19. I've owned my 2003 3.0 H6 Outback for 2 years, and have noticed that i have to top up the radiator header tank about every 2 or 3 weeks with coolant, but as far as i can remember it's been like this since i had the car. The temp gauge never goes higher than 1/3 of the way up so i'm not concerned about the head gasket, but think there may be a small leak which i'm unable to find. I'd considered putting some Wynn's 'Stop Leak' into the cooling system to see if it cures the leak, but it states on the container to add the 'stuff' to the header tank if it is 'part of the coolant system', OR put it straight into the radiator if not. I'm not sure where to put the Wynn's additive now,so any advice would be greatly received guys.
  20. Hi,Looks a great motor, what year and size of engine?
  21. Just had a look at the rubber cover/shroud I think you were referring to Greenmamba. (One end of the shroud push fits into the hole for the tailgate wiring gloom, and the other end push fits at the side of the o/s rear tailgate hinge where the wiring exits the main body of the cargo area at roof liner height.) I've had a fiddle about with the wiring but the rear fog still not working. (I thought I might see the fog bulb suddenly light up) Is there an easy way of testing for a break in the wire, or try to re-route a length of new wire from the fog light switch to the fog light bulb cluster to by-pass the original wire and see if the light comes on? I'm not sure how to remove or get to the rear of the front/rear fog light switch assembly, is it screwed in place or held in with some sort of clips? Cheers
  22. Thanks Greenmamba, Are you referring to the o/side tailgate hinge, which is the same side as the rear fog light cluster? Not sure what you mean by the D post if i'm honest. Are you referring to where the loom exits from the rear load area at roof-lining height, and then enters into the tailgate? Which side of the car viewing from the back? Appreciate your time on this, Brom
  23. Hi all, My 2003 3.0 Outback rear fog light has stopped working for some reason, and try as I might I can't figure out why. I'm no auto-electrician but I've been able to sort most things over the last 40 years when it comes to basic electrical problems on a car. There is only 1 rear fog on the 2003 Outback as far as I know, which is on the o/side of the tailgate, in the same light cluster as the reversing light, (which works fine). The rear fog switch in the centre of the dash, near the ash tray, illuminates when the headlights are on with engine ticking over, so the rear fog light should illuminate. I swopped the old bulb for a new one (using a normal side-light bulb), but the rear fog still doesn't light up? There hasn't been any dismantling of the dashboard or anything along those lines, which may have created a problem, so it seems odd a new bulb hasn't rectified the problem. The bulb issue was highlighted when I took the car for the MOT, so i'm not sure when the rear fog bulb stop working. Last time I checked the fog light it was working (approx. 6 mth ago), so i'm now scratching my head as to the cause. Does the rear fog light need a special bulb? and not a normal sidelight bulb??? I have removed the plastic cover on the inside of the tailgate to access to the rear fog and reversing bulb cluster, and checked if the wires were corroded etc but everything is still nice and clean etc as when it left the factory I know there could be a break in the live wire to the rear fog, in the wiring loom from the switch, but it seems a long shot for a break to spontaneously happen for no reason. Any advice is appreciated before I have to look for a local auto-electrician. Cheers ;)
  24. Yeah stants,a good point about the fire! Mrs, where's your hair drier ??
  25. Thanks for the advice stants, i'll give it a go when I get some spare time. If i'm honest I wouldn't of thought of using a heat gun. Would a hairdryer be good enough to use do you think, as I don't have a heat gun?
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