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Everything posted by JamesJDMwagon

  1. Sounds like a fuel issue. Is the pump getting enough volts or using the right amps could be the pump seizing also. Hope it's an easy fix mate
  2. Go straight to esl if you can no point messing about. I want to as well but I just haven't had the time or money. I plan to get a proper job done but I saw a z4 on eBay for £40 so I slapped it in just to try it. While I save for a proper ecu
  3. Risky. In my opinion 99 octane is a must it raises the fuel cut and boost a little. You don't won't detonation. Don't tell anyone but I've got one in mine 😅 Just google Subaru z4 and the specs will be there
  4. None you should get a proper reprogramable one. But it you don't have £800 you could drop a z4 in it, extra 20 ponies it's an aggressive ecu I've been told (ignition advance) .
  5. You're welcome mate hope it helps 😊
  6. 1st unplug maf 2nd remove breather line 3rd spray toward turbo whilst car is running as per instructions (avoid the maf the cleaner could damage it) 4th (optional) go for a blast and scare the neighbors 😉
  7. Isn't 13mm half an inch?
  8. Isn't it just a half inch ratchet?
  9. Nice thanks Gambit looking forward to it. Are we going in together and do I just pay on the gate?
  10. Subaru actually recommend and have their own cleaner designed for it. Many reasons from idle issues to hesitation issues and general Maintenance
  11. Oh yeah Gotta use the guilt trip haha 😂 Its sad but I never treat myself to anything so I'm actually excited about going. I just hope my car holds up! Fingers crossed
  12. Yes you can I think they air on the side of caution because some maf are sensitive to some abrasive cleaners, so to cover them selfs tell you to remove the maf. I've done the treatment a few times but only once on my own scooby and I sprayed it into the inlet with the maf on. Just took the oil breather pipe off and used the hole it left in intake to put the straw in (pointing away from the maf and towards the turbo.
  13. The car to my knowledge shouldn't die like that I usually unplug the maf then disconnect then inlet first and then start the car and apply the treatment as instructions. May I ask why are you using the cleaner is there an underlying problem? And what model of car is it? Hope all is well with it
  14. Ok no worries mate it's my birthday treat to myself 😊 Never really been to any shows
  15. I'm planning on going to this one do I need to do anything if I want to park with you guys? If you have room etc plus my car pretty rough at the moment if it's bother I'll just park in the car park.
  16. I put the cat back in once a year for the MOT only takes 30mins (well practiced) I love the way it sounds decated. But do what you feel happy with lots of MOT testers will turn a blind eye.
  17. I'm south east near Eastbourne 😅 My silver one will be going when I get my !Removed! in gear and put the alloy one on.
  18. I don't have a misfire it just seems slow when boost comes in its very strange the turbo is an apexi unit based on a vf22 I'm guessing the car had a proper ecu before I got it them it was returned to standard. I just want to get it running right but I don't think that's going to happen without a proper ecu. When its at 11 psi it's really bad hesitation but at 12-13 it's a lot better but not quite right
  19. Well I have a silver non face lift on the car the I was going to take off and put my alloy blue one on and have it wrapped. What parts of the country are you in? 😊
  20. What colour you looking for?
  21. Perhaps it's a little too advanced (timing) yeah think I'll stay with 6's for now. yeah I'm just gaping them down to .65 . I may give 7's a try see if that helps. Im trying too lose so of the hesitation when boost comes on, it revs out nicely thought plugs might be an issue they where gaped to .75 just now when I measured them really appreciate the help 😊
  22. Thanks Savage, all 4 are identical white sort of coat which normally means they're getting too hot or not enough fuel I really need to know what plugs people run with a vf22. I think sevens would make the problem worse as they are hotter. Happy to give them a try though. Got a bit of hesitation what boost comes in hard at 4K. What gap would you recommend? As I'm going to clean them up and slap them in until I can find the right heat range. Thanks for the reply guys 😊
  23. Plugs too hot maybe try some 5's?
  24. Hi guys just wanted someone's else's opinion on my plugs. I think the cars leaning out on boost it drives nicely the plugs are pfr6b
  25. Subaru Impreza exhaust manifold for sale came from a 97 face lift I believe it fits all 2.0ltr tubros between 1992-2001 . Anyone interested just messaged me looking for around £140 includes two sensors I don't mind having a deal 😊
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