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Everything posted by JamesJDMwagon

  1. That's the fun part I love choosing new parts all these little boxes turning up for me feels great haha
  2. Nice shopping list you've got there. Is the old one dead? I used to get around 30 mpg on long slow runs but now it's more like 20. But I smile the whole time 😃 Except when I pay at shell 😂
  3. I love taking my car on road trips it's just fuel that kills me haha. It's such a good feeling picking up parts.
  4. Nice one 👍🏻 Sounds like a great deal bet you can't wait 😊
  5. New rubber 😊 And yes I have too much time on my hands haha
  6. Well sometimes the pedal just goes softer then normal and it makes a noise in gentle braking. Quite concerning all four drive shafts are less then a year old as the boots were all split it was Cherokee and faster to fit in the long run.
  7. yeah but it's would of been crazy fast back then what a hell of a way to go! Mines got abs and it's giving me issues.
  8. Oh they look sexy! 😍 I've got tyres for now and hopefully longer then six months 😂.Did you delete your abs? If so why?
  9. Yeah it's a grippy car thing I guess we just corner too fast my last set of fronts lasted six mouths completely destroyed the shoulders. I've just bought a full set of toyo t1r's for £41 a corner I do love the tyres if a little soft. Which firestones are they? Grippy?
  10. But I prefer look out of the passenger window instead of the windscreen I've got toyos on the front and old hard bald Chinese rubber on the back it's so much fun😄. It's all going to change when I have my car aligned and new toyos Friday though 😞 No more sliding.
  11. Mines obviously a wagon and I like having a boot but on the other hand i don't think I have enough room under the bonnet. Hmmm but then again swirlpot in the boot screams race car haha might have to be in the boot. Just spent hundreds on tyres and coilovers would be a shame to have it and not be able to use it 😂 AN fittings look like a pain.
  12. Thanks savage 😊 That's that solved any solutions that you know of? I.e. Extra baffles
  13. So I've been doing lots of boring jobs (tyres, brakes, suspension and fiddly bits) to to my 22yr old Impreza lately and one in particular cropped up again today. I don't often corner like a mentalist but when I really push the limits and really really throw it around changing directions hard it occasionally cuts out for at least one second. Then everything's fine no problems. Has anyone ever had this problem? Is it fuel starvation of something else? I've had it with a full tank. Any ideas welcome as I should probably investigate it as I wasn't to take it on track days. 🔰🏎😂
  14. Fitted a new temp sensor as occasionally it was chucking a code seems to run and idle better but could be the placebo effect 😂. Bit fiddly to fit you need small hands. Part number if anyone needs it in pic with old sensor.
  15. Maybe check the plugs can tell a lot about the health i.e. Running rich could point more to a bad o2 sensor. Good luck mate took me ages to sort mine.
  16. Pretty sure it's not as simple with a wrx to convert think to make them last the need head work I.e harder valves
  17. Fitted new to me AP coilovers
  18. I had the same problem hesitation at around 4K the fix for me was simple after one year of living with it. I put new plugs in and gapped them down to .5 and now it feel like a new car pulls so strong. I guess it was just blowing out the spark when boost hits.
  19. Looks like I will be having a new alarm then! Don't want this one causing any more problems. dint want to be tied home I. Shame again haha. It was only off the road for two days and I missed her.
  20. I was thinking of putting a new one in that's a good price. I'd imagine it would be more hassle having to fit a new one to mine as the old one would need removing and my god it's a mess haha. But everything works now just the alarm won't cut fuel but still cuts everything else. Mines a cat 1 thatchan approved system. Now it's time to test her out 😜
  21. Thanks for the input guys 😊 It's all fixed now couldn't be happier. Turns out the alarm intercepts the fuel feed and the board that controls the pump in the alarm has gone bad so it was bipassed but leaving the alarm spliced in so it doesn't know what's going on. Had to cut open the loom under the carpet find where the alarm bridges the live.
  22. This is the alarm can't find any useful information about it
  23. That's a great idea i'll look into it thanks
  24. Correct think it's a selica? Or something similar
  25. Yes check the relay it's all good it's got to be a problem between the relay and pump. I'm going to start tracing the wires tonight see where the 12v ends and 1.2v starts hopefully I can find it. Maybe the alarm intercepts it?! Who knows. the only ecu code I've got stored is temp sensor. But I'll check the maybe give them love with contact cleaner. might even wire the pump on a switch until I find the problem
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