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Everything posted by Martian

  1. I have Toyo proxe T1R's and really get on with them, my mate has uniroyal rainsport 3's and swears by them. The way he chucks his car round roundabouts and doesnt lose grip i have been tempted to try them myself lol
  2. It may take a while to get anything interesting going on, but i will definitely post up what route i take. I may have to bite the bullet and get a newage top mount just to last me until i can build something. I am pretty sold on the charge cooling system though. I have also just been researching gold heat reflection and am pretty interested in what it can be used on. https://youtu.be/vpItPiieXho https://youtu.be/XjFzTJOuDQE
  3. Hi, Just curious if anyone has gone down the charge cooler\Air to water intercooler route on a WRX? I know some Foresters have them, and the celica GT4's do. Im considering building my own system as I dont want to go front mount and badly need a better intercooler. I think at a rough guess i could build a system for the same price as a decent front mount. As a last resort I will just get a 2003+ STI intercooler and make that fit, but really like the idea of a charge cooler with Air conditioning super cooling 😎
  4. I dont know about the newer imprezas, however the classics have a blanking plate on the turbo downpipe blocking the wastegate, causing restrictions to the flow. Getting an aftermarket downpipe with a sports cat made a noticeable difference, especially when mapped, it felt sharper, more quick to respond, and of course the noise was better.
  5. Quick answer based on what little info there is, no. What you will need to do is look at the condition of your intercooler and make sure all the fins are straight, not filled with fly's, bees, small children etc and blocking air flow. You can remove it easily enough and do this at a table to save your back. Use a pin or pair of tweezers. Then You can use a degreaser and water and give it a careful wash to remove any grime, oil etc which will improve its cooling efficiency. The long answer to your question will be based around tuning and looks and ultimately what you want from the car, this will require sitting down and making a plan and a list. The stock intercooler is good for aprox 400bhp if i remember correct, the crappy slanted intercooler which is on the early models, which I have is running aprox 320bhp and is holding the rest of the mods back, my next mod is to upgrade to the intercooler you have. So how much horse power will you be after? The stock intercooler will not limit basic mods. However there are several arguments around heat soak when sat at traffic lights etc due to the intercooler being on top of the engine and requiring the car to move in order to get cold air. Which leaves looks. Do you think front mounts look cool, is it part of the look you are going for? Are you willing to get rid of the bonnet scoop to fit air evacuation vents due to a front mount being fitted. That said front mounts do have there benefits. Example, going over 400bhp and if you constantly stop, start in a city and traffic light race everyone. These are all basic thoughts and arguments. Ive had a beer.
  6. when mine was remapped the mapper took the pill out of mine and didnt replace it.
  7. Keep it! Its gorgeous and a perfect family car. Just control your right foot Seriously though, if you get rid of it and get a boring slower car just for him you will resent it and this could cause problems. Dont do it unless you think he is right and you agree, find a compromise or middle ground. Someone with a heavy right foot will take it from car to car As everyone else says - Its the perfect car for the job, ticks all the boxes. - Either control your foot or get a milder tune. That Fozzy looks the business, it would be a shame for it to be sold and I dont even own it
  8. Hi guys, I am losing .2 bar of pressure from a leak in my oe manifold that is rusted to hell and back. Does anyone have a decent stainless manifold for sale? By decent i mean no toyosport etc Cheers!
  9. Sorted now. Got some Tein springs for a classic impreza for sale if anyone is interested. I will have to remove them off the struts first, and take some pics. Will put a post up when they are ready.
  10. Found it! It was a loose sparkplug. Evidenced by black soot all over it and being able to get it out by hand. All cleaned up and purring like a kitten
  11. Hi, Im stuck trying to find the source of this noise that has appeared this week. I have heard similar twice, and both times they were seals not done up properly, a bolt or two I forgot when I resealed my rocker cover, and the up pipe were it meets the manifold when I changed my turbo, I forgot to do those up. My exhaust is leaking somewhere engine side, i took it to a small garage friday last week who couldnt find it but suspected the manifold. I have recently done two (out of the ordinary for the car) long journeys, several hundred miles in the pouring rain with a HKS pod filter, stupid i know. On one of those journeys on monday just gone I hit what appeared to be a cast iron bit of pipe, i couldnt dodge it due to traffic and a pothole. It made a bang, I checked my sump and drove on. Also after these journeys I checked my oil and it was on the bottom of the dipstick, it didnt take much to top up to full. It was on the full mark before the journeys. The noise is barely audible when the engine is cold, but once it gets to operating temperature it gets louder until its clearly audible inside and outside the car. I have checked the manifold, rocker covers and turbo upipe as best i can, the manifold has heat shields I cant remove due to excessive rust on the passenger side, but i have used a torch to check for soot marks and cant see any. On the drivers side, no soot marks and no loose bolts. Im starting to panic a bit now that it is internal. Any help would be appreciated! https://youtu.be/kk5IVBKEje8
  12. If your side lights stay on with no ignition, then its the switch on the top of the steering column. This got me last month, nearly two years after owning the car, I pulled the fuse and two days later realised what i had done
  13. I will be very interested to follow this build savage. I love seeing people do engine work. Its inspiring. It got me to do the work on my own car. Never done anything up until this point, bar changing light bulbs, oil etc! I now have an ever growing tool box and list of jobs im going to do
  14. LOL one handed snow donuts whilst holding a phone. What could go wrong
  15. Hahaha thanks for the heads up I have a fresh can of WD40, I will give it a go tomorrow after work. That is if I make it to work, I may end up in a local carpark if we get a load of snow
  16. Fitted my STI spoilers the other day and took advantage of the nice weather this afternoon to wash and wax the car. Didnt have time to polish the car before using the wax. But it still came out nice. Does anyone have any experience cleaning up the mess left behind by the foam used on the wind strips? I had to take mine off as they were damaged and the mess left behind is impossible to remove! You can see it in the picture.
  17. I got a new job about 5 months ago (time has flown!) and its working in the community for a local hospital. So I had to get the car mapped quickly. I couldn't go with Bob at the time as he was not coming up this way anytime soon and was a bit pricey compared to someone else, the maps i have are not too bad, 1st is 0.5 bar and the other 1.2. Im a bit concerned that when i asked him to do this he said it was just turning down the boost. I was led to believe that an eco map included a bit more than turning the boost down. But I am a bit heavy footed and this is helping me out a lot with the miles i do. Also when im accelerating everything seems fine but when in traffic going slow approaching traffic lights or in a queue it is embarrassing, kangaroos everywhere, i have to stick it in neutral and coast. So i am going to get a remap by Bob in the next few months. Next month i have loads on including santa pod festival of power which im really looking forward to so cant afford it. Currently I have a few projects on the go with the wagon. Today I took the wind deflectors off as they were all cracked and manky. Left a hell of a mess im not looking forward to cleaning up. Took off both OE WRX spoilers, found a load of bubbling rust, attempted a temporary fix to last until summer or a good weekend in spring. Fitted STI replica spoilers using the bolts and some double sided foam. This is just temporary until the summer. I will remove them again fix the rust and respray the spoilers as they are a bit rough and then use a more permanent seal that will be more effective at keeping water out. I have successfully changed the passenger rocker cover which was badly leaking oil. It looked like someone had previously attempted to repair it and not done it properly including a really loose bolt on the cover and at the top of the cover a loose bolt on the breather pipe, both of which were leaking. Next i will change the drivers side as thats also leaking but not so bad. The steering rack and power steering reservoir are leaking. I have an STI rack I am buying bushes for and am trying to find out if the reservoir has a gasket i can just change or not. My sump is leaking from the gasket aswell which is a pig as I have just changed the oil to Gulf competition. That can wait until the next oil change i guess. I have some Koni adjustables I won on Ebay, so I am looking for some early classic WRX shocks to refurb that I can put them in so its an easy change over and the car wont be on jacks all weekend. At the same time I may aswell replace bushes and top mounts, I have also purchased a set of the P11L springs and bumpstops from 2pot on SN. Also which is weird, my exhaust wont fit properly now since I fitted the TD05, the downpipe wont line up with the bracket to hold it in place and I have had to butcher some hard plastic exhaust mounts to support it and stop it from rattling on metal. Well that's a very quick update, pics to follow when Im not so tired
  18. I'm hoping to do some shows this year, went to the retro show last year at Santa Pod which was my first proper car show. I'm completely hooked lol! Got tickets the other week to the festival of power on the friday which I am really looking forward to, the drag and jet cars are insane!! I have some work to do to my car to get it strip ready, I have to drive home in the thing aswell and I think my syncro or gearbox is on the way out, but I have a bet with my mate as to who will win best out of three on a RWYB day, he has a 2.5L V6 E46 BMW with that Vanos thingymijig My other mate has a turbo 2000 that never sees the light of day and is covered in about a million coats of polish. I guarantee that car will never see the mileage to Santa Pod, let alone their drag strip We are all looking to do a Jap show aswell, not sure which one yet.
  19. Same here, firefox Ad blocker
  20. Cheers mate, but im looking for a full set and thats more than im looking to pay for just two. Thanks for responding though :)
  21. Hi, I need some early WRX suspension struts in any condition as i need them to fit my konis into. So I am happy to refurb as long as they are not so far gone they need welds lol Cheers Martin
  22. A recirc is standard, thats what Subaru installed. A dump valve alters the way the engine runs, it vents air to the atmosphere to sound cool (that's its only feature on street cars) when the ecu expects it to be there, so the ecu has to compensate, it cant without a remap fully plan for it. Some people complain saying it makes the engine miss fuel cycles, misfire, some love it and say it runs fine, some love the over fueling as it makes little back fires. I had one for a few months, it sounded cool but i didn't like the way my engine ran in the long run. I was able to get the same effect by running a pod filter and removing a resonator box that killed all the cool noises. But as far as im aware the resonator is only on old wrx's. If you install one and try it you will find out, there are loads to try all with different noises and features. The GFB one is pretty cool, you can install it and turn it from recirc to full vent or somewhere inbetween. If you like the sound but hate any problem that you may notice then get one mapped in, it costs a bit but you can also get some more power at the same time :) Or just go on youtube and search dump valves
  23. No, the mapper did not look into it at the time, i dont think he noticed. I dont want to say too much as this is not a 'bash the mapper thread'. But I remember being very let down with the amount of time spent on The first map this ESL board has had, and my first mapping experience. I wasnt in the car and it was driven around a bit and then it was all over. No chats or anything about how i drive, what i use the car for. Nice guy, and helpful over text but bit of a let down experience wise. I got the car there hours early to let it cool down, but as I was heading out they said it will be done soon, they had moved it up the queue ahead of someone still on the ramps having work done. So the car was hot from driving and there was no traffic on the road for him to crawl in and notice the kangarooing, that is if its not an air leak or something i haven't noticed. I am checking the pipes and lines this weekend and then im going to organise heading back over to get him to check it. This time I will make sure its cold before he starts, and i will drive with him in the passenger seat.
  24. Thanks Savage, apart from obvious splits, and listening with the engine running, is there any other way of checking for leaks?
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