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Everything posted by Seminole81

  1. I'm looking at changing jobs and that would be my new commute...down from a 7.5 each way haha
  2. Haha never! I saw that box when I popped in the other day! Hahaha
  3. Proper crapping myself, in for MOT today as well as the airbag recall...
  4. Haha I thought I did, but I filled it up, £62 of VPower so I have no idea! Haha that's a normal fill when the lights on! Mind the light probably would of came on in another mile or so...but still! Best so far...maybe it's because of the new fuel pump 😉😬😂
  5. Hmmm...didn't want to risk going much further, but record before the light came on! Haha
  6. Finally sourced the tail light problem. Idiot gave me the wrong bulb. Looked nearly identical. Anyways took it back and he gave me the right one. All sorted now. Also rang up subaru and ordered the airbag recall and will book MOT in at the same time when it's in 😬
  7. I think I remember reading this somewhere.
  8. Ask @Sirspidey for some 😂😂😂 I sent him a bucket full a few month ago haha
  9. Ahhh let me know if you find some! I've seen a few on eBay but...eBay...I need one STi one in the dark grey...got lost in shipping... :-/
  10. Was wondering why I haven't got my airbag yet...
  11. Can vouch for Alyn, met up with him the other week, knows his stuff really well. Good guy and not in it to rip people off either. Said it was well worth doing the closed deck for reilability as well.
  12. Exactly what Tim said...oh and I forgot Royal Purple is another ace one that I've ran (and loved, except it is expensive!)
  13. Depends on where you go and read reviews I think haha. I've seen people saying good and also bad. It's a cheap oil though compared to others...not something I would run personally though.
  14. What did you use for headlights? Toothpaste? Been debating on doing mine...but then debated on sending them off to have them done properly (sanded down etc.) by a professional for a few quid...mind I kinda wanna take them and bake them @Hudson 😂
  15. Right to follow this up. Switched the bulbs around, it's not the connection. It's the bulb I think...can't get it to fit in snugly.
  16. I set the diff. to open and you hammer the gas to get the rear tyres to break loose. Do a Scandinavian flick to help whip then back end out. It's possible, but mucher harder because of the AWD. I only do it when it's wet and on late shift. But it's probably not the best for our cars as you pretty much have to be bouncing it off the rev limiter...
  17. Have to say, the red has really really grown on me. Almost as good as white!
  18. Haha that is terrible! People only use it if they're being cheap or in a pinch (as it's easily accessible at most Shell garages...) As for Amsoil, can vouch for it. Very widely popular Stateside and a great oil. My tops that I've ran in previous cars/bikes: Amsoil Royal Purple Motul Millers
  19. Have you done any mods to it by any chance? Mine was over fuelling in the upper revs and I was getting jerks etc. on my STi.
  20. Well...onto the lighting problem. I swapped the bulbs around. The opposite bulb works fine. But I can't get the "bad bulb" which is new, to sit right in the thing (mind drawing a blank on the name of what I'm thinking of...it's late). So...it must be the bulb? Anyways, keep dreaming of shaving the engine...obviously a bit off, but loads of inspiration about... Apparently the wife is going to buy me an Apple Watch as well...I dunno why...wanted one when they first came out, but my interest cooled in them...think I can persuade her to give me the money to spend on the car instead? 😬😂
  21. Doh! 0.7 bar is watergate actuator pressure. Boost solenoid controls that, and that's connected to AVCR. 😳 Thanks to Alyn at AS Performance in a Birtley for helping. Popped in, small shop, but very knowledgeable. Didn't get much done today as my stepson had panic stations that he lost his keys (ughhhh every other week I swear) and by the time everything was sorted with him, I only had time to polish the exhaust to get ready to put it on! Came out alight! Nice and shiny! 😬😊 Tomorrow's job is a full exterior clean, polish and wax 😬
  22. Canny that @savage bulldogs Anyways, finally put the rear seats back in my car yesterday. Was killer with the heat. Going to give it a good wash on the outside today, speak to Alyn at AS Performance, maybe polish the exhaust if I've got time otherwise that will be tomorrow along with doing the interior.
  23. Ok, so it keeps it cooler to the touch. Yes, hot air travels faster, that's true. You're also wrapping heat inside a pipe that's not made to do that, so you can potentially get cracks quicker from overheating as the exhuast isn't made for temps. like that, so it degrades the steel much quicker. Plus if you don't seal it somehow, moisture gets stuck in (@GeoffLeggy) etc. which can lead to rusting quicker. Plus it's ugly, adds expense, gets worse looking the older it gets (flakes etc.). If it's not done properly you could have problems (know someone who missed a small spot and it would start glowing red after a decent run), oil could drip on it and it could sink in and catch fire, extremely hard to find leaks/pain in the **** to fix once found, etc... In saying that, creamic coating would be a better option (aside from being expensive) and it looks MINT.
  24. Thought we were talking downpipe, not headers? yes heat soak is the enemy but you're talking minimal heat soak from a downpipe in my opinion. Headers are different, but again, I don't think there's THAT much of an advantage to doing so unless you're going to the track a lot.
  25. Hi Tim, thanks for the tip. What's the difference between the Millers XF High Performance and Millers XF Low SAPS just to name a few? I'd probably stick with Millers as that seems to be alright in the car just curious as to the differences in the ranges. Mind I used Motul in my old motorbike and loved it! Need to keep it some what cheap though otherwise my wife would kill me haha Just realised I didn't say actual mileage which is about 84k on the clock.
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