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Everything posted by Seminole81

  1. New pump arrived today 😬😊
  2. Yep, exactly. I was just getting rough prices for parts as RCM had everything on a page. I think they're mega expensive personally, and I don't know much about them. Would rather stick to tried and true parts (Weisco Pistons, ARP studs, Carrillo rods etc.). I'm sure I did total overkill in my build estimations as well, but rather over estimate than under...of course I forgot about a new clutch as well 🙄 I'll be using Alyn at ASP as he's literally around the corner from me (2mi haha)
  3. I would do the pistons as well personally. May as well while you're doing everything else... I priced mine up the other night...£8.5k 😬 Haha @Tidgy or @savage bulldogs may be able to help consolidate my list though as I probably have ridiculously unnecessary components for the target is aiming for...(looking around 500hp...priced 14mm studs, new cams etc. Of course everything new and from RCM which is pricier than some other brands like ARP which I'd probably use)
  4. Yep...info all over the shop on different pages when it should be on one haha. Better than nowt though!
  5. Get rid of that wheel gap! 😉😂 Yeah STi is 17x8 on hawks though. You can run 225/40/17 or 215/45/17 for same sizing I believe? Might want to double check that though!
  6. Found a power steering pump 😬 £35 shipped. Can't complain at that. Just waiting game for postman now...ughhhhhh...🤦🏻‍♂️
  7. I have that book! Got it on Amazon for a bargain (think it was £15 new including shipping at the time) for Christmas off my sister (asked for it). Makes for some good reading 😉
  8. Good tyres! RainSports are class have to say. I've got minimal tread on one set of alloys with those and they grip better than the Yokohomo's in the wet that have more tread. Goodyear Eagle F1s are decent too?
  9. Yeah, makes sense. Suppose what you could always do is get springs and try them out and if they work the yay, and if you're not happy, then just flog them. Or even then, for the price, drop and keep them for a while and then flog them if you upgrade to coilovers. Even at £130, I'm sure you'd get £70 back at least if you didn't like and went another route (coilovers). I'm just cheap as owt, and think it's a waste for me as I know I won't be completely happy with that 35mm drop. But yes, it will look way better even dropped that much.
  10. Yeah mate, he didn't have any 😢
  11. So it's definitely the pump...sourcing a new (used) one at the moment. Anyone ever run a power steering cooler? Looking at getting a little Mishimoto universal cooler. According to a few tests it makes a difference, especially on some of those little "spirited" runs. Also seen a few drifters say it's cost effective over purchasing a new pump every season as it dramatically helps improve the lifespan of the PS pumps.
  12. Problem is, I think the hawks take a fist to fill! 😂 Mine's exactly the same. Front is higher than the back, designed that way. Rally car remember 😉 Anyways, I looked at dropping with springs, about 35mm which is about 1 3/8". Take a tape measure to put that up to where your arch is now to show you the drop you'd get. For me, I don't think I'd be happy with that little of a drop. It would significantly reduce the gap, but it would still exist. Suppose if you went to 18" alloys or got some higher profile tyres it would reduce further again, but yeah. Anyways, springs will have a much nicer ride than coilovers for the most part, but either are good, just depends on what you want. I keep going back and forth all the time on what I want to do...
  13. Soz! 😢😂 Karan though, power steering pump failed, so trying to get a new one in...prices all over the place from £40 used for a pump, to £170 fitted for a used, to £320 for a refurbished of the current, to £600+ for a new one from Subaru.
  14. I've heard the problem isn't as much on STi's. Either way upgrading to Koni Yellow or Tokico Blues would be next step for a really good spring shock combo. But it's more or less the same price as coilovers.
  15. A load of people run Springs as the STi shocks are good. I was going to, but t seems the biggest drop is 35mm, and I want about 45mm. 35mm is still good, but I don't like wheel gap 😉 Whiteline do a set of springs for £140 I think.
  16. Looking for a power steering pump for my 06 Impreza STi, EJ25 engine (not sure if Legacy/Outback/Fozzies with same engine will work?). Thanks!
  17. Dude you're about 1 month too late. Guy I got my new exhaust off had a set of BC's in mint condition (only been on the car 6 month before he decided to sell the car) for £400. I would of got them myself if I had the spare cash...
  18. There's a few on eBay, but they're blue.
  19. Hi mate, possibly. I'll let you know. Just started having an issue with the power Steering yesterday. Think the pump might of went...ughhhhh
  20. Aye, forgot about Mattie haha
  21. So basically this is my problem...can't seem to figure it out. (Sorry can't be arsed to type it out) http://www.clubwrx.net/forums/general-maintenance-troubleshooting-accidents/134330512-stiff-steering-when-turning.html#/topics/134330512?page=3 Fluid level looks good, belt looks alright...could be rack and pinion or rack failure, but it was pretty sudden (didn't do it, then did it the next day). Only other thing, got advisories on MOT about the ball joint boots being corroded, but they said they were ok still? Can't see them diminishing in less than a week? 🤔😕
  22. You could of just let me have this one considering you took me radio way back when! 😂
  23. Aye, there's another lad ( @Fastboy67 ) in Shields on here and @david1972 is in Consett I think if memory serves. @Hudson is York way. @stants in Leeds, so few of us about kinda close on here. Right so random problem now...I'm having the same issue...pretty much like the dude that mentions it's like trying to turn the Titanic. No fixes on here either....anyone!? http://www.clubwrx.net/forums/general-maintenance-troubleshooting-accidents/134330512-stiff-steering-when-turning.html#/topics/134330512?page=3
  24. Where you about? Few of us in the NE.
  25. Might possibly take the battery tie and shift knob...
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