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Everything posted by Seminole81

  1. Hahaha could comment on that but will play nice 😂😂😂
  2. How are they confused? There's no proof that heat wrapping the exhaust does anything in particular. You put a heat wrap downpipe and a non heat wrapped down pipe on, there's little to no gains (.5 of a hp maybe)
  3. Interesting tid bit from Andy Forrest today in a email about the fuel pump issue I was having with the stutter: "If the car has been tuned to match a low performing fuel pump, then a high flow pump is fitted, it is likely that the car will run too rich at high rpm/load and could misfire as a result."
  4. Hi, looking to change engine oil soon and looking for recommends without breaking the bank. Believe it was Millers CTS 5-30 (without looking) last used by company I purchased the car from. Only done 2434 miles since I've bought it. Recommendations please? 😊 Car: Subaru Impreza STi Year: 2006 Engine Type: EJ25, 2.5L turbocharged Mods: Currently just light mods, cat back exhaust etc. Current BHP 300? Possibly looking to go up to 350ish with a tune soon. Driving Style: Daily Driver/Road Other Info: Hottest I've seen Oil Temp hit on a gauge was today at around 95*C, bearing in mind it was 24*C outside when I saw that reading.
  5. I've seen mixed results about this. Some say heatwrapping doesn't make any difference... Anyways, so from one problem to the next. Now only peak boost at .6-.7bar...nothing changed except for the new pump from the other day. Ordered a VAG COM cable.
  6. Haha it's about it get the hammer! Sorry which one in particular? Not very good with electrical stuff...how should I go about fixing? Screwdriver?
  7. Can't stop say ScoobyWorld was particularly swift in shipping...
  8. IT'S ALIVE! Dicked about with the AVCR hoping it might kick the pump, turned it off on the settings and then did a pull.... 0.5bar of boost...but no issue. Turned the AVCR back on with the A setting (what t was on originally) and did another pull, NO juttering! Fingers crossed that fixed it...either that or it just needed a few cycles to get it working properly.
  9. Runs cool, low temp thermostat
  10. For !Removed! sake! New pump installed, same issue! Can see/hear it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SubaruSickness/permalink/748461998669090/
  11. This turned up today....finally. Took nearly a week from a ScoobyWorld from order placed...not the best considering shipping cost £7!
  12. Yeah mate, looks clean as anything...I'm honestly baffled.
  13. How do you do it then? Wouldn't mind trying a few pieces on my car...is it cheap enough to DIY?
  14. Not too bad. It was the syncing part that it read was hard/expensive. In that case, can they do JDM STi keys?! 😬😍
  15. Hmm I dunno if you can do that. If you try it let me know how it works out haha I could do with replacing mine. But I know I've read that even the battery replacement is a pain in the !Removed!.
  16. Positive is a 12V bulb. It was the original bulb in place when I pulled it. Looked a bit heated on the end, so I replaced it. Took it into a local shop and gave them it and they gave me the new bulb to match...
  17. So been trying to figure out this problem now...my rear tail light (running light) is out. Replaced the bulb, nothing. Checked with multimeter, 13.35 steady when headlights are on, 0 when ignition off. Left the new bulb in when I went out the other day and checked it when I got back, and the bulb was hot. It's only on 1 side that it's out (right) and the front fog light is also out on the same side of it makes a difference but I'm not overly bothered by that as I am getting fog covers anyway. However my MOT is due at the end of July and I believe the running light being out is a failure...
  18. Don't think it'll work, not easily at least or cheap...something to do with the electronic immobiliser or something in the key
  19. 13.35 steady when headlights on, 0 when ignition off. Also of note, bulb was red hot to touch after driving around for a bit.
  20. It's the tail light (running light) on the right side only. It's seperate bulbs for the two, just the one running isn't working. I'm not sure. Don't know how to use a multimeter really, but stuck the ends in and got a reading on it so...bulb seems to fit really tight as it is...actually I'm wondering now the front fog light is out on the same side as well so I wonder if it may be a fuse blown?
  21. Hmm possibly...check them.
  22. No, just normal filament bulb like stock. Tried it both ways, not working...
  23. Well, I figured out what happened with the LED in the cigarette lighter key ring. Went to drive home and noticed the Climate Control lights not on and nothing dimmed when I put the headlights on...obviously I couldn't tell before because it was during the day...anyways, quick Google and checked the fuses, under Illumi under dash. 10a dude blown. Luckily I had another so slotted it in and boom! Everything's working! 😊 Must of blown it because I was taking LEDs out and putting them in whilst the car was running so I could see the differences haha. So @stants looks like I don't need that loom after all! Cheers though haha! On another note, got the multimeter out to test where that light that's not working in the rear...oddly enough, I'm getting a current through it (not sure entirely what, I'm **** with electrical stuff). Bulb is differently good because it's brand new...but I'm stumped as to why it's not coming on now...I believe it's a MOT fail as well and I've got that coming up soon...
  24. So think I may be in need of a new loom for the cigarette lighter. Literally just need the loom, not the actual lighter. For a 2006 STi (not that I think it matters much),
  25. Well, was tinkering around with the cigarette lighter ring light tried changing it to white (warm white unfortunately) and when putting the red back in, it seems to have shorted out the ring light? Cigarette lighter still works, except doesn't hold on if that makes sense. Just the light seems to have gone? Smelled burnt, couldn't pull fuse as I couldn't get it out, but don't think the fuse is bad as it's still getting hot...just the light...so now I'm confused on how to fix it...
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